Tag: live video

Shaking Up Your Social Media Strategy for the New Quarter

Happy Spring, unicorns! Here’s hoping that your social media marketing efforts in 2023 exceed all your expectations!


With that in mind, here are our best recommendations for shaking up your social media marketing strategy for the rest of the year.


Freshen Up Your Templates


Even the most loyal brand advocates are likely to get bored with your content if you never change it up. This year is an excellent opportunity to freshen up your brand templates, newsletter template, review your favorite hashtags, and create creative new ways to grab attention and connect with your audience. You don’t want to change things so drastically that your audience doesn’t recognize you anymore, but some new touches, learning new skills, and designing new creative approaches may be just the thing to improve your reach and encourage more engagement.


Use Your Data


Perhaps you’ve finally put together a social media and content strategy and you are posting consistently now. You are seeing some successes but you are wondering how to reach more people? This is a great time to use that friend available to all social media business accounts – your analytics! The new year is a great time to dig into what the numbers are telling you. This will help you uncover which platforms or channels are doing better than others, what time(s) of day you get the most engagement, what types of posts spark the most interest, and any possible gaps or opportunities you could be missing.


Social Video


Video is one of those amazing resources that can showcase your brand personality, but also authentically show your audience who you are. The emotions behind your eyes, your emotions regarding a topic, the fun culture you have in your business – these are all the personal touches that followers crave in a social brand.. Whether pre-recorded or Live Video, your audience will get a feel for who you really are as a business.


Today, there are more opportunities than ever to get started with video on social media. Whether it’s YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, TikTok, Podcasts or Facebook Watch – there is no shortage of possibilities for those looking to get into video marketing this year.


Anyone can build a Social Media Page, but do they know how to build it correctly with the right social media marketing story and strategy for business, the right keywords and really target your ideal client?  We build brands, write searchable copy for your profiles and develop strategies to expand your reach and build relationships using solid Social Media Marketing techniques.  Since 2008, our team has provided support to clients Nationwide in online marketing. Find out more at our website.


Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedIn, Facebook,  Blog, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, and the tools to manage them.

Click here for Social Media Training, Speaking and Strategy Consultations.

What Can Video Do for Your Brand in New Year?

Video is an amazing resource for small business owners. This marketing method showcases your brand personality and allows your audience a window into the real you so they can make the connection needed to build trust. The emotions behind your eyes, your thoughts around certain topics, and the fun culture you are building around your business are effective ways of getting attention, building awareness, and earning trust for your brand. Whether pre-recorded or live – your audience gains insights into who you are as an individual and a business.

Get Attention

People are busy. Pretty graphics used to work well but, often, they just become something that people scroll past. An engaging caption is ideal, but first, you have to get someone on social media to stop and read it. Short videos about you and your business are great ways to get someone’s attention. By recording short videos that are motivational, inspirational, educational, or entertaining – you are increasing the likelihood that someone will find you on social media.

Build Awareness

Once you get their attention, you’ll need to keep it long-term. This is where video excels. If someone resonates with your videos, and you make a commitment to consistently show up, that audience will keep coming back to watch more. This is the perfect opportunity to build awareness about your brand so people understand who you are, how you serve, and your big vision for business and the world.

Earning Trust

When it’s time to make a purchasing decision, trust is the most important part. Watching your videos allows your audience to get to know you better, understand what you provide, and make a decision on whether or not you are the right company for them. 

For years now, marketing professionals have been recommending video marketing and it’s a trend that continues to be successful and still produces results for small businesses.

If you are using social media, you are probably only engaging with pages that share relatable content. Are you wanting to define your story and build a long term relationship with a loyal audience that finds YOUR content enjoyable and relatable? Let’s do a Discovery Session to see which Social Media Advisor programs best fit your needs.

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+YouTubePinterestInstagram, and the tools to manage them.

Click here for Social Media TrainingSpeaking and Strategy Consultations.

