Tag: Social Media

3 Things You Should Avoid in your Social Media Campaigns

As a Content Manager and Trainer, I find myself challenged and frustrated with a few things I see frequently.  I would encourage you to read through my thoughts on the 3 things you should avoid in your Social Media campaigns, think about them and develop goals to overcome them. I get frustrated because I want so badly to correct these thing for people because I genuinely care about their brand.  So, because I can’t help everyone, maybe this post will shed some light on a few MAJOR DON’Ts in SocialMedia Marketing.  

First and foremost, AVOID always promoting yourself and your products.  NO ONE wants to hear you talk ONLY about you, they want to know tips, tactics and industry relevant information. Consider this – if the information you are sharing brings no value besides your own wealth – don’t make EVERY post about it.  WHY? Do you like SPAM?  I don’t. There are tactical ways of healthy weighing of material so you bring value to your viewers instead of constantly trying to sell them.  Promote your self on occasion.  You will find people will appreciate when you share information from other influencers. 
AVOID committing to a campaign and giving up on it before the completion date!  If you give yourself 6 months on a project, commit to it and DON’T just quit because you are uncomfortable! Commitment includes participation … meaning you need to participate in your marketing efforts EVEN IF you have  someone else is managing them for you.  If you aren’t participating, you lose the ownership of your campaign and it has less value to you.  Online marketing should be an active, visible activity for every level of Executive if they care about their brand and company.
AVOID tunnel focus.  Social Media Campaigns are diverse in multiple platforms.  if you are focused on 1 platform alone, you are missing out greatly on engagement opportunities in other platforms where your clients are present.  For example; if you only pull reports on your Facebook Statistics but avoid your Twitter Activity, you are missing the boat.

My 2 cents …. for what it’s worth.  I hope this helps you in refocusing and recommitting to your Social Media Campaigns, Business Marketing Goals and reaching your Milestones.

~ Social Media is changing the way people do business.  Don’t get left behind ~ 

Hollie Clere

Hollie Clere, of The Social Media Advisor is a social media manager, trainer and author in LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Google+ , Pinterest and the tools to manage them. Click here for her Social Media Links


Curious on whether your social brand is built properly?  Get your Social Media Analysis today. 


3 Steps in Developing Social Media Content from Your Clients Questions

We are asked constantly how to come up with fresh content. We all hit writers block from time to time.  How in the world do we come up with fresh content relevant to our niche in social media? Have you ever thought about incorporating answers to questions you get into viable content for your blog?
Try using consistent questions your clients ask in your blog development! 
(1) What are your TOP 3 products/services?
  • You have your sweet spots in your business, what are those sweet spots?   
  • Document your Top 3 and 3 reasons why they are your best/optimal Product or Service.
(2) What are the top 3 questions you are asked about your products/services?
  • What do your clients usually ask you about these 3 Products or Services?
    • This is important because you are selling to a need and to fill it you need to understand the questions and objections you have with them. 
  •  Maybe there are questions on the use, the value, a testimony of someone else using them before. Storytelling in your social presence will serve a high value for your closing.   
  • ***See a Need – Fill a Need
(3) What are your 3 most popular questions to overcoming objections with your products/services?
  • Why do your clients not choose one of your Top 3 Products / Services? 
  • What is your value?   
  • What objections can you overcome? Is it price? Is it need? 
  • How can you change your story to be more relatable so they can feel, breathe and understand the value in your Top choices?
Finding a need is one thing, pin pointing the value of your service/product to fill that need and displaying a visual, emotional tie into solving that need is the  key you develop your pitch over.  You will find a relatable story with a solution will bring more value to your client than a price point. Your content should be filled with industry related stories, product/service related stories and information about the industry.
Allow your prospects to get to know your expertise before promoting your value.  This will buildthe Like, Know and Trust you are seeking before  pricing apples for apples and widgets for widgets.  Because people don’t purchase from a company, the purchase because of the relationship with the person.  If your presence is relatable on a personal level, your clients will always related to your stories as a personal touch.

~ Social Media is changing the way people do business.  Don’t get left behind ~ 

Hollie Clere, of The Social Media Advisor is a social media manager, trainer and author in LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Google+ , Pinterest and the tools to manage them. Click here for her Social Media Links

Sign up for your Free Social Media Analysis 


Lifecycle of How Technology Changed our Business Communications

(Image found on Google)

