Skills Your Sales Team Needs for Social Media Marketing

Does your sales team need training when it comes to supporting your social media marketing efforts? Social media training is an excellent way to get started with social media or learn how to use it more effectively within your business or organization.

When it comes to social media training, one thing that always stands out is that many salespeople don’t understand their role in helping their company succeed online.

Connection to Customers

Social media training is a great idea for anyone that wants to learn more about using social media as a business tool. This includes people who are already working in marketing roles and want to expand their knowledge of social media, but it also applies to anyone who works in sales and wants to learn how to help their customers interact with their brand on Facebook, Twitter and other platforms.

Social media is powerful. It’s also the fastest growing channel for customer engagement and marketing, which means it’s only going to get more valuable in the future.

Sales teams are often responsible for managing client relationships and generating new business — both of which can be achieved through social media channels.

Relationship Marketing

Social media isn’t just about promoting products; it’s about creating relationships with customers and prospects, too. A well-trained sales team will be able to utilize social media in ways that go beyond simply pushing products onto site visitors. Your salespeople are the first point of contact for many of your prospects, and they can have a huge impact on whether or not those prospects become customers.

More Impact

It’s easy for salespeople to fall into the trap of thinking that because they aren’t using social media, it doesn’t apply to them — but that’s not true at all! Social media doesn’t just affect marketing teams; it impacts every department within an organization. In fact, according to a recent study by IBM and Oxford Economics, companies that invest in improving their digital capabilities see higher returns on their investments than those who don’t (upwards of $22 million vs $9 million).

Reputation Management

If a company has a strong presence on Facebook or Twitter, for example, this can improve its reputation among potential clients who may not have heard of them otherwise; therefore making them more likely to choose them over another company offering similar services at a lower price point.

Unfortunately, many companies don’t have the resources to hire a full-time social media manager. That’s where training comes in. With a little training, your sales team can become experts at using social media to support your marketing efforts.

Hollie Clere, of the The Social Media Advisor team, speaks on social media marketing topics and creates custom presentations, including our popular Social Media Sales Training. We are available to come to you with a keynote presentation, training seminar or workshop.

Are you ready to take your marketing campaign to the next level? Businesses that embrace social media often see greater customer engagement and increased sales. We can help your sales team set goals and achieve them. Whether you need a pitch-perfect keynote or compelling one-on-one training session, we can help you with social media strategy and execution. Let’s talk about it!

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, and the tools to manage them.

Click here for Social Media Training, Speaking and Strategy Consultations.

Is Storytelling in Social Media a Key Strategy for Your Marketing Team?

There’s a lot that goes into a social media strategy from content, to hashtags, to advertising, to engagement. However, it’s easy to forget, when you are in the trenches, the importance of storytelling on social media. Sparking conversations with your online community means that you must first have their attention. How do you get their attention? By telling stories that move them emotionally. 

How do you get your company from where it is right now to a business that actually has a social media strategy? Here are our best tips:

Tip #1 – Develop Your Social Media Standards

The key to social media strategy is to first have a plan! Develop standard policies for social media for your employees so they clearly understand what is appropriate and expected of them with your brand. This is especially important for your marketing and sales teams as they are more likely to engage with others as your brand online. 

Tip #2 – Empower Your Employees

Once you have a game plan, it’s time to train your team so they feel empowered and equipped with the knowledge necessary to engage your audience without damaging your brand. A confident team will engage with confidence. A side benefit of having an empowered team involved with your online presence and digital marketing is that their personal brand becomes a reflection of your corporate one. 

Tip #3 – Share Your Stories with Your Team

Storytelling is a skill that can be crafted. If you want your team to be social media storytellers, you first have to show them how it’s done! Start crafting your brand stories such as your origin tale, case stories, the impact you are making in the world, how you want your customers to feel, and the values that make your business the brand it is today. Then tell these stories to your employees often. 

It won’t happen overnight, but creating a company culture with an emphasis on storytelling will equip your team with what they need to really interact and inspire your audience online.

Are you looking for a social media company to train your staff on online marketing strategies and equip them with the tools to maintain engagement, spark interest through Linkedin, and build a solid foundation company wide? Call the Social Media Advisor!

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, and the tools to manage them.

Click here for Social Media Training, Speaking and Strategy Consultations.

Are You Looking for a Social Media Speaker that Provides In-Person, Hybrid, or Virtual Trainings?

It would be remiss to not mention that people are just not going to be excited for quite some time to sit in a classroom setting to learn strategies to improve their lives or businesses. 

During the 2020 Pandemic, our Social Media Expert hosted hundreds of meetings virtually and participated in virtual and hybrid conferences.  The key factor, whether in person or online, is to deliver high value content with high energy and a bend towards keeping the audience engaged. This is what we have been able to achieve in our presentation processes. The audience feels engaged, remains attentive, and we keep the content interactive.

How, as a business owner, can you benefit from this type of experience?

Custom Corporate Training Sessions

With your remote workforce, training has probably been put on the back burner. You know that you can schedule a Zoom but you worry about keeping the team interested and engaged during the training. Your virtual training doesn’t have to be a snooze-fest! We can work together to create a custom virtual or hybrid experience that meets your expectations and doesn’t feel like a chore to your team. This can be done from small person teams to large corporate functions.

Learn Strategies for Team Building, Client Nurturing & Team Engagement

Yes, we’ve all heard about Zoom fatigue – but that’s because organizers are not being intentional about engagement with their virtual and hybrid events. These virtual tools allow even a long distance team to connect and bond in fun and engaging ways! When working together we can brainstorm strategies for team building events, to sessions to nurture and love on your clients, or simply to keep the staff connected and engaged with their work and their company.

Using LinkedIn to Saturate Your Market and Messaging

These virtual events work especially well on LinkedIn. Organizing regular networking or educational events virtually will help you stay top of mind and keep you in front of your audience. 

Do you find it overwhelming to run the content of a virtual event AND remember to engage with your audience? It’s a common problem with an easy solution. Hire an expert to handle the engagement portion of the event. 

Are you looking for a social media company to train your staff on online marketing strategies and equip them with the tools to maintain engagement, spark interest through Linkedin, and build a solid foundation company wide? Call the Social Media Advisor!

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, and the tools to manage them.

Click here for Social Media Training, Speaking and Strategy Consultations.

Are You Looking for a Social Media Keynote Speaker for Your Conference?

When it comes time to find interesting and reliable speakers for an in-person or virtual conference, the challenge is locating the right person for the job! There are plenty of options to choose from but we understand the importance of making a great impression on your audience by picking just the right speaker for the event.


The Evolution of Social

As someone who has been working in social media for over a decade, there is little that surprises me anymore. I’ve seen the evolution of social media since the early days of LinkedIn and I’ve been around for all the changes. When you book a social media keynote speaker for your next event, you’ll want someone with knowledge and experience. 


Proven Experience

With over 13 years of executive consulting experience supporting over 700 small businesses in successful brand storytelling using social media, I know a thing or two about what does and doesn’t work for businesses trying to make an impact on social media.


Comfortable with the Stage

I’ve spoken from many stages over the last 7 years for a variety of organizations and events.  My expertise and network make me a highly sought-after Keynote Speaker and Storytelling Trainer. I’ve delivered high-quality content for many small businesses and have over 100 written recommendations achieved over the last few years alone. 

Are you looking for a social media company to train your staff on online marketing strategies and equip them with the tools to maintain engagement, spark interest through Linkedin, and build a solid foundation company-wide? Call the Social Media Advisor!

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+YouTubePinterestInstagram, and the tools to manage them.

Click here for Social Media TrainingSpeaking and Strategy Consultations.