How to Amplify Your Social Media Marketing

The social media landscape is always changing, and it can be hard to stay on top. When it comes to your business, you need to take advantage of the opportunities social media presents in order to find success for your company. Here’s how you can amplify your social media efforts in 2022.

Change It Up

Social media is the number one platform marketers use to connect with customers. But while staying relevant on social media is essential, it’s not enough by itself. The new challenge is to figure out how to amplify your social media marketing and reach more people in a world where consumers are growing increasingly distrustful of brands. The key is to look for fresh ways to “bring value” to your customers and community through your content, products and services. An obvious first step is to provide helpful information that helps them do something better or easier. As always, be authentic. Your customers want to hear from you, so if you’re not providing them with useful information or entertaining content, then they’ll move on to someone else. The key is to provide value and encourage interaction.

Change Your Perspective

Social media is no longer a trend. It’s a way of life. Social media marketing shouldn’t be looked at as a one-off activity, but rather as the way your business is run in the 21st century. Don’t treat your Facebook page (Instagram account, LinkedIn profile, etc.) as just another layer on top of your website or blog; instead, make it unique and let it stand alone as a social destination for people who want to read or watch content from you.

Treat your social media accounts like you would treat a customer service line or sales desk. You want to help your followers feel valued and make sure they’re satisfied with the content you’re posting. It should be easy to comment and connect with others through social channels, as well as easy to find what you need when they are looking for assistance.

Transparency, authenticity, and reliability — these are the pillars of trust. When you prioritize trust in your business over everything else, you build a community that values your business. And when you value your community, they will support you on social media.

Change Your Strategy

A social media strategy will typically include the type of content that you’re going to create, how often you’re going to share it, and where you’re going to post it.

Before you can develop a successful social media strategy, you need to know what your goal is. Are you trying to attract new customers? Increase engagement with current customers? Drive leads? Each objective requires a different strategy, one that takes into account the best ways to reach your target market. For example, if your goal is to drive traffic to your website, then you might consider boosting posts on Facebook advertising if your target audience spends lots of time on that platform. If your main goal is to generate leads, then you might focus more on paid advertising on LinkedIn or Twitter advertising depending on where your target audience spends time online. By identifying exactly how and where you want to reach people, you can tailor your efforts accordingly and be more effective overall.

How can you improve your social media marketing? Focus on quality over quantity, have a strong digital presence that is backed up by unique and helpful content, and use analytics to find out where your audience resides and what they are looking for.

In the end, though, it’s important to remember that today isn’t so different from the past. There’s nearly always a new technological development on the horizon. But social media marketing is still social media marketing: you still have to create content that your audience finds valuable, relevant, and suitable for sharing if you want to succeed. The new tactics might change over time, but the basic fundamentals will always apply. For now and in the future, that means always putting your customers first.

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Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, and the tools to manage them.

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