Tag: Social Power Program

Do You Find Learning Social Media Frustrating?

We talk with businesses every day that are frustrated with social media when it comes to marketing their businesses. The time they spend on social media doesn’t feel productive or rewarding in any meaningful way. They hear all the bad press about social media as well and they often ask us whether or not the time spent posting on social media is worth it.

Is social media marketing worth it? Absolutely! However, it’s not as simple as posting and forgetting it. Social media marketing requires a solid strategy and a basic understanding of how it all works.

Sharing Content

Anything you share on social media is content. Unfortunately, too many small businesses waste their time online sharing content that someone else created. This type of content will earn you almost no attention, reach, or leads. AND when you share someone else’s content you are encouraging what audience you do to leave your page and go to someone else’s social media profile or website. That doesn’t sound effective, does it?

In order to be successful on social media, you have to create original content that is relevant to you, your brand, and your products or services. The whole goal is to get attention from strangers by share what you are doing in a compelling way so that you can convert these people into customers, right? Sharing someone else’s content will not accomplish that objective. Original content is the way to go!

Selling on Social Media

One of the tricks to being successful on social media is understanding that your audience doesn’t use social as a shopping channel. They aren’t logging in to be sold to 24/7. Yes, you can purchase things in a variety of ways on social media but since the audience isn’t there simply to be sold to – you must first work to get their attention and earn their trust. The way you show up on social matters. If all you are doing is posting about your sales, discounts, and promotions – then you don’t have an audience. That’s not why they are there!

The same goes for click-bait type of content. Clickbait is content utilizing creative ways to get people to click on a website. Click-bait is often misleading or dishonest in an attempt to get people to a webpage. It’s also a fast track to destroying trust in your business and will damage your brand. Savvy social media users know how to avoid click-bait and will scroll past promotional content if they don’t already have a connection with your brand.

If you approach your social media channel as a way of earning attention from your target audience, as a way of spreading awareness about your vision of your work, and as a way to build trust through establishing your own online community – who will turn into brand advocates – you’ll find that social media marketing works well. It’s a tool for connecting with people – not a sales tool. That connection will lead to sales but too many businesses skip it.

Annoying Spam

Since billions of people sign into their social media accounts every day, you can be certain plenty of them are trying to find ways to game the system and make money off strangers. Not everyone understands what does (and doesn’t work) on social and many don’t care. In the same way that your phone blows up with recorded voices talking about your car’s extended warranty, social media is a free tool making it quite appealing to scammers and spammers. This makes understanding how to use this tool relevant for people and businesses alike. You certainly don’t want to come off as a business that uses spam to get attention any more than you want to draw the attention of the scammers on the platform.

The bottom line is that social media can be frustrating if you don’t understand how it works, best practices, and what to avoid – but that doesn’t mean that social media marketing doesn’t work.

Are you looking for social media training you can participate in from the comfort of your home?  Join other small businesses, at your own pace, currently benefiting from the 40+ video training series included in the Social Power Program.  We have a Private Facebook Support Group, Monthly Ask the Expert Mastermind Sessions, a FREE Ebook, and regularly uploaded new videos to support your marketing efforts. Become a social media expert by learning everything involved in social media marketing from creating the editorial calendar, to creating custom branded images, to use of hashtags, to paid ads and reporting and so much more. Find out more about the Social Power Program here.

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+YouTubePinterestInstagram, and the tools to manage them.

Click here for Social Media TrainingSpeaking and Strategy Consultations.

Social Media Marketing Training from Your Sofa!

After more than a decade of experience in social media marketing, our team understands how confusing and frustrating it can be to keep up with all the social media platforms, news, updates, algorithm changes and best practices required to build a solid social media marketing strategy for small business owners. That’s why we created the Social Power Program.

The Social Power Program is an online training program for companies and business owners looking to be more deliberate and educated with their social media marketing efforts. From the comfort of your desktop or computer, access a library of social media knowledge and expertise that you can view when it’s most convenient for you and your schedule.

Facebook Group Resource Center

One of the most powerful tools we’ve created for our Social Power Program students is our Facebook group. Available to subscribers of the program, this is a supportive community where business owners can turn to for valuable information and connection. We like to think of this area as both a mastermind learning and connection opportunity, as well as a place to find accountability partners or support and to keep you on track with your social media marketing goals.

Monthly Ask the Expert Sessions

Got a question that can’t be quickly answered in our online group? Our Monthly Ask the Expert sessions bring the community together for virtual learning, collaboration, and step by step instructions to break through social media marketing challenges. Each session is recorded and available to all members so if you can’t make it live you still get the benefit of the training and information. Our subscribers love this time of connecting and learning from each other in real time.

