#GrowYourBusiness – How to Build an Editorial Calendar for Your Social Media
Despite our best intentions, day-to-day responsibilities can push content creation to the bottom of the to-do list. Before you know it, you’re behind schedule and struggling to get caught up.
As if the stress from getting behind isn’t bad enough, an effective social media strategy requires not just top quality content, but also that it’s consistent. A good editorial calendar can help you plan your content and post the right amount at the right time.
When you break it all down, an editorial calendar is simply a way to organize your work. Sounds easy enough but how do you go about building a calendar that will help you get the job done? Here are six steps to building a great social media editorial calendar.
- Think about your audience. The key to creating engaging content is knowing what’s right for your audience. If you don’t know your audience, then you should step back and learn.
- Think about your goals. Different goals require different types of content. You’ll need a mix of content that is promotional, informational, and educational. What is most effective for you will depend on your business, your objectives, and your audience.
- Budget time for planning: It’s not good enough to fit creating your calendar in where you can. Set aside time to create, monitor, and revise your plan. Whether it’s once a week, once a month, or once a year, treat your social media calendar with the same importance as financial planning.
- Consider the requirements for each platform: Each platform has its own unique characteristics. What works best on Facebook may not work well on Pinterest or Twitter. That’s not to say that you have to create brand new content for each platform, but you will likely need to reformat it to fit the place where you are posting it. You should also keep the platform in mind when you decide how often to post.
- Keep a master calendar: You don’t need a different calendar for each platform. In fact, keeping one calendar works best.
- Put it in print: Once you have reviewed your goals, your audience, and the requirements of the platforms, put it in writing. Share your calendar with the other members of your team and stick to the plan.
In the long run, developing an editorial content system will make your job much easier. Not only will you have help if you get stuck for ideas, but you’ll also be able to assess what is working and what isn’t. To help you get started, take advantage of the FREE social media analysis that you’ll receive when you sign up for the Social Media Advisor’s Discovery Session. It will help you jump-start your effort and get you headed in the right direction.
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Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, and the tools to manage them.
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