Tag: Build Your Bio

Shaking Up Your Social Media Strategy for the New Quarter

Happy Spring, unicorns! Here’s hoping that your social media marketing efforts in 2023 exceed all your expectations!


With that in mind, here are our best recommendations for shaking up your social media marketing strategy for the rest of the year.


Freshen Up Your Templates


Even the most loyal brand advocates are likely to get bored with your content if you never change it up. This year is an excellent opportunity to freshen up your brand templates, newsletter template, review your favorite hashtags, and create creative new ways to grab attention and connect with your audience. You don’t want to change things so drastically that your audience doesn’t recognize you anymore, but some new touches, learning new skills, and designing new creative approaches may be just the thing to improve your reach and encourage more engagement.


Use Your Data


Perhaps you’ve finally put together a social media and content strategy and you are posting consistently now. You are seeing some successes but you are wondering how to reach more people? This is a great time to use that friend available to all social media business accounts – your analytics! The new year is a great time to dig into what the numbers are telling you. This will help you uncover which platforms or channels are doing better than others, what time(s) of day you get the most engagement, what types of posts spark the most interest, and any possible gaps or opportunities you could be missing.


Social Video


Video is one of those amazing resources that can showcase your brand personality, but also authentically show your audience who you are. The emotions behind your eyes, your emotions regarding a topic, the fun culture you have in your business – these are all the personal touches that followers crave in a social brand.. Whether pre-recorded or Live Video, your audience will get a feel for who you really are as a business.


Today, there are more opportunities than ever to get started with video on social media. Whether it’s YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, TikTok, Podcasts or Facebook Watch – there is no shortage of possibilities for those looking to get into video marketing this year.


Anyone can build a Social Media Page, but do they know how to build it correctly with the right social media marketing story and strategy for business, the right keywords and really target your ideal client?  We build brands, write searchable copy for your profiles and develop strategies to expand your reach and build relationships using solid Social Media Marketing techniques.  Since 2008, our team has provided support to clients Nationwide in online marketing. Find out more at our website.


Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedIn, Facebook,  Blog, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, and the tools to manage them.

Click here for Social Media Training, Speaking and Strategy Consultations.

How Your Business Can Become LIMITLESS Using Social Media

How Your Business Can Become LIMITLESS Using Social Media

Have you been feeling limited by the slow growth of your small business this year? For many small business owners, the work of going above and beyond for your clients or customers is top priority but they worry about staying in front of people and positioning themselves for success. For an everything CEO, there never seems to be enough time to market their biz effectively.

Have you really tried social media marketing yet? My guess is that you haven’t had the time or the expertise to really give social media a shot and you’ve found your past efforts to be lackluster at best. This is quite common but businesses who become discouraged with social media marketing are missing out on a BIG opportunity to show up for their ideal audience.

Your social media channels allow your business to be exposed to entirely new audiences. The growth potential of this online marketing tool allows businesses to scale much more quickly than word of mouth or in-person efforts.  If you have taken the steps to properly and robustly build out your social media channels, you can not only show up in search results, but can grow your followers and fans to a whole new level!  

If you are tired of feeling like your work never gets noticed, it’s time to properly build out your social media platforms for search success!


Yes, hashtags are more than silly phrases strung together to get a good laugh. They are search engine rockstars! Using the right hashtags will drastically increase how many people find your page or profile on social media. 

Action Item: Develop a list of 50-75 hashtags to rotate on a consistent basis in your social media posts. You’ll want to use 3-5 on any Google My Business posts or on any shares on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. If you are using Instagram, you’ll want to use 15-30 on each post. It is imperative to have a large list to choose from because you’ll have more success when rotating them out than if you just use the same ones on each post.

The Right Words

When you are writing copy for your website, your social media, or anything else you share online, keyword phrases are super important. You need to use the exact language that your ideal target audience will type into a search bar to find what you do. If you aren’t sure what someone might type into Google to find you and your business, ask around. Do some simple searches yourself. Need a new plumber? Pay attention to the exact words you use online to find a plumber in your area to help you. You can also use tools, like Moz, for ideas on what people might be searching for in your area or industry. Then use those exact phrases when you are writing your captions for social media.

Action Item: Make a list of 20 keyword phrases someone might type to find your business online.

Engage, Engage, Engage

If your plan is to post content and then move on to other things, you are going to be disappointed in your results. Social media is designed to be social. We aren’t telling you to sit on top of your social media all day, every day but you do need to make time to respond to your followers and engage with other people online. Too many small business owners disappear after posting or only respond to the people who are engaging with them. I know it sounds repetitive, but if you aren’t responding to comments or engaging in further conversations with the people engaging with you, it is very much a 1 way relationship.  If you take the time to care and respond, your audience will remain loyal fans.

Want to feel limitless on social? Use these platforms! Find people in your industry, your area, your networking group, or circles and comment and share their posts. Ask interesting questions and start engaging conversations in forums and groups. 

Action Item: Send 15 minutes each workday responding to your audience and interacting with other people on your preferred social media channel.

Social media marketing works if you do the work and if you understand how these platforms both penalize and reward you for the ways you show up.

