Tag: Goals

Are You Incorporating Your Networking Goals with Your Social Media Marketing Goals

Are You Incorporating Your Networking Goals with Your Social Media Marketing Goals?

Networking, virtually or in person, can really enhance the connections you are building and support your efforts in social media marketing. I’ve been using networking as a marketing growth tool for the entire time I’ve been a small business owner and social media manager. While the groups have changed over the years, the benefit of connecting with other biz owners on a regular basis has remained the same.

Find New Followers

How does networking and social media connect? Exposure to any new group is an opportunity to find new followers for your social media channels. There are clever and engaging ways to encourage new people to follow you on social media and once you’ve identified how to do that, the sky’s the limit! It’s important to have 1-3 goals for any networking meeting, event or opportunity and one of those could be convincing 1-5 people to follow you on your favorite social media platform or channel. Give them a good incentive to go out of their way and hit the follow, like, or subscribe button to make this task even easier!

Invite Your Followers

Have you considered inviting your followers to your next networking event? You can build trust with your followers or customers by inviting them to connect deeper while networking.  How does inviting others to network with you enhance their own businesses and endeavors? This gets you valuable face-to-face time with them while they get the benefit of marketing their efforts with new people. Not only is this a win-win situation, if it’s successful for them the trust you’ve built is likely to convert to success for your biz in the future.

Grow Your Followers

Additionally, networking groups can help you build your tribe of supporters and expand your social media audience through the supportive engagement and shares of the other businesses in your networking group. When you leave a networking group, take time to post about the experience on social media. Tag the group, other businesses that attended, or even people you think may benefit from the next meeting or gathering. Tell your audience your favorite takeaways, give shout-outs, or recommend someone new to you people (if appropriate). By extending your networking through the use of social media marketing, you amplify both your networking AND social media marketing efforts.

Where are you networking and what accomplishments has the group seen over the year so far? What groups have you heard good things about but haven’t tried yet? Some business owners thrive when given the opportunity to connect one-on-one with other people each month. If that sounds like you, let’s talk about how you can optimize your networking returns using social media. Give the Social Media Advisor team a call today to discuss options.

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, and the tools to manage them.

Click here for Social Media Training, Speaking and Strategy Consultations.

Developed Your Social Media Marketing Goals for the Rest of the Year

Developed Your Social Media Marketing Goals for the Rest of the Year?

Our word for the year is LIMITLESS!  Do you have a word for the year? 

Is your messaging reflecting your goals, your vision, and your mission or are your channels and messaging out of date?  What accomplishments have you had so far this year?  How do you plan to level up for the rest of the year?  Now is the perfect time to revisit existing goals or develop new ones to work on through the second half of the year.

If you don’t know what you want to work on when it comes to social media marketing, here is our advice:

Optimize Your Online Presence

Spending some time and energy a couple of times a year to review your current online assets and making sure they are still on-point is always a great idea. While it’s certainly possible to sign on new clients without them every using the Internet to find out more about you, that’s the exception, not the rule. 

Just about every lead is going to look you up on Google. What will they find? Is your messaging current? Are you easy to find online? What do folks uncover about your business with a 5 or 10 minute search?

While you are updating or refreshing your profiles, add some new keywords or phrases that will help your ideal client find you while browsing the Internet. 

Get Comfortable with Social Media Strategy

If you are tired of throwing spaghetti at the wall and waiting to see what sticks, it’s time to talk social media marketing strategy. If you don’t have a strategy for your social posts yet, we highly recommend sitting down and drafting one. First, you’ll need to decide on your social media goals. After that’s determined, your social media strategy is designed to work towards those objectives. It should include an editorial calendar, defining your brand messaging and keyword phases, picking hashtags, identifying your ideal audience, crafting content, and making a decision about promotion and advertising. 

It may feel overwhelming but we are experts at helping small businesses develop a social media strategy that works for their brand.

Outsource, Outsource, Outsource

While it’s up to you, as the business owner, to set the socials and determine the strategy, that doesn’t mean you have to tackle all the work solo. Here’s where you bring in trusted experts to help you execute those tasks that aren’t in your genius zone, that you may procrastinate on, or that you simply no longer have time to do yourself. An unexecuted social media strategy won’t do your business any good. 

Bottom line: it’s never too late to create social media marketing goals that will help you move the needle with your business.

If you are overwhelmed, let’s start with our first tip. Every platform is searchable.  Every word matters.  Do you have a few paragraphs in the about section of each of your social media accounts? Are they padded with the right, searchable keywords? Is your messaging current? Not sure what your online presence says about your business? Now is the time to revamp your online assets! This commitment in time, money, and effort will produce results you never expected and it’s a great way to position your business better online without making a long-term financial commitment. Give the Social Media Advisor team a call today to discuss options.

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, and the tools to manage them.

Click here for Social Media Training, Speaking and Strategy Consultations.

