#TechIsTheNewAwesome – Search Capabilities on Social Media

You may be familiar with Google search or even Bing and Yahoo search engines, but did you know that you can use your social media platforms as a search engine all on their own? Social media platforms have become one of the most popular ways to connect with people but they are also extremely useful for search engine purposes. With everyone sharing their news on social media, you no longer have to go directly to the news sources to find what you’re looking for. Here are a few different ways that you can use social media as your newest search engine.
Hashtags are vital when it comes to connecting and finding what you need on social media. It used to be that you could only search for users on social media, but now all you have to do is place a hashtag in front of your desired search and thousands of results will pop up. You will even have the option to see the most recent posts or the most popular posts. It is appropriate when using different platforms to have enough hashtags that you can connect with other users but not too many that your followers get overwhelmed. The appropriate number of hashtags for corresponding social media platforms are as follows: Instagram with 10-30 hashtags; Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Plus, and Pinterest with 3-4 Hashtags; and Twitter with 1-3 Hashtags.
You can use your social media platforms to search certain locations as well! This means that you can find people who have been to the same places as you on social media and then connect with them. This is important because if you want to market your business, you should always make sure that your demographic is one that is physically able to do business with you.
Almost all of the social media platforms that are popular in our modern society have a discover page. The discover page uses an algorithm based on people you follow, your location, and your searches to find relevant users for you to follow. This can help your social media accounts by connecting you with relevant users that you would not be able to find with any basic search. It can be scary how much our technology knows about ourselves but it can also be extremely helpful.

Say goodbye to Google Search and say hello to a new world of search engine possibilities that can connect you with people from around the world. The world is headed in the direction of an internet based society, so hop on board and connect with those around you!
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Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+,YouTubePinterestInstagram and the tools to manage them.

#TechIsTheNewAwesome, linked search, search, Search Results, Social Media