#LearningIsAwesome – The Value of Learning Something New

In the spirit of the Back To School time of year, we realized that you are never too old to learn something new. Our kids shouldn’t be the only ones continuing their education this Fall. So pick up some extra school supplies because we are going to list the 5 reasons you should open yourself up to learning new things!
You Will Live Longer
In a study done by Reader’s Digest, professionals found that people who read more for 30 minutes a day for years would on average live two years longer than those who didn’t read at all. Instead of watching tv at night, try to pick up a book, you might just live longer!
You Will Get Better Job Offers
By continuing to learn everyday, you are guaranteed to increase your knowledge, literacy, and understanding of new innovations. These skills will show in job interviews and you are more likely to get the job you want than someone who’s brain power has been stagnant since grade school. If you are a small business owners, those offers could look like speaking engagements or opportunities to spread your message to a wider audience.
You Will Win Family Arguments
There is little that is more satisfying than the silence that follow’s a relative’s inability to retort an intellectual conversation at the dinner table. With Thanksgiving on the horizon, it might be time for you to work out your brain for any potential family arguments.
You Will Find New Talents
When you spend the time to learn a new task, you may find that you have a knack for it. Don’t avoid learning a new skill just because you don’t think you have the time for it or you think you’re too old to learn. Instead rent out a book from the library or take a class on a skill you’ve never tried.
You Will Make New Friends
You might not be convinced but there are other people out there in the same position as you! You may meet someone new in a class or connect with someone online who is also trying to learn something new. Or you could learn a new language and find yourself meeting people from all over the globe! The possibilities are endless!

Being an adult is no longer an excuse; there is so much value to learning something new even when you are no longer in school. So pick up a book, sign up for a class, or join an online forum and start learning! Can’t wait to see your AWESOME!
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Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+,YouTubePinterestInstagram and the tools to manage them.

#LearningIsAwesome, Education, Elearning, learning, Training, Workshop