Social Media Goal Setting in a Pandemic

Last year was a 12-month period like most of us have never experienced before. It felt like a roller coaster of emotions and decision-making felt treacherous and overwhelming. If you struggled to figure out how to make the most out of your social media marketing in 2020, you certainly weren’t alone. 

However, the light is beginning to dawn again and it’s time to sort out your goals for social media marketing in 2021. Here are our best tips for both short-term and long-term goals to propel you into success this year.

Short-term Goals


Many business owners fell off the wagon in terms of consistency in 2020. Unsure what to post and often concerned about posting the wrong thing, showing up consistently on social media got pushed to the back burner. Well, it’s a new year and it’s time to put yourself back out there! People won’t find you if you aren’t showing up and consistency is what gains attention and earns the trust of your audience.

Social Advertising

One of the things that happened during the pandemic is that people spent more time online and on social media than ever before. If you haven’t put together an ad strategy for your chosen social media platforms, now is a great time to start. Ads can deliver decent results with smaller package offers and this could be a smart entry point for your business and help you get warmed up to the idea of investing in social media advertising.

Robust Profile Optimizations

Now is the time to revamp your social media channels to get found by your people so you can make a bigger impact with your work. Every word matters. We help small businesses, like yours, maximize the potential of their social media profiles. A great profile, with the right keywords, will help your business get found and will convert your audience from followers to customers.

Long-term Goals

Relationship Building

What are you doing to nurture your existing relationships and build new ones? The pandemic made it more difficult to connect with people but humans are innovative and inventive. Networking went virtual in a big way in 2020 so there’s no excuse to not make the time to connect with the people in your professional network and start establishing new relationships. Looking for a new networking group in the Southeast Denver area that hasn’t closed up shop during the pandemic? Check out the Southeast Denver Chapter of Webo Network.

Conversation & Social Engagement

Social media was always meant to be social but too many small business owners post content and then walk away. If you are truly trying to build relationships on social, you’ll need to spend time engaging with conversations and starting many of your own. Your community can tell whether or not you are there for them online and they’ll only be there for you if you show up first.

Are you ready to hit the grounding running with social media this year? The pandemic may have set your business back but this isn’t a hurdle that you can’t bounce back from. Book a session with us to find out about our Robust Profile Optimizations for your social media profiles or to get support on becoming more consistent on social media this year!

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+YouTubePinterestInstagram, and the tools to manage them.

Click here for Social Media TrainingSpeaking and Strategy Consultations.

Celebrate Your Social Media Marketing Goals

At the beginning of this year, did you commit to getting on social media? Being more present on Facebook (or Instagram, or YouTube)? Did you decide to be more consistent with your posting or more present for your audience?

Whatever social media marketing goals you set for yourself this year, it’s time to honor what you accomplished and celebrate your social media wins!

Branding & Messaging

Is your messaging on social media the same as it was at the start of the year? In the last six months, has your market, audience, culture or team shifted? Taking a look at your brand and your vision for your business and company culture is important for staying relevant and on brand. It’s common for a small business owner to become so focused on getting the work done that they stop being intentional about what they put out in the world.

If you are regularly updating and staying on top of your messaging on your website, when connecting in-person, and on your social media channels – then it’s time to celebrate!

Channels & Platforms

When was the last time you did a social media audit? Do you know which social media channels are performing better than others? Do you know why you are seeing success on one platform but no progress on another? Take time right now to evaluate your time, money and efforts so that you can focus on what works. Share what you’ve learned or what’s working for you on social media. Your audience may resonate with this process, have some advice for you to tweak things and be better, or may be eager to learn from your efforts.

Engagement & Community

One of the hardest things for most small businesses to achieve on social media is engagement. What goals did you have for social media engagement at the beginning of the year and how is that working out for you now? Perhaps it’s time to spark a culture of engagement on your social media channels by starting meaningful conversations, sharing your new ideas or direction, or educating your audience on what is and isn’t working for your business right now.

Brands who are open about their successes and their struggles bring an air of authenticity to social media that people crave. Be brave and celebrate your wins (and your failures) publicly so that meaningful conversations are being had on a regular basis.

If you have made progress at all so far this year on social media, then pat yourself on the back! That means social media marketing has the potential to help you build your brand and grow your business. It’s easy to focus on what doesn’t work but often that leaves business owners hopping from one marketing method to another and getting disappointed in the lackluster results. Success in social media is a marathon, not a sprint, so it’s important to pay attention to what is working and build on that success.

Sharing your successes on social media can be SO beneficial for your small business. Did you know that every social media platform is searchable? Each channel is its own search engine and also appears in the results of popular web browsers (like Google). Every word matters. Have you completely filled out your social media profiles? Is your messaging current? Have you optimized your opportunities to be found in search using your social media accounts? If not, now is the time to get your channels revamped! You’ll be amazed at the results. Book a discovery session here and ask us about Robust Profile Optimizations.

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+YouTubePinterestInstagram, and the tools to manage them.

Click here for Social Media TrainingSpeaking and Strategy Consultations.