#MarketingTrends2018 – Going LIVE with Regular Themes

2017 was the year of live video and there’s every reason to believe that the trend will continue through 2018. While the final statistics for 2017 aren’t yet available, it’s estimated that last year live video accounted for nearly 75% of all online traffic. YouTube surpassed 1 billion viewers, and 500 million people watched video on Facebook every day.
With numbers like those, it’s a given that video should be a key element in your social media content strategy. The problem is, how do you determine the most effective way to incorporate it? The solution – make it part of a weekly or monthly social media content theme strategy.
Let’s talk for a minute about social media content theme strategies. You may not have one. If not, the new year is the perfect time to start one. It doesn’t have to be fancy or complicated, just a roadmap of the type of content you’ll include each month across your social media platforms. By following a weekly or monthly theme for your content, you’ll avoid the trap of taking a scattershot approach and trying to be everything to everybody. Having a sharp focus will make it easier for you develop content and increase the chances that you’ll follow through on your plan.
The exact focus of your theme plan will depend on your goals and your industry but here’s an example. Say you’re an online seller of fitness products. January is easy since it’s time for fresh starts. For February, how about ‘showing a little love to yourself’? You get the picture.
Ideas on how to incorporate video are limited only by your imagination but here are a few ways you can get started:
Go live on Facebook
Whether it’s a product demonstration, a feed from a tradeshow or a behind the scenes look at how you do your work, Facebook is the perfect place to get started. Facebook also now gives you the capability of replacing your static cover photo with a video.
Create a video blog
Video blogs are a great way to establish your authority and engage with your followers. Covering an industry topic or fielding a common question are popular approaches.
Share Snapchat or Instagram Stories
You can use video to showcase a day in the life of your business or of a key team member.
Take Advantage of YouTube
Whether you use YouTube to go live or to act as a repository for your archived videos, this channel is rich with possibilities.

If you’ve never used live video, take some time to learn the basics, practice, and jump in. It’s no longer a matter whether or not you should use it, it’s a question of how. You’ll quickly find out that it’s not just your users that love it, you and your team will too. It gives you the chance to stretch your creative wings, think outside the box, and more fully engage with your community.


Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!
Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+,YouTubePinterestInstagram and the tools to manage them.

#TechIsTheNewAwesome – Going Live During Events

For social media marketers, keeping content fresh and engaging is a daily challenge. You want to reach potential customers and your existing base, and at the same time reinforce your brand and cement your place in the market. Luckily you can accomplish these objectives by taking advantage of the hottest trend in social media—live streaming.
According to PR Newswire, the video streaming market is expected to grow to more than $70 billion by 2021. Many factors are driving this astronomical growth. Study after study has backed up claims that live video works. Viewers watch live videos longer, remember what they see, and are more likely to engage with the content.Add to that the many affordable options that the novice streamer can use successfully, and you have the recipe for success.
There are many ways to utilize live streaming but one of the most popular, and a good place to start, is live streaming an event. One of the biggest advantages of event streaming is that you are extending the reach of your program. Whether you are hosting a conference, sponsoring a gala, or presenting an informational speech, you can utilize live streaming to broaden your audience and turn your program from a one-shot event into evergreen content.
Once you have are committed to a live stream, you have some work to do. Let’s take a look at the steps:
  1. Select a platform: Facebook Live, YouTube Live, Instagram Live, and Twitter’s Periscope are names that are probably familiar to you. These aren’t the only platforms, but they are the big ones. You’ll need to select which is right for your particular purpose and then make sure that you are signed up and ready to go.
  2. Develop a plan: Like all marketing activities, live streaming works best when you have a strategy. How will you approach the stream? Will you have one camera and then let it run or will you be moving from place to place? Be sure to incorporate how you will respond if things don’t go as expected.
  3. Practice: You’re all set up with a platform, you’ve got your equipment ready, and you know what you want to stream. Do a run through (or four) to make sure you are ready when it’s game time.
  4. Go: You’ve reached the big day. Hit the button and go. While you’re at it, have fun! Remember to save what you’re broadcasting.
  5. Repackage: The event went well and you accomplished your live stream. You can now go back and decide what you can reuse. Perhaps it’s a single speech that can be rebroadcast, maybe you rerun the entire event or just use snippets, or you use a combination of all three. The goal is to make the most of what you have.

So now you are ready to go live with an event. Once you’ve tried it, you are sure to want to do it again. It’s the perfect way to increase and engage your audience while maximizing your resources. Not comfortable in front of the camera or plan to have your hands full during your event, contact The Social Media Advisor team to come in and showcase your event live on social media.
Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!
Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+,YouTubePinterestInstagram and the tools to manage them.