What Are You Grateful for With Your Online Marketing?

Online marketing is challenging because it is always changing and evolving. As technology advances and new tools and platforms are created, small business owners may feel like they are scrambling just to stay on top of the latest marketing trends. With all the noise comes frustration and overwhelm. 

Instead of spending your time doing the work you set out to accomplish, you are chasing your tail trying to figure out whether or not Facebook is the place for you, how often to post to Instagram, what hashtags you should be using, and what the heck is a chatbot? 

We hear you. As marketing experts, we know just how much information (and misinformation) is being shared on a regular basis and we want to tell you to turn off the noise. You don’t need to know all that stuff to be successful at marketing your business. In fact, if you develop a plan for incorporating and using simpler systems for your online marketing efforts – this process can even be fun!

You just need an experienced guide to show you the way. One who can recommend which tools to use, show you, step by step, how to use those tools to create content in an easy way, and someone who can explain working strategies to grow your business online.

Even if it doesn’t feel like it right now, there is so much to be grateful for when it comes to your online marketing. Here are some of our thoughts:

Be Grateful for Your Vision

No marketing expert can help you grow your business online if you aren’t clear and passionate about your company’s vision. Knowing the big picture of what you want your work to accomplish and what you want your company’s legacy to be is where all the great storytelling begins. Knowing this information makes marketing so much easier so pat yourself on the back for creating something bigger than yourself and sharing it with the world!

Be Grateful for Your Service

Businesses exist to solve problems. In fact, if what you offer isn’t a solution to your audience’s problems, then they’ll have no reason to pay attention to you at all. This problem-solving is providing a service for people who need your skills and expertise. Take a moment to feel gratitude for this service you provide to your community.

Be Grateful for Your Brand

How people feel about your company is what branding is all about. All the work that you do, and every time you show up, people will feel an emotion related to what you do. If that emotion is what you want them to feel, you win! 

Take a moment this month to sit in gratitude for your big vision for making the world better, for the drive to help your audience solve their pain points and problems, and for making people feel better in a world filled with uncertainty and chaos. That combination is a worthy legacy.

Are you looking for social media training you can participate in from the comfort of your home?  Join other small businesses, at your own pace, currently benefiting from the 40+ video training series included in the Social Power Program.  We have a Private Facebook Support Group, Monthly Ask the Expert Mastermind Sessions, a FREE Ebook, and regularly uploaded new videos to support your marketing efforts. Become a social media expert by learning everything involved in social media marketing from creating the editorial calendar, to creating custom branded images, to use of hashtags, to paid ads and reporting and so much more. Find out more about the Social Power Program here.


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Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+YouTubePinterestInstagram, and the tools to manage them.

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Social Media Marketing