Tag: #PlanYourBusiness

#PlanYourBusiness – Including a Call to Action in Your Social Media Content

When you post something to social media, what’s your purpose? In other words, what do you want the person who is reading your content to do? If your answer to this question is that you don’t know or that you never think about wanting your audience to do something, then stop – do not pass Go!

Instead, go back to basics and think about why you’re posting. Unless you’re passing along something for information purposes (yes, that’s ok too), then you always need to have a clear call to action in your social media content.

Through your call to action, you let your audience know what you want them to do and how to do it. If you are trying to sell something then you want them to buy; if you want to add them to your database, then you want them to sign up. Or maybe you want them to comment or share your post. You get the picture. Everything you post should have a clear purpose, and your purpose defines your call to action.

5 Things You Need to Know About Calls to Action

  • CTAs should be straightforward – Your calls to action don’t have to be boring, but they do have to be simple enough to understand so that your community will get the point.
  • CTAs should be strategic – Before you post you should consider your objective. If you know what you hope the content will accomplish, then you’ll know how to frame the call to action.
  • CTAs can be creative – Your call to action can be funny, ironic, or different as long as it is true to your brand and clear enough to be understood.
  • CTAs should be consistent – Whether you choose to use a color theme, a button style, or some other element, your calls to action should be consistent with your other brand elements.
  • CTAs can (and should) be tested – It can pay to take the time to test your calls to action. Get a benchmark by trying it out to see if it converts. If not, try something else.

If you study the science of sales, then you know that a key tenet is that you have to ask for the sale. The same is true for your social media content. Your call to action is where you ask for the sale. Your CTA is your money shot. It lets your audience know what you want them to do and asks them to do it. So go ahead, don’t be shy. Ask for the sale.

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+YouTubePinterestInstagram, and the tools to manage them.

Click here for Social Media TrainingSpeaking and Strategy Consultations.


#PlanYourBusiness – Repurpose Your Content from 2018

You already know how important it is to create blockbuster content. You also know that it is not an easy job. That’s why you no doubt commit lots of resources to it.

Here’s a question for you, though. Do you have a plan for getting the most out of your existing content? If you’re like many of us, once you’ve clicked that post or publish button you wipe that particular item off the list. Instead of considering it done, why not queue it up to use it again? Yes – to get the most out of your content you should be repurposing it.

Repurposing content doesn’t necessarily mean you are recycling something old; it means you are taking something that works and giving it new life. Here are five ways to do just that:

Check your analytics – Before you get started, identify which items hit the mark. The most straightforward way to do that is by checking your analytics reports to see which content was the most engaging.

Try a new format – If you have identified a blog post that was popular or shared often, why not turn it into an email series, a video, an infographic, or a presentation? Of course, the proper format will depend on the type of information, but there are plenty of ways to repackage information so that it can find a new audience or reinforce the data to the existing audience.

Update and refresh – Perhaps the best way to use an old article or post is to update it with the latest statistics or give it a new perspective based on the latest thinking.

Bundle it – Have you ever thought of putting all the content you have on a particular topic into an e-book or white paper? Depending on the type of information you prepare, this may be the perfect way to offer it to your audience again. People love downloading free information and making it into a book may do the trick.

Repost it – In the content world we often hear the term “evergreen.” Evergreen content never gets stale. Identify content you have that is still fresh and simply repost it or put it on a different platform.

As you begin your planning for the New Year, make sure that you capture the value of your existing content by including repurposing on your to-do list. Not only will you make the most of what you already have, you are sure to generate ideas for ways to create new content that supplements what you already have.

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+YouTubePinterestInstagram, and the tools to manage them.

Click here for Social Media TrainingSpeaking and Strategy Consultations.

#PlanYourBusiness – The Benefits of Themes (Daily, Weekly, Monthly)

Keeping marketing materials fresh can be a challenge. When it comes to social media, it can be all the more difficult since the landscape changes rapidly. Nevertheless, it’s essential that your content stays on-brand, relevant and timely. While that may sound like a tall order, there is a way to simplify the task of developing content — creating themes.

When you design a series of themes to use on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis, you provide yourself with a framework for your content. This enables you to focus on specific topics and to spread that focus across all the platforms you use. Focusing on specific themes can help jump-start your creative juices.

Before you start to develop a series of themes, remember that the most effective social media is consistent, engaging, and authentic. That means that your themes should work together with your entire business objective. It also means that you need to know who your audience is and what type of information will be most useful to them.

Before you start, take a quick inventory of:

  • Your audience: If you don’t know who your audience is then this is a great time to find out. Even the best content will miss the mark if it doesn’t target the right group.
  • What your goals and objectives are: For your content to be consistent and authentic, it needs to fit in with your overall messaging.
  • What tools you will use: Knowing how you will develop your content can help guide you in selecting themes that you can execute. It can also help you develop a plan for how to go about the job of actually creating the content.
  • What platforms you take advantage of: Each platform has unique requirements. Understanding how you will present the content can help you work more efficiently.
  • What your budget is: It doesn’t do much good to create a list of daily themes if you don’t have the resources to produce daily content. Be realistic about what your limitations are. Remember that you want consistency. If you only have time to post monthly, then be honest and open about it.

What themes are best for you will depend on your audience, your business, and your resources. Regardless of what your constraints are, focused themes can provide a valuable framework for developing your social media; they can jump-start your creativity and help you fully utilize each platform.

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+YouTubePinterestInstagram, and the tools to manage them.

Click here for Social Media TrainingSpeaking and Strategy Consultations.