Tag: Search Results

#EverythingIsSearchable – Naming the Images You Use in Social Media

There’s no doubt about it: creating great content is hard work, so it’s pretty rewarding when your content gets found. It’s human nature to want our hard work to pay off whether that work involves creating text or images. It doesn’t do much good to spend a lot of time and resources on creating beautiful pictures if no one is going to see them.

So how can you increase the odds that the finely crafted images you post to social media will get seen through organic search? By making sure that you optimize your images for search engines.

One of the first and most important things you should consider when optimizing images for search is how you name your files. It’s always tempting to fall back on the default file name since it saves time and effort, but that’s the worst thing you can do. You should name your images carefully and thoughtfully.

Depending on where you get your images the file name will likely be some combination of characters and letters. Take, for example, what the photographs you take yourself are named. Generally, it will be something like IMG530319.jpg. That sure isn’t very descriptive.

If that image is of a product, say for example a greeting card, you might consider something that is brief but descriptive – maybe something like funny-birthday-card.jpg. You get the idea. The goal is to name your files in a way that it will help search engines find them.

There are other things you can do to give your SEO a boost. Paying attention to alt tags also helps. Google, in particular, has admitted that it considers alt information in its algorithm.

While it may not be specific to SEO, you should comply with the image requirements that are specific to each social media platform. Each platform has it’s own preferences when it comes to size and shape.

The amount of text you include on your image can also be significant. Brush up on what each platform recommends so that you increase the chance that you’ll be scored favorably by the algorithm.

No doubt, having to worry about how you handle your social media images to help your SEO is one of many things you need to add to your to-do list. Luckily, there are experts out there who can help. Take the Social Media Advisor, for example. You can purchase a cost-effective package of services that can help you build or revamp your social media efforts, which will increase your odds of getting found. Why not give it a try?

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+YouTubePinterestInstagram, and the tools to manage them.

Click here for Social Media TrainingSpeaking and Strategy Consultations.

#EverythingIsSearchable – How Does Social Media Make You Easier to Find Online?

Until recently there was a lot of conflicting information about whether or not your social media presence was of any benefit when it comes to SEO. Lately, however, it seems that the jury is in and the answer is a resounding, “Yes!”

It’s still not clear how much impact your social media has on organic SEO but all you need to do is a simple Google search of yourself, and you’ll no doubt find your profile popping up at the top of your results. The long and short of it is that everything is searchable.

Now, acknowledging that the information you have in your social media profiles can help people find you doesn’t mean that you can throw up anything and you’re done. You still need to optimize your social media profile so that it will not just help you get found, but support your overall marketing effort.

What you post on social media needs to support your brand, help you communicate the image and messages you want to project, and help people understand your business.

When you think about optimizing your social media profile and posts for search engines, you should think about the tried and true rules of SEO optimization.

  • Choose your words carefully. The keywords you use across your profiles and posts should be consistent across all your marketing materials.
  • Keep your brand in mind. Everything you produce should support the image you want your brand to portray. It’s not just about search. It’s also about putting your best face forward.
  • Be consistent. While you are consistent in your messaging, you should also be consistent in what and when you post. You don’t need to bombard your audience, but they should be able to count on you to post regularly.
  • Don’t forget the big picture. The goal of social media is to help you build and strengthen relationships. It is possible to create searchable content while building relationships, but it’s important to remember what the end purpose is.

Creating compelling and searchable social media content can be a challenge. Sometimes it can pay to take a step back and bring in a professional to help you see what your audience sees and give you a fresh look at your media.

Right now is the perfect time to do that since The Social Media Advisor is offering great deals on packaged services to help you build or revamp your social media. Why not check in and take advantage before it’s too late. https://thesocialmediaadvisor.com/packaged-services/

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+YouTubePinterestInstagram, and the tools to manage them.

Click here for Social Media TrainingSpeaking and Strategy Consultations.

#BioOptimization – How Searchable Are Social Media Profiles?

When you think about doing an online search the first tool that comes to mind is probably Google. There’s a good reason for that. Google remains the most significant player in the search engine market, and it has a lot of power. However, for all its dominance, Google isn’t the only player out there. Bing, Yahoo, Ask, and some smaller engines all do their part.

Moreover, while some other important platforms may not come to mind, they shouldn’t be ignored. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media platforms are all important elements when it comes to search.

There are lots of statistics to back up the claim that social media platforms can be classified as search engines. When people are looking for information on companies or trying to make a buying decision, social media networks are often the first place they turn.

In 2010, for example, Twitter had 19 billion search queries a month, Facebook 1 billion, and YouTube 2.7 billion. Those are big numbers by any measure.

So it’s fair to say that social media plays a significant role in terms of search.

What that means for social media managers is that you need to pay a lot of attention to what you are posting in terms of overall SEO. You must also know the mechanics of each social media platform so that you show up in their search results. So, if you don’t already have enough to do, optimizing your social media profiles for search needs to be high on the top of your list.

One good way to see how well your profile is working is to search for yourself. The goal is to see what your potential customers see when they find you. Here are some key questions you should ask yourself?

  • Is your profile consistent across platforms?
  • Is all the information presented up-to-date?
  • Do you have engaging visuals?
  • Is the purpose of the profile clear?
  • Are you using appropriate keywords in a way that makes sense?
  • Does the most important information stand out?
  • Do you monitor what is posted regularly?

Even if you have done all the right things when it comes to creating and optimizing your social media profiles, nothing beats having an outside expert take a look and tell you what they see. Even better, why not consider outsourcing your social media. What could be better than having SEO friendly profiles that are maintained and managed consistently?

You owe it to yourself to see what the Social Media Advisor offers when it comes to managing your social media. Their top-notch social media revamp and management packages will help you go back to what you do best, managing your business.

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+YouTubePinterestInstagram, and the tools to manage them.

Click here for Social Media TrainingSpeaking and Strategy Consultations.

#TechIsTheNewAwesome – Search Capabilities on Social Media

You may be familiar with Google search or even Bing and Yahoo search engines, but did you know that you can use your social media platforms as a search engine all on their own? Social media platforms have become one of the most popular ways to connect with people but they are also extremely useful for search engine purposes. With everyone sharing their news on social media, you no longer have to go directly to the news sources to find what you’re looking for. Here are a few different ways that you can use social media as your newest search engine.
Hashtags are vital when it comes to connecting and finding what you need on social media. It used to be that you could only search for users on social media, but now all you have to do is place a hashtag in front of your desired search and thousands of results will pop up. You will even have the option to see the most recent posts or the most popular posts. It is appropriate when using different platforms to have enough hashtags that you can connect with other users but not too many that your followers get overwhelmed. The appropriate number of hashtags for corresponding social media platforms are as follows: Instagram with 10-30 hashtags; Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Plus, and Pinterest with 3-4 Hashtags; and Twitter with 1-3 Hashtags.
You can use your social media platforms to search certain locations as well! This means that you can find people who have been to the same places as you on social media and then connect with them. This is important because if you want to market your business, you should always make sure that your demographic is one that is physically able to do business with you.
Almost all of the social media platforms that are popular in our modern society have a discover page. The discover page uses an algorithm based on people you follow, your location, and your searches to find relevant users for you to follow. This can help your social media accounts by connecting you with relevant users that you would not be able to find with any basic search. It can be scary how much our technology knows about ourselves but it can also be extremely helpful.

Say goodbye to Google Search and say hello to a new world of search engine possibilities that can connect you with people from around the world. The world is headed in the direction of an internet based society, so hop on board and connect with those around you!
Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!
Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+,YouTubePinterestInstagram and the tools to manage them.

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