Tag: Pinterest

#AwesomeTools – Where to Share Your Blog

Blogging has come a long way in the world over the past ten years.  What started out as a “web log” was really just an online diary for people to share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences with the outside world at large.  But then, something amazing happened. 

People realized that blogs could be used for serious topics, sharing inspirational messages and more – helping businesses spread topics that are related to their work while helping to establish their brand in their corner of the highly competitive business world.  But there is no real point in keeping a blog if no one reads it.  That’s why it is so important to learn how to share your blog properly so that it gets the optimum number of views and brings in your potential customers.
Many don’t realize that if you post the same blog word-for-word on multiple sites, then Google will flag you and your blog.  That means that if someone types your subject into a search engine, then you will be way down the list and probably not be found as a result.  So how do you bypass this? 
One easy way is to use social media accounts as a means of linking back to your original blog post.  A really great way to do this is with Pinterest and LinkedIn Pulse.  Most people think of Pinterest as just a means of sharing craft projects, but it also allows for a variety of different interests to be shared. 
LinkedIn is popular as a means of connecting with people in the business community, but LinkedIn Pulse is a publishing section that allows you to copy your blog in without being penalized by Google.  This is an invaluable tool to reach your desired audience with your blogs.  LinkedIn Groups and Facebook Groups are another way to share your blogs, but be careful that you follow their rules and regulations so you don’t get accused of spamming.
Another tool that really helps you with finding and sharing material is Triberr.  This tool allows you to set up your blog content so that you can find similar blog articles, share these with your followers, and also cross-post your own blogs with those that you find.  The concept behind the website is that you set up as part of a “tribe” so that you can network and expand your brand base.  

Have you heard of Quora?  This site allows people to ask questions and have experts in the field answer the question.  You can set yourself up as one of these experts and reference back to your blog as part of your response.

There are many ways to network your blog to others so that you can get around Google’s penalties for multiple posts.  All that it takes is some savvy planning on your part and you can use your blog to help expand your brand recognition.

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!
Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+,YouTubePinterestInstagram and the tools to manage them.

A Pinterest Success Story – 3 Key Take Away Thoughts


One of the biggest joys I have in doing a Brand Story in Social Media is watching the life cycle of the opportunity.  Starting with a case analysis by measuring clients’ goals, research their competition, discover if their potential clients are present in the platforms they are interested in, then building a strategy around the brand for them.  It’s like wrapping a special gift; you find the perfect solution, build a goal oriented box around it, wrap it in a pretty, robust brand and tie it in a perfect bow.

One story I wanted to share with you is a fitness based client who happened to be male. Contrary to popular belief, Pinterest isn’t a platform just intended for women.  Although, 70 percent of users are women, they search for different things and (generally) have different interests.  You can see some statistics referenced in this great article http://expandedramblings.com/index.php/pinterest-stats/ which not only lists 90 statistics, but will show you a handful of great demographic stats which may really benefit your brand.  We followed a step by step process to achieve his goals and he maximized them to achieve his best results.

(1) Know Your Audience

If you don’t know what your niche is, it is best for you to consult with a Business Coach and/or Brand Consultant.  Define it, own it and make it you. It is your brand after all and surely you wouldn’t want to market to “anyone who has hair” or “anyone who has skin” (which are popular phrases I have heard from folks who haven’t found their sweet spot yet.  Where skin may be important to the make-up consultant, defining an age group, specific service offering or technique may be better ways to approach the “anyone with skin” conversation.  I digress.  We searched Pinterest for 3 specific targets.  The client didn’t believe that his target market would be in this platform, but the best rule of thumb is; “if your target is talking about the service they need … that you have … changes are, this is a really good fit” – Hollie Clere our CEO.

Do you know what we found?  Over 1,000 Pins in Pinterest that fit his target demographic.

(2) Build and Effective Story Rich Brand that will Showcase Your Personality and Specialty

A social media friend of mine once described to me the idea of Pinterest and I have held onto it because it is sound advice and a perspective from an active Pinterest user.  To summarize without quoting (as it has been too long to do her words justice), think of how you search and what you would want to see in a brand.

