Tag: Online Presence

How to Amplify Your Online Presence

These days, it’s crucial for small businesses to have an online presence. Anyone with a product, service, or message can get in front of targeted audiences. However, this is easier said than done, and it requires a lot more than just setting up a website. But how exactly do you build an online presence? I’m going to share with you tips I recommend when helping my clients build an online presence.

Your Website

The first thing any small business needs to do is build a website for their company. No website? No online presence at all. If a potential lead cannot find anything about you online, this discourages them from moving further. It’s much easier to simply look for someone else in your industry/area/expertise that has a more robust online presence instead.

Once you’ve got a great website, you need people to find it. That’s where search engine optimization comes in. SEO is the art and science of getting your site to rank higher in search results — and that’s something you need if you want more visitors to your site.

Trying to become an expert at SEO can be an exercise in frustration. There are many strategies and tactics and they’re constantly evolving. However, there are some basics that will help you get started.

1) Keyword research is a great starting point because it helps you determine the best keywords to use on your website and how to use them effectively. Choose keywords that are highly relevant to your content, but don’t overstuff pages with keywords.

2) Avoid duplicate content. Search engines punish sites that have duplicate content because it’s seen as an indication of spammy manipulation tactics. If you write content for your website but want to feature that information on someone else’s site as well, it’s best to rewrite it enough to get the same point across without just hitting copy and paste to avoid sharing duplicate content.

3) Optimize your site and content for mobile devices. More people are searching on their mobile devices than ever.

4) Create quality (unique and high-quality) content for your website, blog or ecommerce store.

5) Optimize your website for search engines. Take time to learn basic SEO (search engine optimization) best practices, and make sure your site has a unique title tag and meta description on every page. Don’t forget to include alt text on images! This will allow search engines to better understand your content, which will improve how it shows up in search results.

6) ​​Visit Google Analytics. This free tool from Google lets you see how many people visit your site, how long they stay and what they’re looking at, among other things. It’s also a great place to start diagnosing any problems with your site. If lots of visitors arrive and almost immediately bounce, it could be that the information on your site isn’t relevant or useful enough to keep their attention.

Reputation Management

It is a good idea to get yourself some reviews on your products or services online so that you can also get your reputation going. Fantastic websites for gathering reviews are your Google My Business page, your Facebook account, and directories like Yelp. While you can post testimonials on your website, the impact of a posted review from a happy customer on one of these websites is not only great for building credibility but it does wonders for your company’s online presence!

Create Consistent Content

Blogging is one of the most effective ways to get your name out there on the web. A blog allows you to share industry insights and news, post helpful tips and guides that people can use, and share interesting content that’s relevant and specific to your brand. It’s a great way for website visitors to learn more about what you do and why. It also keeps your website fresh and current, which the search engines love.

Blogging helps your target audience find you and showcases that you are an authority in your industry. It also gives you fantastic content to repurpose and share in your newsletter an on your social media accounts.

Write good content for your blog and optimize it for search engines. Make sure each page of your site has at least 300 words of unique text — 1,500 words is even better! Google loves fresh content, so update your blog at least once a month or include a “recent posts” section on your homepage.

Connect with Influencers

If you really want to make an impact, the best way to get your content shared is through influencers. These are people who are recognized authorities in a particular niche or industry, and have a big following on social media.

The trick is to find them and encourage them to share your content with their audience. The good news is that the Internet has made doing this easier than ever. Here’s how:

Find the influencers. This can be done through a number of online sites and directories. A great place to start is BuzzSumo (https://buzzsumo.com/) which also offers free tools for discovering content that’s performing well on social media. Once you’ve identified some influencers, reach out to them individually and ask if they’d like a copy of your e-book or report, are interested in a partnership or collaboration, or if they’d like to be featured on your social media.

Having a strong online presence is imperative for small business success today. With the internet, you can reach millions of customers across the globe. But this also means that your competition is bigger, more diverse and growing all the time.

Creating and maintaining a strong online presence is easier than ever before. Gone are the days of expensive banner ads, costly newspaper advertisements and the like. Today, you can get your business in front of thousands of potential customers without spending more than you can afford. Are you ready to step up and make the most of your online presence?

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, and the tools to manage them.

Click here for Social Media Training, Speaking and Strategy Consultations.

How to Amplify Your Business This Year

My word for 2022 is Amplify.

When you break down this word, it means to increase the volume of something. And, in 2022, I want to increase the volume in both my professional and personal life. I’m ready for more success AND to have more joy and abundance in my life.

Does this sound like a good plan for you as well?

Well, if you want to amplify your business this year – you’ll need to ramp up your marketing.

Amplify Your Online Presence

Did you have a robust online presence? Can a complete stranger interested in your work find enough information about you online? Building out your online presence is all about trust. There are many ways to do this but I always recommend starting with your website.

If your business doesn’t have a website yet, then begin there.

The more information people can find about you online, the more comfortable they become to reach out, connect, and ask questions about what you do.

Here are some other ways to amplify your online business this year:

  • Build your Google My Business (GMB) page and post to it at least once a week.
  • Submit your business information to relevant online directories.
  • Build out your social media profile(s) and post regularly.
  • Pitch what you do to content creators that do interviews with other business others so that you can get on their video show/blog/podcast.
  • Encourage your existing clients to post a great review about you on Facebook, Google, or Yelp.

Be patient. This is a long game. In fact, if you don’t even have a website yet, the search engines may ‘ding you’ for the first few months to make sure you are a legitimate business that plans to stick around before they start showing your website in search results.

Amplify Your Social Media Marketing

Do you have a social media strategy for 2022? If not, it’s time to sort that out as well. Creating a consistent presence on social media is a great way to amplify your business this year. We recommend starting with only one platform. Preferably, one that you will enjoy using and sharing content on.

