Tag: #CelebrateSuccess

Celebrate Your Social Media Marketing Goals

At the beginning of this year, did you commit to getting on social media? Being more present on Facebook (or Instagram, or YouTube)? Did you decide to be more consistent with your posting or more present for your audience?

Whatever social media marketing goals you set for yourself this year, it’s time to honor what you accomplished and celebrate your social media wins!

Branding & Messaging

Is your messaging on social media the same as it was at the start of the year? In the last six months, has your market, audience, culture or team shifted? Taking a look at your brand and your vision for your business and company culture is important for staying relevant and on brand. It’s common for a small business owner to become so focused on getting the work done that they stop being intentional about what they put out in the world.

If you are regularly updating and staying on top of your messaging on your website, when connecting in-person, and on your social media channels – then it’s time to celebrate!

Channels & Platforms

When was the last time you did a social media audit? Do you know which social media channels are performing better than others? Do you know why you are seeing success on one platform but no progress on another? Take time right now to evaluate your time, money and efforts so that you can focus on what works. Share what you’ve learned or what’s working for you on social media. Your audience may resonate with this process, have some advice for you to tweak things and be better, or may be eager to learn from your efforts.

Engagement & Community

One of the hardest things for most small businesses to achieve on social media is engagement. What goals did you have for social media engagement at the beginning of the year and how is that working out for you now? Perhaps it’s time to spark a culture of engagement on your social media channels by starting meaningful conversations, sharing your new ideas or direction, or educating your audience on what is and isn’t working for your business right now.

Brands who are open about their successes and their struggles bring an air of authenticity to social media that people crave. Be brave and celebrate your wins (and your failures) publicly so that meaningful conversations are being had on a regular basis.

If you have made progress at all so far this year on social media, then pat yourself on the back! That means social media marketing has the potential to help you build your brand and grow your business. It’s easy to focus on what doesn’t work but often that leaves business owners hopping from one marketing method to another and getting disappointed in the lackluster results. Success in social media is a marathon, not a sprint, so it’s important to pay attention to what is working and build on that success.

Sharing your successes on social media can be SO beneficial for your small business. Did you know that every social media platform is searchable? Each channel is its own search engine and also appears in the results of popular web browsers (like Google). Every word matters. Have you completely filled out your social media profiles? Is your messaging current? Have you optimized your opportunities to be found in search using your social media accounts? If not, now is the time to get your channels revamped! You’ll be amazed at the results. Book a discovery session here and ask us about Robust Profile Optimizations.

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+YouTubePinterestInstagram, and the tools to manage them.

Click here for Social Media TrainingSpeaking and Strategy Consultations.

Celebrate Your Networking Goals

Did you set goals for your networking efforts this year? If you want to get the most out of the time you spend networking for your business, it’s essential that you set goals for your efforts. In fact, we wrote all about setting networking goals here.

When you celebrate your wins on a regular basis it helps with confidence, positive thinking, forward momentum, and motivation. Knowing you on the right track with your efforts and that, even when things are tough you are achieving your goals, is a small business success technique.

Identify Your Personal Wins

Midyear is the perfect time to evaluate the various networking groups you participate in. Have you met any of this year’s networking goals? If yes, then celebrate your progress! It takes time and effort to participate at a level where you start seeing true results so, if you are, congratulations! Taking time to honor these small successes gives you the opportunity to evaluate what is and isn’t working, as well pausing to recognize the benefits of all your hard work.

Group Accomplishments

If you are struggling to identify any individual goals you’ve met with your networking groups so far, perhaps there are group accomplishments you could celebrate instead. Has the group grown this year? Did it pivot in an impactful way? Has attending the meetings helped you build an audience or a tribe? Most businesses join networking groups to find clients and make money but there can be other results from attending these events that may benefit your business.

Invite Others

Once you know that you have found a beneficial networking group that is helping you achieve your business goals, one way to celebrate is to share the group with others! Your audience will be motivated by your success and bolstering the group could bring additional benefits your way.

If you did select goals for business networking this year, now is a great time to pull out those goals and do a self-evaluation of your progress. Can you celebrate any networking wins right now?

