#LearningIsAwesome – Why You Should Attend Events & Conferences

You’ve been invited by your coworkers to another event or conference and you’re not sure if you should go. Those events can be dull or even just awkward when you are forced to meet new people. However, going to an event or conference can be one of the best things you can do for your career, education, and social circle. Here is why we think you should say yes when invited to an event or conference:
Networking Will Expand Your Job Opportunities and Social Circle
Remember when you were in kindergarten and you met your best friends on the playground from just starting up a conversation and deciding you were automatically friends? Meeting and connecting with people seems to be a lot harder nowadays. As hard as it may be to approach a stranger and strike up a conversation, you will be thankful that you did. You may meet someone who is looking to hire in your field or someone who you really connect with. Even if they don’t end up being suitable to add to your client base, they could be a great power partner to collaborate with and expand your reach. The possibilities when it comes to making new connections are endless!
You Will Learn About all of The Latest Innovations
Conferences are an excellent time for companies to show off their newest gadgets and it is a great opportunity to learn about technology that you may eventually need to use in your work or personal life. You can watch as many Youtube videos as you want, but you wont learn nearly as effectively as when you are surrounded by likeminded and interested people. Staying on top of the trends in your industry will help you become an expert in your field and people are drawn to influencers and experts.
You Will Learn About Yourself
When you attend conferences and invest in yourself, you will learn a lot about yourself as well. Throughout workshops you may learn that you actually have a skill for what is being taught. You will learn that you are great at meeting new people and wish you had been doing this a long time ago to expand your professional network. You may even learn that you love public speaking and would like to lead and host an event by yourself. When you try new things, especially when they involve meeting new people and gaining exposure to new ideas, you end up learning things about yourself.
Going to a business event or conference can be daunting but there are so many benefits to taking the plunge and going. Instead of psyching yourself out, go and see how much you learn.

And not to mention there may be some really good food and memorable conversation as well! Can’t wait to see you #BeAwesome and successful in these social settings!
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Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+,YouTubePinterestInstagram and the tools to manage them.

#BeAwesome, conference, Event Marketing, live events, Networking