#LearnSocialMedia – The Right Way to Encourage Social Media Engagement
We all know that content is king. But it’s not just any king; it’s a very hungry king. Creating good content and putting it out there isn’t enough. It’s a bit like growing a garden. You can’t just scatter some seeds and expect to get fresh veggies all season. For your garden to remain healthy and prolific you have to cultivate it, water it, and weed it.
For small business owners, there’s a lot to love about working with social media—it lets us use the creative side of our brain while connecting with our customers, it’s cost-effective, and it can help us strengthen our relationships. But is your social media strategy really working or are you just creating content that isn’t getting seen?
Effective social media is content that generates engagement. That means it’s getting liked, shared, and commented on. If you can honestly say yes, that’s what’s happening with your social media, then great! It’s time for you to take it to the next level. But if your answer is no, then now is the perfect time to take a pause and revisit the best ways to make sure your social media content is getting engagement.
Do You Have A Strategy?
When you make a post to social media, do you have a reason for it? Unless you have well thought out goals and objectives, then it’s a pretty good bet that you are wasting valuable time and resources. Be sure that your strategy includes a way to measure success!
Are You Tailoring Your Content To The Platform?
It makes a lot of sense to repurpose your content so that you can use it across multiple platforms. However, have you thought about how to tweak that content so that it works for the platform on which you are posting it? While it may seem like content is content, you need to make sure that what you post works for the platform you are using; for example, video works best on some platforms, like YouTube, and images work better on others, like Pinterest.
Are You Consistent And Authentic?
In many ways, social media is like everything else in business — we expect the people we work with to be dependable and have our best interests at heart. If your audience can’t count on you or they peg you as a fake, they’ll stop trusting you.
Because social media is so easy to access, we take for granted that all we need to do is jump in. The problem with that approach is that it neglects to take into account that there are right and wrong ways to do things. The good news is, there is still a quick and effective way to learn what you need, not just to make social media posts but also to get engagement: the Social Power Program.
Whether you’re starting from scratch or you’re fine-tuning your social media engagement strategy, this online eLearning and Accountability training system offered by the Social Power Program can help you make sure that you are getting the most from your social media. When you take advantage of the program and team, you’ll have the tools not just to post on social media, but to get the engagement you’re looking for.
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Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, and the tools to manage them.
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#LearnSocialMedia, Social Engagement, Social Media Engagement