#KindnessIsAwesome – Loving Your Clients on Social Media

We all know the power of social media for getting new customers and building a community. After all, the purpose of spending all those dollars and hours is to create engagement. And when social media works, it’s magic. Those positive reviews and comments make us feel great and make it all worth it.

If getting feedback on social media makes us feel good and helps our business, then it’s a pretty good bet that it can do the same for our clients. If you are looking for a way to how your clients a little extra love, then social media is the perfect place.

8 Ways to Love Your Clients on Social Media:

1) Say Thank You: Showing appreciation goes a long way and doesn’t cost you a thing. Thanking your client will make both you and your client feel good.

2) Celebrate Them: When your client or one of their representatives does something noteworthy, mention it on your social media. Pro Tip: Be sure to follow your customers on social media if you aren’t already.

3) Write a Review or Testimonial: If you know and use your client’s product or service and you appreciate it, talk about it. If you are comfortable and it is appropriate, leave a review on their social media profiles or share a testimonial on your own pages.

4) Share Their Content: If your clients have content that makes sense to share on your pages, then you should spread the word! Take a look at what they have, ask if it’s ok for you to post. Always be sure to give credit and/or tag when you’re sharing their content. If they have posted the content to their own social media pages, then sharing, liking with a comment, or retweeting will probably do the trick.

5) Support Their Events: When your clients hold events, share the information with your own social media community. To show real support, attend the event and post a photo with a tag.

6) Feature Them: A great way to recognize the accomplishments of your clients is to feature them in a post with a company or personnel profile. These type of posts can help your social media community get to know both you and your client better.

7) Reward Them: We all like to be rewarded. Special offers or exclusive promotions can make your clients feel special and appreciated.

8) Collaborate: Inviting a client to write a guest blog or offering to provide them with a post or blog article is a great way to connect with your clients.

Loving your clients on social media will reap big rewards. It can help strengthen relationships, improve job satisfaction, and help the bottom line. It doesn’t cost must and it’s simply a nice thing to do.

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Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+,YouTubePinterestInstagram and the tools to manage them.

#BeAwesome, #KindnessIsAwesome, #SociallyKind, client appreciation, client retention, gratitude, Social Media