Tag: LinkedIn

#CelebrateSuccess – Ask for Personally Written Recommendations for LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a terrific resource for making new network connections, finding sales prospects, getting the word out about your product, and looking for employment opportunities. A well-written profile along with endorsements can go a long way toward helping you establish credibility and reach new contacts. However, as good as they are, the general LinkedIn tools are no substitute for personally written recommendations.

First of all, let’s remember the difference between an endorsement and a recommendation. An endorsement is a one-click checkmark-type confirmation that you are good at a particular skill. It’s a good thing to have, but it’s not comprehensive, and the person endorsing you can only choose from a pre-specified list of skills. A recommendation, on the other hand, is a written statement by one a person in your connection network. You can’t request that someone give you a particular endorsement, but you can reach out and request that someone you know offer their own personal recommendation.

The value of a LinkedIn recommendation is that it offers real insight into your product or capabilities. That means it’s important that your recommendations come from people who really know you. In other words, a general phrase (John rocks) or sentence (Mary is a really hard worker) by someone who you have only a passing acquaintance with won’t help much more than an endorsement. That means you should request recommendations only from people who can offer a genuine appraisal. Someone with whom you worked closely on a product development team will have much more to say about you as a professional than a fellow member of a social group!

LinkedIn has made it easy for its users to request recommendations. Just view a connection, choose “Request a Connection.” Select individuals who have genuine knowledge about your skills, products, or services. Recommendations are valuable commodities so you should take them seriously. If you are beginning a self-promotion strategy that includes soliciting recommendations, gather them over time. Your recommendations will include a time stamp so blanket bombing your address book may not be the best way to go about it. Start with the people who know you best and work your way through your list bit by bit.

Written recommendations can go a long way in making your profile more robust and authoritative. Those who offer them are putting their name on the line for you. Be sure to say thank you! Remember, you don’t have to be asked when it comes to offering recommendations so don’t hesitate to pay it forward by offering your recommendation in return.

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Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+YouTubePinterestInstagram, and the tools to manage them.

Click here for Social Media TrainingSpeaking and Strategy Consultations.

#GetOrganized – Participate in Groups on Facebook & LinkedIn

These days, no matter what business you’re in, you have to pay attention to social media. Chances are you have spent a lot of time (and probably money too!) developing a great social media strategy. You work hard to make the most of your pages by keeping them up-to-date and relevant. You design your posts with engagement and collaboration in mind and you race to keep up with the latest trends. Even with all of that, you may not be taking full advantage of a key social media channel—groups.

The main difference between a page and a group is that groups are, by design, collaborative. The whole idea is to have conversations, build networks, and interact with people you have something in common with. Right now, the place to take part in groups is on Facebook and LinkedIn. Both of these platforms have made a big push to get their users to participate in these mini-communities. If you aren’t already active in groups, now is a great time to get started.

So how do you get the most out of social media groups?

The first step is to think about your goals. You want to engage with others who are like-minded and may be interested in buying your products. You may also want to become established as an influencer in your industry space so that people will turn to you when looking for advice, insights, and trends. Being an influencer can help both your personal and business brand.

Do Your Research

Regardless of your goals, you need to do a little research to find groups that are appropriate and relevant to your business and your interests. Once that’s done, jump in. It’s easy to lurk – that is, sit on the sidelines and watch – but to make the most of groups, you have to really participate. That means commenting, contributing, and being a worthwhile part of theconversation.

Decide What Works For You

Once you become active in groups, you’ll notice that all of them are not created equal. At first glance, a group may seem to be the perfect fit when, when it is really just a repository for spam, and there is no real give and take. You can scratch that kind of group off your list. Instead, look for groups that are truly interactive and at the same time allow you to get the word out about your products and services. Many groups now set aside a particular time to allow people to present what they have to sell to others in the group who may be interested. Put these promotional opportunities on your calendar and keep track of them. Otherwise, you may miss the chance to connect with someone who is already sold on you and your company.

So, take a fresh look at your social media strategy to make sure that you have included groups. These tools are a great way to make contacts, build your network, and improve your company image. You never know, you may just find that you make new friends and have some fun too.