Many of us remember the days of passing notes in the classroom, to getting letters in the mail. The first introductions to phone calls transformed into hoarding the phone from our parents because there was only 1 line with no call waiting. Communication with people has transformed drastically in the last 20 years. Let’s take a walk down that journey so we can better understand how to communicate with people today due to the technology changes.
Before telephones, people communicated in person, through mailed letters and although it seems like times were simpler, communicationtook much longer to make. You could invite people into your home for visits, but anyone not living within your community would get what we call today “snail mail” and respond in return.  It was a superb technology at the time that served well for many, many years.
Over time, the telephone was developed in many variations. From operator calls to family lines to later phones in most homes for people to call and visit on a more real time basis.
From this technology came the need for further access, introducing car phones and pagers. Not necessarily the most “real time” solutions as in most cases you were required to either pay at a phone booth for your call or access a friend who had a nifty brick phone in their automobiles.  Children still played in the streets until dark, letters were still being mailed, notes passed around classrooms, but communication was an optional, as these were less required things that not everyone felt the need to have.
Eventually the evolution of the car phone became the introduction of the personal handheld devices. People began to migrate more away from pagers and leaned more toward systems with voice mail and other features making communications a bit more accessible.
Then came the Internet and shortly after, email communication.  Businesses flocked to the new technology which became a spring board for businesses to have online presence, easily accessible website and people began to communicate more over email than letters.
Texting erupted quickly which migrated communications a little less from email (for personal users), eliminating a lot of need for personal, handwritten letters between people and a lot more real time – “where you are” – communication started happening.
Shortly after, texting on mobile devices became Email and Internet compatible devices which allowed people to spend more time out of the office (if your job allowed for it) and more dedication to notifications on your phone.
The phone quickly evolved from a “dumb phone’ system with texting capabilities to a “smart phone” system with quick access to email, quick access to internet and quick access to basically any type of application that could either make your life more intertwining or more enjoyable in the process.
During this time frame … specifically, the last 10 years, while the Internet was developing, email was thriving and communicationwas changing before our eyes, people discovered platforms and websites where they could communicate with friends and business people without having to pick up that phone or write a personal letter.  They could now communicate in social media.
Take a second … 10 years, people have been using social media.  Cloud computing which has been used in social media, has been around for YEARS! Look at Amazon, Facebook, Google and any other website you go to, to make purchases.  The internet has transformed our shopping, our games, our communication. It is no wonder that in this world now, with access to communicate, real time, at your finger tips, social media is so prominent.
Take a look at this evolution over time.  Your clients, have before them, the World Wide Web at their finger tips.  24 hours a day,  7 days a week, 365/366 days out of the year.  With this much activity online, you are truly missing the boat with visibility if you don’t have a website, if you don’t have an online presence and you aren’t communicatingactively. 
Your clients are online at any time, any day, searching for information in many, many platforms.  It is your choice on whether you will engage with them in this new age of activity in social media, or if you are choosing a presence where your clients aren’t active. 
We challenge you to take the step your clients already have. Get active, get social, remain in the front of your clients mind.  If you aren’t, your competitors are.

~ Social Media is changing the way people do business.  Don’t get left behind ~ 

Hollie Clere, of The Social Media Advisor is a social media manager, trainer and author in LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Google+ , Pinterest and the tools to manage them. Click here for her Social Media Links

Sign up for your Free Social Media Analysis 


3 Steps to Spring Clean Your Social Media


It’s that time of year where the freshness of Spring brings new beginnings, sprinkled with renewal, covered in a flowery aroma of goal setting, process planning, shinning bright with a ray of business building.
Enjoying a change of temperature in weather, it is time to change the temperature of your social media. 
Visit each of your Social Media Profile  and verify that your Profile Pictures,  Cover Photos and Videos are current, fit the space requirements within the platform, are crisp and clean.  As you may noticed if you haven’t visited the pages for a while, the platforms have all changed their layout requirements multiple times  in the last year.  This is also a great opportunity to invest innew images if your pictures are out of date, do not fit the space properly or aren’t high resolution.
I am constantly challenged by visiting social profiles and seeing they don’t have cover photos.  This means the page managers haven’t taken the time to keep current, which probably also means they aren’t posting consistent updates.  It hurts your brand when you aren’t sharing in your social spaces.
Remember – social media is a marketing tool encouraging social interactions. It is difficult to be social if you aren’t posting content for your users to interact with.
Your bio is the one area in your social profile that tells people the story of your business, your niche, your target market and your products and services.  Each social platform has some sort of “about me” action that you have probably put information in at some point.  Refresh this section with your refined vision for your current goals, your current target market and your current niche.  Your message will be clear, tell a story and should include strategically placed keywords as your profile is searchable.
Develop a 3, 6, 9 and 12 month marketing plan by focusing on your 5 key services /products /selling points, compile a list of questions and objections you have encountered over the last year where you could provide answers as part of your social media strategy.
You can also document influential bloggers, information resources and share their blogs / articles / posts in your social media feeds (be sure to reference them with links to their sites/blogs).
Document a social media post schedule, response process and outline your internal marketing plans for your sales and support teams.
Keeping your brand up to date will benefit your company, your goal setting and bring potential for new business, visibility and credibility with your audience by maintaining a clean, crisp, fresh, current message.
Remember, if you aren’t having fun, you’re doing it wrong.

~ Social Media is changing the way people do business.  Don’t get left behind ~ 

Hollie Clere, of The Social Media Advisor is a social media manager, trainer and author in LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Google+ , Pinterest and the tools to manage them. Click here for her Social Media Links

Sign up for your Free Social Media Analysis 


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  • Learn how to grow your business using social media strategies.

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