#AwesomeBios – How Your Bio Helps People Find You

Most people miss this important section in their Social Media Accounts! Do you know what it is? Bios. A bio is the first impression for anyone who doesn’t know or understand what you do. Not only is it one of the first things people see, it’s also the heart of the social media platform’s internal search engine.

The bio can be a section that says bio or it can be part of the “About Us” area. Either way, it’s a key part of your profile, and is usually set up at the beginning of your account. If you haven’t looked at it in a while, you’re not alone.

A fully fleshed bio loaded with the right keywords are how people will find you. The way you write them will vary depending on the platform. For twitter, you have 160 characters. In Instagram, using emojis can save space and connect with the right crowd. It’s also encouraged to use one or two common hashtags that represents a brand campaign or two. Your website is also necessary. A Facebook bio has a short bio and a long one.

Here are some top tips for developing an #AwesomeBio that you and your audience will love.

Be accurate. People are more willing to follow you based on what you over your attempts to be clever.

Write your bio according to your purpose. Your mission statement should dictate that.

Keep it exciting. Who you are is exciting to you, isn’t it? Make sure you use a little enthusiasm. Show a little upbeat tone and optimistic verbiage. Use active voice to show maximum impact. Which one is more appealing?

We are helping you get the clients you deserve.
We help you get the clients you deserve.

If you need a helping verb in the sentence, you’re probably deep in passive voice-land. Passive voice has its place in the world, but your bio should be full of powerful verbs that appeal to your potential customers and clients.

Include a call to action (if possible). How are you going to convert social media followers into leads? You put in a call to action that appeals to them. Here are some examples:

  • Shop everything
  • Download the free guide now
  • Latest blog post
  • Join the Adventure

A key note here: If you have a brick and mortar location, you should ALWAYS include your address and opening hours, when possible.

Develop multiple sizes for your bio. If you’d like to make things easier for yourself, develop a micro bio, a short bio, and a long bio before you make any changes. A micro bio should be one or two lines about yourself. You can use it on Twitter and the short bio section on Facebook. It also comes in handy as a quick logline when people ask what you do. A short bio is a paragraph (or two very short paragraphs) that include important aspects of your business and who you are. A long bio is two paragraphs long and covers the information included in both previous bios. It also has a few “nice to know” facts about you. Remember to include your opening hours if you’re a brick and mortar store!

Include contact details. This is so very important. If you don’t provide a website, email address, or any other way for people to contact you outside of social media, they will feel as though you’re not interested in their business. At a minimum, a bio should provide them with a connection between your social media account and your website.

Keywords are a must! You must use searchable keywords in your bio. While a Star Wars fan may love the “Jedi Knight” reference, it does nothing for your search results within your social media platform. Your bio doesn’t have to be clinical and boring by any means, but make sure you hit your key words first.

Keep it consistent. Your social media platforms should give the same impression of your business. It’s not unusual for a potential client to click all the social media links you provide in order to engage on their preferred platform. Brand consistency is imperative to your success.

Keep it updated. This is especially important. If your store hours don’t match across platforms, that’s a problem. If your website links aren’t updated, you can miss out on important leads. Sometimes your business may shift its priorities. If it does, changing your bios are important.

An #AwesomeBio is an important part of helping potential clients and customers find you.

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!
Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+,YouTubePinterestInstagram and the tools to manage them.

#AwesomeBios, Bio Optimization, Renew Your Bio, Social Media