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+YouTubePinterestInstagram and the tools to manage them.

Click here for Social Media TrainingSpeaking and Strategy Consultations.

#GetOrganized – Adding Video to Your LinkedIn Updates

Without a doubt 2017 was the year of video on social media. In fact, by the end of last year, video accounted for 74% of all online traffic. If you need more evidence just look at your own Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram feed. There’s a good chance that you’ll see at least one video close to the top.

There’s a good reason for the push toward video. Success on social media is all about engagement and study after study has shown that when you use video, you hold users’ attention longer, get more shares, and ultimately more sales. When the product is you, video is just as important. That’s where LinkedIn comes in.

LinkedIn may not come to mind when you think of social media, but if you want to take the next step in your career orto simply find a new job, it could be your strongest tool. Using LinkedIn has long been recognized as one of the best ways to get the word out about your professional capabilities. Until recently, however, you were limited to posting comments, joining groups, and engaging with potential employers the traditional way. Now, however, you can showcase your talents and capabilities using video.

While it was a bit late to the party, LinkedIn has been working hard to catch up with other social media platforms when it comes to video. Late last year LinkedIn reinvigorated its video capabilities, and it has been running at full throttle to introduce its members to the benefits of using video in their updates.

Recording a video is simple, download the mobile app and record directly from there or you can upload a video that you’ve already recorded. Of course, it’s best to have a plan for what you want to say before you start recording, but the process is simple. Once you’re satisfied with your video, just upload it to your profile. You’ll be able to monitor whose looking and what they’re saying. Best of all, you’ll be able to set yourself apart.

LinkedIn may be relatively new to the video game, but it’s coming on strong. For now, it’s a resource only available for individuals, but it should be open for companies soon. In the meantime, make the most of it in helping to get the word out about your skills and abilities, even if you aren’t looking for a job.

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+YouTubePinterestInstagram and the tools to manage them.

Click here for Social Media TrainingSpeaking and Strategy Consultations.

#GetOrganized – Take Action with Prospecting on LinkedIn

No matter what your business is, the people you connect with are the key to your success. Those connections are the key to sales, operations, and how you get your work done. No doubt you have lots of ways to keep in touch—phone, in person, social media, email. But what about making new connections?

Those methods are all effective when it comes to your existing contacts. But what about finding new prospects?  You probably already network, ask for referrals, and maybe even advertise. But are you using LinkedIn to find prospects?

LinkedIn is well known as a great place to find a job, connect with colleagues, and keep up with what’s going on in your industry. What you might not know, however, is that one of LinkedIn’s newest tools, the Sales Navigator, is a powerful platform that can help you uncover potential sales prospects.

Why Should You Be Using LinkedIn?

The true value of LinkedIn is that it gives you access to millions of professional people just like you. That’s a pretty good size social network. Maybe even too big since it can be hard to know where to start. That’s where Navigator comes in. Using Navigator you can narrow down your potential contacts to those with whom you have something in common or mutual business interests. Whether that is decision makers, influencers, potential partners, or buyers, you’ll be able to reach out and make contact. Once you’ve found your target,it will be up to you to make the sale.

Using LinkedIn For Research

As valuable as LinkedIn is for connecting with others, it isarguably even more helpful when it comes to research. Using Navigator, you and your sales team can learn more about those you come in contact with – what are they talking about, what are they sharing, who do they follow. By taking advantage of this powerful capability, you can ensure that your connections are more meaningful and substantive.

One thing that you need to know is that LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a premium service and is not free. Exactly how much it costs depends on the type of membership, but you can expect somewhere between $75-$100. Is it worth it? Only you can make that decision. Your best bet is to take advantage of a free trial or sign-up for a short period and put it through its paces. If you take advantage of all the tool has to offer, chances are you’ll be hooked. Before you know it, your sales calls will be more focused, your network larger, and your relationships deeper. With all that, increased sales will be the icing on the cake.

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+YouTubePinterestInstagram and the tools to manage them.

Click here for Social Media TrainingSpeaking and Strategy Consultations.