Is Storytelling in Social Media a Key Strategy for Your Marketing Team?
There’s a lot that goes into a social media strategy from content, to hashtags, to advertising, to engagement. However, it’s easy to forget, when you are in the trenches, the importance of storytelling on social media. Sparking conversations with your online community means that you must first have their attention. How do you get their attention? By telling stories that move them emotionally.
How do you get your company from where it is right now to a business that actually has a social media strategy? Here are our best tips:
Tip #1 – Develop Your Social Media Standards
The key to social media strategy is to first have a plan! Develop standard policies for social media for your employees so they clearly understand what is appropriate and expected of them with your brand. This is especially important for your marketing and sales teams as they are more likely to engage with others as your brand online.
Tip #2 – Empower Your Employees
Once you have a game plan, it’s time to train your team so they feel empowered and equipped with the knowledge necessary to engage your audience without damaging your brand. A confident team will engage with confidence. A side benefit of having an empowered team involved with your online presence and digital marketing is that their personal brand becomes a reflection of your corporate one.
Tip #3 – Share Your Stories with Your Team
Storytelling is a skill that can be crafted. If you want your team to be social media storytellers, you first have to show them how it’s done! Start crafting your brand stories such as your origin tale, case stories, the impact you are making in the world, how you want your customers to feel, and the values that make your business the brand it is today. Then tell these stories to your employees often.
It won’t happen overnight, but creating a company culture with an emphasis on storytelling will equip your team with what they need to really interact and inspire your audience online.
Are you looking for a social media company to train your staff on online marketing strategies and equip them with the tools to maintain engagement, spark interest through Linkedin, and build a solid foundation company wide? Call the Social Media Advisor!
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Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, and the tools to manage them.
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