Are you looking for social media training you can participate in, right from the comfort of your home?  Join others utilizing our 40+ video training series that you can participate in, at your own pace, from your home.  We have a Private Facebook Support Group, Monthly Ask the Expert Mastermind Sessions, FREE Ebook and regular new videos to support your marketing. Learn everything from creating the editorial calendar, to creating custom branded images, to the best use of hashtags, to paid ads and reporting by joining the Social Power Program.

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+YouTubePinterestInstagram, and the tools to manage them.

Click here for Social Media TrainingSpeaking and Strategy Consultations.

#LearnSocialMedia – How to Learn Social Media from Your Home

No matter what type of business you’re in, it’s mandatory in today’s market that you be up-to-date on how social media can help you meet your goals. Gone are the days when you could throw up a few posts and move on.

To make the most of what social media has to offer, you need to know what makes each platform unique, the best way for your specific business to measure results, and how to get maximum engagement from your followers.

Face it – unless your business is selling social media services, you probably aren’t an expert at social media. Of course, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. The good news is that there are professionals out there who are passionate about helping people just like you use social media to get your message out. They are there to teach you what you need to know to turn social media into a key element of your marketing strategy.

You probably know what comes next. In order to use social media to its full potential, you need training. Ugh, you may be thinking. Training means leaving the office and spending time offsite sitting in a classroom. You just don’t have time for that.

Well, think again, because you can learn how to use social media without leaving your office. Even better, you can take courses right at home. With online eLearning, you control the schedule and the location.

The Social Power Program will give you all the tools you need to create a social media strategy from scratch or enhance your existing strategy. You’ll also get the nuts and bolts that will help you and your team put your strategy into action.

The program is affordable so that you can make sure that anyone in your organization who touches your social media can do so the right way.

From learning how to get found on social media to understanding how to get your community to engage, you’ll get actionable knowledge from the very first lesson. Not only that, we’ll start you off with a FREE comprehensive social media analysis. Your analysis will give you a baseline so that you can monitor your progress. In no time at all you’ll see your metrics improve, your engagement go up, and your SEO pay off.

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+YouTubePinterestInstagram, and the tools to manage them.

Click here for Social Media TrainingSpeaking and Strategy Consultations.

#LearnSocialMedia – Are You Using Social Media to its Highest Potential?

We all know that content is king. But it’s not just any king; it’s a very hungry king. Creating good content and putting it out there isn’t enough. It’s a bit like growing a garden. You can’t just scatter some seeds and expect to get fresh veggies all season. For your garden to remain healthy and prolific you have to cultivate it, water it, and weed it.

Social media works the same way. You plant the seeds and then nurture them. That way, you’ll have enough food (and the right kind) to feed the king.

Using Social Media to Its Potential

There are steps you can take to make sure that the time and effort you put into creating social media content is worthwhile. Here are six steps that you can use:

Create A Plan

If your social media strategy is haphazard, then chances are your results will be, too. Take the time to create a plan that takes into account what your goals are and establishes a way for you to measure success.

Reach Out To Influencers

If your content is high quality, then the people who are experts in your field will appreciate it. Find the individuals whose voices are strong and get them involved. That may be as simple as tagging them or require that you engage with them. The best strategy will depend on your industry.

Post And Then Post Again

There are guidelines for the best times to post on the various platforms but they vary. Of course, you don’t want to bombard your audience with the same post over and over again, but it can pay to repost your material strategically. However, some posts are worth sharing multiple times. Just be strategic about when and how often so you aren’t coming across as spammy.

Repackage And Reuse

There are numerous ways to present information. Find content that you can repurpose and post it on additional platforms. A good example of this approach is turning a white paper into a presentation or infographic.

Tailor Your Approach To The Platform

Learn enough about the various platforms so that you can take advantage of the unique ways content is used. The same strategy you use on Facebook may not work for Twitter.

Be Consistent

Unless you are consistent in both your timing and approach you’ll likely find yourself spinning your wheels. Your audience needs to be able to depend on you.

A key advantage of social media is that it is easy to use and can be easy on the budget. But (and this is a big “but”) if what you are doing is not working then it’s a waste of time. One of the best ways to ensure this doesn’t happen to you is to take advantage of the Social Power Program.

The Social Power Program can give you the tools you need to ensure that you are focusing your efforts in the right place. It’s online and cost-effective. Remember, it doesn’t do much good to fertilize your garden if you’re just feeding the weeds.

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+YouTubePinterestInstagram, and the tools to manage them.

Click here for Social Media TrainingSpeaking and Strategy Consultations.

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