  1. Show off your personality.  No one wants to look at a series of boards just about “business”.  They want to get to know you.  Remember, Like, Know, Trust is the most important aspect to sales and social media conversations.  People will buy from people they Trust, not just a brand just because it is a brand.  Showcasing your interests are perfectly acceptable in this platform.
  2. Pin influencers and other folks that have solid information shared.  Sharing original content is good, but building a following and subscribing to others is even better.  How else do you start to have social interactions without giving praise to others when they have a successful solution?  Why reinvent the wheel?
  3. Don’t build empty boards.  You took the time to create it and if it reflects you and the board is nearly empty, what does it say about your brand?  Fill it up!  You wouldn’t turn in an executive report without all of the information right?  You wouldn’t tell a story without getting to the punch line … it will leave your viewer a lacking sense of what you were trying to accomplish.

We established goals, built full, robust boards and he maintained the deliverables we set forth.  He wasn’t spammy (just promoting his material), he was engaging and put thought into each item he chose to share with each pin (giving credit where credit was do).  You know what was great about that?  People appreciated the mentions, took notice of his acknowledgements and he was well on his way to building a reputation in Pinterest.

(3) Maintain Consistency and Engage

You will hear Social Media folks talk continually about consistency and engagement. It’s true if you think about it.  You can’t build a great relationship with a client unless you get to know them, remain in front of them and nurture the relationship. Our client did just this.  He developed a schedule daily to Pin, Re-Pin, Comment and Reply to things he chose to post to his boards.  The routine was solid and he developed relationships that turned into business.  

I have always said, it is better to create a brand and presence in platforms that will drive traffic to your website and have the potential for you to grow relationships which eventually will turn into sales.

Check it out, search, do research and only then will you know if this is a platform that will work well for you.  Consider taking classes or workshops that will give you tools to optimize each and every Pin.

Cheers to your success!

If you are interested in learning some strategies to optimize Pinterest for your Business, we have a workshop that may be a good fit for you!  View the schedule at: http://thesocialpro.eventbrite.com

~ Social Media is changing the way people do business.  Don’t get left behind ~ 

Hollie Clere, of The Social Media Advisor is a “Be Awesome” Developer, Social Media Brand Builder, Conent Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Google+ , YouTube, Pinterest and the tools to manage them. Click here for her Social Media Workshops, Classes and Seminars


Curious on whether your social brand is built properly?  Get your Social Media Analysis today. 


Top 5 Tips To Fill Your Business Bellies With Fundamental Social Media Strategies!


Social Media is a tool that ANY business can use to fill their funnel of “hungry bellies” with solid relationship marketing strategies.  This 4th Quarter is the perfect opportunity to build the foundation for successful routines to catapult you into the New Year!

So, you may have built a Facebook Page, Gathered connections on LinkedIn, Dabbled in Twitter or Launched a Google+ Profile for your business. We hear frequently that people have “tried them on” and left them undernourished due to a variety of reasons.  Maybe you have never closed business using social media, known how best to navigate the changing temperatures of updates or had time to dedicate to this relationship tool.  Now is the time to reconsider your strategies.

A good friend of mine (Sabina Claus, Business Coach and Accountability Partner at www.sabinaclaus.com) says, “I love the MONTH of Thanksgiving”.  You heard me right, not the month of November, but the month of Thanks and Giving.  She is also the person who asked me this question, “How do you eat the elephant?”  As all of us know, you eat it, “One bite at a time”.  She said this isn’t correct.  Here is why.  You invite the village (your community), and you have a feast (or in other words, you tackle that battle together).  Wise words from a wise lady.  

With this season of Thanks and Giving, I invite you to have a feast with me.  Here are 5 things you can do to incorporate solid Social Media Strategies into your Online Marketing plans:

Tip #1: Choose the right Meat for your Social MediaMarketing Campaigns
The only way you are going to know if the platform (i.e. Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest, Twitter) is right for you, is to create an account and search for your target market.  A Social Media Analyst will be able to pinpoint the best for you, but this is the first step.  If your clients aren’t present, will your ideal client be found in this platform?  Probably not unless you change your core focus and that is another situation all together.

Tip #2: Be consistent in your Cooking (activity) in Social Media
Social Media is intended to be a Social Engagement medium.  It isn’t a website.  Websites generally are pretty static (or don’t change much) once they are created and launched.  Your social tools are intended for you to post weekly (worse case scenario) or daily (and in some cases many, many times each day depending on the platform).  Without activity, you decrease your chances of engagement and you also decrease your chances of being found, followed and gain new followers.  If you are going to post an update, be sure to post at the best times of day for that platform which you can learn easily from a social media consultant based on your niche and target market.

