Influencing the Culture of Your Social Media Followers
Social media is an excellent tool for demonstrating a positive company culture, grabbing the attention of your ideal clients, and attracting and retaining talent. The following tips will help you use social media to demonstrate your company culture and co-create your social media experience with your audience!
Be Transparent
It’s a well known fact that most social media accounts aren’t being managed by the business owner. Or that the posts are being scheduled in advance. And while both of these means of outsourcing can be a great thing for small business owners, it’s important to do this the right way. Your audience needs to know you are there for them. That who you say you are and who you actually are align. That you’ll be there for them if/when they comment and engage. If you want to build trust with your followers, it starts with your authentic presence. You don’t need to show you audience everything about your life, but letting them in here and there will showcase that you are a real person, with real feelings, looking to make a big impact on the world – and they’ll love you for it!
Create Culture-Lead Content
People will be drawn to your online persona based on your content. The type of content you create will have a direct correlation on who follows you and how they engage with your posts. Each post should be designed and each caption written in a strategic manner. Begin by asking these questions about your content:
- How do you want the viewer to feel?
- What transformational impact are you delivering with this post?
- What action do you want the viewer to take after seeing your content?
If you want a highly engaged audience culture, you’ll have to focus on encouraging your audience to respond, reply, and share your post. This isn’t easy. Often simply asking can work but not all the time. You’ll want to create excitement and interest to stop the mindless scrolling and get people to interact with your work.
One of the best ways to lead the social media culture of your online presence is to be present. If you can schedule time to have live conversations, Q&A events, educational videos where people can comment, ask questions, and engage in conversation with you in real time – they will start to feel truly invested in what you are building. They’ll feel connected with you and your brand. Schedule times to show up and just talk to your people. Yes, there will be trolls but those are easy to block, delete, or ignore. Your target audience will be there too and that is an opportunity worth showing up for!
Anyone can build a Social Media Page, but do they know how to build it correctly with the right social media marketing story and strategy for business, the right keywords and really target your ideal client? We build brands, write searchable copy for your profiles and develop strategies to expand your reach and build relationships using solid Social Media Marketing techniques. Since 2008, our team has provided support to clients Nationwide in online marketing. Find out more at our website.
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Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedIn, Facebook, Blog, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, and the tools to manage them.
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Becomeing an Influencer, becoming an influencer, Brand Storytelling, Influencer, Influencer Marketing, Influencers, storytelling in social media