3 Things You Should Avoid in your Social Media Campaigns
As a Content Manager and Trainer, I find myself challenged and frustrated with a few things I see frequently. I would encourage you to read through my thoughts on the 3 things you should avoid in your Social Media campaigns, think about them and develop goals to overcome them. I get frustrated because I want so badly to correct these thing for people because I genuinely care about their brand. So, because I can’t help everyone, maybe this post will shed some light on a few MAJOR DON’Ts in SocialMedia Marketing.
First and foremost, AVOID always promoting yourself and your products. NO ONE wants to hear you talk ONLY about you, they want to know tips, tactics and industry relevant information. Consider this – if the information you are sharing brings no value besides your own wealth – don’t make EVERY post about it. WHY? Do you like SPAM? I don’t. There are tactical ways of healthy weighing of material so you bring value to your viewers instead of constantly trying to sell them. Promote your self on occasion. You will find people will appreciate when you share information from other influencers.
AVOID committing to a campaign and giving up on it before the completion date! If you give yourself 6 months on a project, commit to it and DON’T just quit because you are uncomfortable! Commitment includes participation … meaning you need to participate in your marketing efforts EVEN IF you have someone else is managing them for you. If you aren’t participating, you lose the ownership of your campaign and it has less value to you. Online marketing should be an active, visible activity for every level of Executive if they care about their brand and company.
AVOID tunnel focus. Social Media Campaigns are diverse in multiple platforms. if you are focused on 1 platform alone, you are missing out greatly on engagement opportunities in other platforms where your clients are present. For example; if you only pull reports on your Facebook Statistics but avoid your Twitter Activity, you are missing the boat.
My 2 cents …. for what it’s worth. I hope this helps you in refocusing and recommitting to your Social Media Campaigns, Business Marketing Goals and reaching your Milestones.
~ Social Media is changing the way people do business. Don’t get left behind ~
Hollie Clere, of The Social Media Advisor is a social media manager, trainer and author in LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Google+ , Pinterest and the tools to manage them. Click here for her Social Media Links

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3 Things To Avoid, Do's and Don'ts in Social Media, Facebook, google, Hootsuite, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Social Media, Social Media Engagement, Social Media Marketing, Twitter, YouTube