Tip #3: Adding Media will be your Gravy to your Mash Potatoes 
It is always good to add links to your website or other articles you are sharing, images that tell the story about your post or video to enhance the user experience even further.  When you think about the psychology of a user, they may tend to gravitate more to “color” such as use of media than a post with just text because it is more visually appealing and can draw them in.  Posts that use media generally have a higher click through rate, share rate and expand your visibility to the networks that share it.

Tip #4: Build a Solid Routine using the Right Taste Testing Tools for your Social Media
Tools and scheduling options provide you with the most opportunity for flexibility in your social media marketing experience.  If you are able to have messages scheduled for you, you can easily promote events, seminars, promotions and product launches at inception and not worry about the visibility component each week (or day) leading up to the event.  Tools such as HootSuite are a great medium for that.  Schedule your posts, moderate comments, messages and engagement from any device, any place via this tool.  You can learn more by visiting: http://bit.ly/ZbYgiW

Tip #5: Hire a Social Media Chef (Social Media Manager)
Whether you choose to select an internal employee dedicated to marketing your business (online) or you outsource it, this activity should be the primary focus of this individual.  You are brilliant at the work that you do.  You generally don’t have the time nor capacity to be brilliant at your specialty and at something else.  If you wear too many hats, you tend to be just good (or ok) at one or the other.  It makes sense to bring in the experts to fill the spaces your business needs to launch to the next level, so you can focus on the things you love doing.

How does all of this tie into “filling your bellies”? the more you build your brand, you build the relationships with your viewers.   Once they “like” your page, they get to “know” you, once they get to know you, you have the opportunity to build “trust”, and with trust business happens.

Thank you for the opportunity to “FEED” your business!  Let’s FEAST!

~ Social Media is changing the way people do business.  Don’t get left behind ~ 

Hollie Clere

Hollie Clere, of The Social Media Advisor is a social media manager, trainer and author in LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Google+ , Pinterest and the tools to manage them. Click here for her Social Media Links


Curious on whether your social brand is built properly?  Get your Social Media Analysis today. 


Announcing our new ELearning Online Training System: Social Power Program


We are excited to announce the videos are getting read to load for our NEW ELearning Online Training System: Social Power Program

Here are some great details about the program


Register now to lock in your low membership rate of only $27/month. 

Questions and challenges you may have with your Social Media Marketing for your Business:
  • Are you finding it difficult to build a following in social media?
  • Are you wanting to attract more followers to your brand?
  • Have you created a social presence in the right mediums?
  • Where should you expand your brand?
  • How do you have active conversations?
  • How do you build a following?
  • How do you schedule time in the day to post?
  • How can you sell more of your products and services?
  • How can you develop the right content for your viewers?
  • How can social media work for you?
  • What tools are out there to make social media management smarter not harder?
If you have struggled with any of these issues, Social Power Program is the system for you.

Who are ideal users of this Program?

  • Executive Level Employees
  • Business Owners
  • Administrative Assistants
  • Marketing Teams
  • Sales Teams
  • Human Resources Staff

Most People are NOT using Social Media to take them to the next level of business. Mostly because they just don’t know how it works or how to do it.

Get results from your Social Media Marketing!

What Level of Experience is Required?

Because this program is ideal for nearly ANYONE wanting to learn how to use Social Media for Business, here is what you have to know how to do first:

  • Know how to submit an online purchasePrint and Save Documents
  • Be able to Navigate a Website

How Does it Work?

1) Pick your level or start at #PowerProgram1

2) UNLOCK a Training Video every month
3) Work at your own pace and watch the video as many times as you need to
4) After you complete 6 video sessions in each MODULE, you will unlock a

  • FREE 45 minute tutorial walking you through STEP BY STEP Instruction of how to implement Social Media strategies and processes for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest + the Tools we recommend
  • You unlock either 1, 2 or 3 videos each month
  • You receive the Social Media Marketing EBook: “The Three Things you MUST Do in each Social Media Platform for Marketing”
  • Participate in “Ask The Expert” Calls – get YOUR questions answered

Visit this link to learn more about the modules and to discover if Social Power Program is right for your business.  http://www.socialpowerprogram.com/


~ Social Media is changing the way people do business.  Don’t get left behind ~ 

Hollie Clere

Hollie Clere, of The Social Media Advisor is a social media manager, trainer and author in LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Google+ , Pinterest and the tools to manage them. Click here for her Social Media Links


Curious on whether your social brand is built properly?  Get your Social Media Analysis today. 