If you are overwhelmed, let’s start with our best tip. Every platform is searchable.  Every word matters.  Do you have a few paragraphs in the about section of each of your social media accounts? Are they padded with the right, searchable keywords? Is your messaging current? Not sure what your online presence says about your business? Now is the time to revamp your online assets! This commitment in time, money, and effort will produce results you never expected and it’s a great way to position your business better online without making a long-term financial commitment. Give the Social Media Advisor team a call today to discuss options.

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, and the tools to manage them.

Click here for Social Media Training, Speaking and Strategy Consultations.

Why Its Important to Optimize Your Social Media Channels

Why It’s Important to Optimize Your Social Media Channels

Did you know that every single social media platform is searchable? This means that Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter all have search algorithms similar to those of Google, Yahoo, and Bing. This search capacity is often overlooked when small business owners create a social media profile for their companies. The key to a robust and effective presence on social media is to build out the profiles of these accounts in a way that optimizes being found on the channel.

All those things that are key when building your biz’s website, such as using the right keywords, apply to the profile sections of each social media channel.

There are 5 key searchable sections in every single social media platform:


About Section / Bio

In our experience, we find that most small business owners severely under-utilize this section of their social media profiles. While some channels give you very limited space, forcing you to do a lot with a little, several channels (such as Google My Business, Facebook, and LinkedIn) offer over 10,000 characters in a variety of areas. If you are copying and pasting your tagline or simply stringing together a single sentence about your brand, you are wasting a lot of prime search potential (and the chance to sell someone who has taken the time to read your profile).


The photos on your website are great for capturing attention but they don’t help with search, right? Actually, the naming of your images could have a large impact on the searchability of your website or social media profiles. Be certain that your photos have names that match the keywords you are using, searchable terms that people may use to stumble onto your social media channel while browsing the web.


As with the photos, the title of your videos is important. Also, take full advantage of any available caption or description areas. Describing the video to your audience is important but don’t neglect the opportunity to add key search terms and keywords that will increase the video’s searchability online.


Use hashtags that match the theme and emotional impact of your content. What sort of hashtags might a person use to stumble onto one of your social media posts? Pay some attention to trends and “hot” hashtags and see if you can use those to your advantage. The whole purpose of hashtags is to help people find your content, making them an important element of your social media marketing.

The Content

You may have thought your days of keywords were done when you finished your website, but that’s not true. You’ll want all the content you create and share on social media to also be searchable. Avoid the temptation to write quick, short, cute or quirky captions for your social media posts. Put thought into the right keywords, search terms, and hashtags to use for each post. This will organically increase the amount of traffic that finds your content.

The first step is understanding what words and phrases will be most effective to use on your website and then utilizing that in your social media marketing as well. If you want to be found on any platform, take the time to completely fill out your bios, about us sections, images, videos, and posts so that you are maximizing each channel and post’s search potential

If you are using social media yourself, you may have noticed that you engage with pages that share content you can relate with. Simply posting is not enough. You need engaging content that is easy to find and interesting enough to like, comment, or share. Are you ready to define your story and build a long term relationship with a loyal audience? Let’s do a Discovery Session to see which of our programs best fit your social media marketing needs.

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, and the tools to manage them.

Click here for Social Media Training, Speaking and Strategy Consultations.

#FreshContent – Time to Optimize Your Social Media Bios & Profiles

If you use social media, then you know that the first commandment is “Thou Shalt Keep Your Content Up-To-Date.” Your followers will stop checking in if they see the same thing over and over again. Though you’re working hard to keep your feeds fresh and appealing, you might be overlooking these important elements of your social media channels: your bios and profiles.

If you have a social media strategy (of course you do!) is optimizing and updating your social media bios and profiles on the list? If not, add them to the top of the list. This to-do is easy to forget, and it’s even easier to underestimate how important it is.

What Your Followers See

What do your followers see when they look at your profile photo? Do they see what you look like right now? If not then it’s a good bet that some of your information may be out of date. Your picture should present a fresh look at your smiling face, and your profile information should be current. Even though you may think the photo looks fine if your hairstyle and fashion sense are dated then your community may interpret that as a lack of interest.

Remember, your profile photo usually has a prominent position so you can use it strategically as well. It doesn’t always have to be a picture of you or your logo. It can be a new product, a special announcement, or something else you are calling attention to. Links must work, and the description of your business should accurately represent what you are doing right now.

What the Search Engines See

You may not have given it much thought, but your social media profile is important to your SEO. Your profile should include the keywords and terms that are crucial to people finding you. What you say should be consistent across platforms, be carefully crafted, and be engaging. Long-tail keywords are particularly important so that your customers can find you.

Each social media platform is viewed a little differently so it can pay to do a little homework on what works best for each. Algorithms have become particularly important in recent years so if you haven’t updated your business description in some time you may not be making the most of it in SEO terms.

Freshen Up!

It’s true that you don’t need to update your profile as frequently as you do your content but your profile should not be neglected. Twice a year may be often enough to freshen things up. The specific schedule will depend on what is happening in your business and your industry. In any case, now is a great time to take a fresh look at both your bios and your profiles.

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, and the tools to manage them.

Click here for Social Media Training, Speaking and Strategy Consultations.