Once you are consistently posting, it’s time to look at social media advertising to get your content in front of more people who want to see it and engage with it. Social advertising is an affordable way to gain more traction and reach with your social media marketing.

Amplify Your Relationship Marketing

Making connections with other people in your community is the most effective way to amplify your business. Relationship marketing is all about connection, collaboration, and community. Bring your value to the table, get to know others who are sharing their value, and work together to support, lift, inspire, and motivate each other.

Once you start building relationships, as opposed to focusing solely on sales, you’ll notice more word of mouth, more referrals, and more satisfaction in the work you do.

What better way to amplify your business this year than to find a group of people that inspire you to be the best you can be?

Amplify Your Impact

How can your business make an impact in your community this year? If you truly want to amplify your work, consider adding a philanthropic or charitable aspect to your work. Small businesses and community impact go hand in hand! People will be drawn to your mission and vision and will talk about the great work you are doing with others. It’s a win/win/win situation for both you and the people around you.

Join me this year in amplifying our efforts to reach for even more success and impact in 2022! We gather in my Be Awesome in Social Media facebook group to support and encourage each other and collectively increase our impact together.

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, and the tools to manage them.

Click here for Social Media Training, Speaking and Strategy Consultations.

#LearnSocialMedia – Learn How to Build Your Social Presence

As a business owner building an online presence, you have access to a lot of tools. The trouble is, sometimes there seems to be so many that you don’t know what to use or where to even begin. If you aren’t using social media to market your work then you are missing out. It can be the most cost-effective way to connect with and understand your customers, promote awareness of you and your products, and grow your customer base.

The beauty of social media is that it gives you a direct line to your customers in a way that no other type of marketing can. To use social media effectively, you need to follow some best practices so that your efforts will prove beneficial.

  • Have goals: You probably already have a social media presence but do you have goals? If you are out there simply because you feel like you have to be then chances are you’re not using social media effectively. What do you want to achieve with your social media marketing?
  • Have a plan: Use a haphazard approach, and you’ll get haphazard You need a purpose for what you post and a strategy for why you’re posting. Social media strategy is the difference between just showing up and actually achieving results.
  • Be consistent: If you think about what makes advertising effective, then it will make sense to you that you need to create content and post regularly to become a channel that your customers and target audience can rely on.
  • Be human: Social media users are pretty savvy, and they can spot a fake a mile away. You behave like a robot you’ll get the kind of loyalty that robots deserve. Think about your most recent experience seeking quality customer service in your own life. Now contemplate how you interact with your customers. What lessons can you take from that to improve your online presence? Social media is meant to be social. Businesses that miss that truth will often be frustrated with the return on their effort, time, energy and money.
  • Focus on relationship building: The beauty of social media is that it can enable you to develop relationships with your customers. Post it and forget it? Not if you want to be successful online. People do business with people.
  • Tell a great story: Social media affords you the opportunity to weave a great tale about you and what you are passionate about. Social media storytelling is the difference between simply posting and creating a loyal brand following.

Using social media is easy. Using social media effectively is not. Fortunately, you have access to the Social Power Program. This online training resource puts expert advice and practical tutorials at your fingertips so that you can learn how to make the most of what social media has to offer. It’s the perfect resource no matter what your level of expertise. If you are just getting started, we recommend the Storytelling track. For companies with a consistent social media presence, it’s time to up your game with the Strategy option.

The Social Power Program is designed to help you learn how to discover your real audience and target your approach, make the most of storytelling, and get your message across. At the same time, you’ll learn the secrets to engagement and relationship building. The Social Power Program is not just affordable; it’s cost effective. After all, what’s the point of dedicating your valuable time and resources to social media if you aren’t certain how to make it work well? Join us at the Social Power Program.

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+YouTubePinterestInstagram, and the tools to manage them.

Click here for Social Media TrainingSpeaking and Strategy Consultations.

#FreshContent – Repurposing Your Past Content

If there’s one thing that professional marketers agree on it’s this: creating high-quality content is hard! Not only is it hard, but it also requires near mastery of a number of tools and resources. So it makes sense that you want to get as much out of your content as possible. The best way to do that is to repurpose it or use it in new and varied ways. Of course, doing that sounds much easier than it really is. Fortunately, we’ve got some ideas that can help you get a jump-start on repurposing past content.

Share on a Different Platform

The most efficient way to reuse your content is to share it across multiple platforms. A short blog post can quickly become a Facebook or Twitter post. A longer post might work best on your LinkedIn account. The point is you should make the most of all your social media accounts as a way to get more exposure for your content.

Give it a Facelift

The biggest problem with content is that it quickly becomes dated. Sometimes all you need to do is freshen it up by taking an older post and incorporating a current issue or challenge you’re facing; once done, it’s ready to re-post. As this “fresh” material gains relevance, you can use it in an email campaign or a brand new social media post.

Shapeshift It

There are many ways to take your old content and create something entirely different. A blog post can become a slide deck that can be posted to SlideShare or turned into a video. An article with statistics can become an infographic. With a little imagination, you can take an old piece of content, dust it off, and turn it into something completely different.

Mix and Merge

If you’ve been creating content for some time, you likely have a great deal of information on related topics. Bundling complementary material to create an e-book not only breathes new life into old articles, but it also cements your position as an authority. If your content has more of a “how-to” flavor to it, you can package it into a webinar. Even better, why not do both?

With a little creativity and imagination, you can turn older content into a brand new asset. In fact, you can use the very same information to create multiple articles, posts, and tools. Done the right way, what you thought was a one-shot post or article can be turned into something that is evergreen and long-lasting.

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+YouTubePinterestInstagram, and the tools to manage them.

Click here for Social Media TrainingSpeaking and Strategy Consultations.

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