Sharing your successes on social media allows others to connect with you, build rapport with you, and become motivated by your progress. Did you know that every social media platform is searchable? Each channel is its own search engine and also appears in the results of popular web browsers (like Google). Every word matters. Have you completely filled out your social media profiles? Is your messaging current? Have you optimized your opportunities to be found in search using your social media accounts? If not, now is the time to get your channels revamped! You’ll be amazed at the results. Book a discovery session here and ask us about Robust Profile Optimizations.

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+YouTubePinterestInstagram, and the tools to manage them.

Click here for Social Media TrainingSpeaking and Strategy Consultations.

#CelebrateSuccess – Ask for Personally Written Recommendations for LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a terrific resource for making new network connections, finding sales prospects, getting the word out about your product, and looking for employment opportunities. A well-written profile along with endorsements can go a long way toward helping you establish credibility and reach new contacts. However, as good as they are, the general LinkedIn tools are no substitute for personally written recommendations.

First of all, let’s remember the difference between an endorsement and a recommendation. An endorsement is a one-click checkmark-type confirmation that you are good at a particular skill. It’s a good thing to have, but it’s not comprehensive, and the person endorsing you can only choose from a pre-specified list of skills. A recommendation, on the other hand, is a written statement by one a person in your connection network. You can’t request that someone give you a particular endorsement, but you can reach out and request that someone you know offer their own personal recommendation.

The value of a LinkedIn recommendation is that it offers real insight into your product or capabilities. That means it’s important that your recommendations come from people who really know you. In other words, a general phrase (John rocks) or sentence (Mary is a really hard worker) by someone who you have only a passing acquaintance with won’t help much more than an endorsement. That means you should request recommendations only from people who can offer a genuine appraisal. Someone with whom you worked closely on a product development team will have much more to say about you as a professional than a fellow member of a social group!

LinkedIn has made it easy for its users to request recommendations. Just view a connection, choose “Request a Connection.” Select individuals who have genuine knowledge about your skills, products, or services. Recommendations are valuable commodities so you should take them seriously. If you are beginning a self-promotion strategy that includes soliciting recommendations, gather them over time. Your recommendations will include a time stamp so blanket bombing your address book may not be the best way to go about it. Start with the people who know you best and work your way through your list bit by bit.

Written recommendations can go a long way in making your profile more robust and authoritative. Those who offer them are putting their name on the line for you. Be sure to say thank you! Remember, you don’t have to be asked when it comes to offering recommendations so don’t hesitate to pay it forward by offering your recommendation in return.

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+YouTubePinterestInstagram, and the tools to manage them.

Click here for Social Media TrainingSpeaking and Strategy Consultations.

#CelebrateSuccess – Celebrate Your Customers’ Wins & Successes

Talk to almost any boss, and he or she will tell you that one quality they highly value in their employees is self-motivation. We don’t disagree. That’s a pretty good trait to have—both for you and for your team. But the truth is, no matter how internally motivated, everyone needs a good pat on the back once in a while. But you probably already knew that.

So given that handing out kudos is a good thing, doesn’t it stand to reason that your customers should be on that list, too? After all, they play a pretty big part in determining whether or not you are successful; you owe it to your customers to make sure they know that.

One of the best ways you can recognize your customers and show your appreciation for all they do for you is to help them celebrate success.

One tricky element in setting up a way to celebrate customer success is determining precisely what success means. It’s really up to the customer to define it. But if you are good at what you do, you probably know your customer well enough to be able to toot their horn. In case you can’t, here are a few foolproof events that you can take advantage of to say congratulations.


The best milestones to celebrate will depend on the type of business, but good examples are recognizing when they’ve been in business for a specific period or passed a quantitative target such as a number of users or number of units sold.

Big Wins

A big win might be landing a hard-fought contract, hiring a notable expert, getting a grant, or receiving an industry award.

Life Events

Special life events are always worthy of celebration. It might be a promotion, a marriage, or the addition of a new baby.

As for how you say “Bravo!” that’s up to you. Social media is always an excellent tool for getting the word out, and you can’t go wrong with a personal note. If you publish a newsletter, then that will work as well. The point is, you want to let your customers know that you see their awesome work and that you appreciate it.

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+YouTubePinterestInstagram, and the tools to manage them.

Click here for Social Media TrainingSpeaking and Strategy Consultations.

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