Tag: #KindnessIsAwesome

#KindnessIsAwesome – Provide Value in Your Content Using the T.H.I.N.K. Method

If you spend five minutes online reading news articles, you are going to probably feel like you need a good dose of anti-depressants and therapy. If the news has you feeling down, what’s even worse is the dreaded comment section of these stories! I always hear people saying “stay away from the comment section”, and for good reason–this seems to be a breeding ground for negativity.
What the world needs now, maybe more than ever before, is a serious dose of kindness.  That’s why I’m hoping to spread the message that #KindnessIsAwesome in life and work.  If you have a strong social media presence with your personal life or business, it is possible to spread a little kindness and hope to the world with the T.H.I.N.K. method.
Is it True? 
The first part of this method is to ask yourself if what you are posting is true.  Always consider this when you are posting something.  The Internet is a fertile ground for conspiracy theories and fake news stories.  If you spread one of these by posting it or linking to the original post, you are tying your good name to that story.
So, the bottom line is, make sure that the content you are posting is true and accurate.  How do you do this?  Only use reputable news sources.  Don’t post any content that begins “A friend of a friend of mine has an uncle whose neighbor told him.…”  Make sure that your content is accurate and something that can be verified.
Is it Helpful? 
Next, ask yourself if the content you are posting will be helpful to your audience.  One of the biggest enemies to kindness is idle gossip, which is spreading information that may or may not be true, but is spread simply to be malicious.  So before you hit that share button on a piece of content, ask yourself if that piece of information will be helpful to your audience.
Is it Inspiring? 
Going hand in hand with being helpful is being inspiring.  A content post may not have a helpful piece of information or statistics, but it may be inspiring to your audience.  These are the posts that lift up your readers and inspire them to follow their dreams to reach their goals.
Is it Necessary? 
The fourth part of this process is to ask yourself is it necessary.  Is this piece of information really something that is needed by your audience?  Does it provide something for them? Does it have value? Will it enrich their lives in some way?
Is It Kind? 
Finally, the easiest way to help spread kindness is to only post messages online that are kind.  Actively seek out content for your web presence that promotes kindness to humans, kindness to animals, and kindness to the world at large.  If you do this, you will draw more people to your brand and improve your web reputation in the long run.
Highly acclaimed teacher, Rafe Esquith, once said that the first rule of his classroom is to be kind and do good. Take a moment before you hit the send button on your emails or before you post on your websites. If you use that moment to T.H.I.N.K. then you will help spread kindness. That’s how we continue to be #SociallyKind and set a good example for how others can #BeAwesome as well!

Find out more about my #SociallyKind project on my website: http://www.thesocialmediaadvisor.com/-sociallykind-project.html
Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!
Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+,YouTubePinterestInstagram and the tools to manage them.

#KindnessIsAwesome – Being a Brand Advocate for Your Audience

In 1974, Elvis Costello sang so brilliantly “(What’s So Funny ‘Bout) Peace, Love and, Understanding.”  This song is quite timely right now when it seems like our social media feeds are often consumed with negativity.
This is exactly why #SociallyKind Project has been developed to encourage awareness about spreading kindness through social media. 
As a business owner, leading by example is a great way to encourage kindness in social media feeds. This is also a great opportunity to be a brand advocate for your audience and spread a little kindness.
Don’t feed into negative behaviors online
Take a moment and look at your social media accounts.  How many of these posts from friends and family members set your blood pressure boiling?  Are they posting political issues or depressing and controversial stories that add to the environment of negativity? You can’t control the behaviors of others, but you can set an example by not feeding into the negativity you see. YOU control your social media feeds. Utilize all the privacy options and settings available to you to train the algorithm to display things you are interested in (and not show you all the garbage that you aren’t). And while you’re at it, why not share something positive on your profile to add a little kindness in the newsfeeds of your friends and family?
How can you use social media to spread kindness? 
This is such an easy way to share kindness on your social media: follow your business connections online to create a network of linked businesses.  Even more importantly, pay attention to what they are posting about.  Just like in everyday conversations, if you pay attention to what other people are talking about and show an interest, then you are showing them kindness and courtesy.  If you know that an associate is interested in environmental issues and “going green,” for instance, you can post articles and stories that may appeal to that associate to help build a friendship and online connection with your brand.

Show them how it’s done
If you want your audience to spend time getting to know, like and trust you by liking, commenting and sharing your content – then show them how to do that. Interact and engage with them in social media. People  feel a need to reciprocate and may not understand how social algorithms work. If you want them to see more of your content, they need to engage with your stuff. If you want them to like your posts, start liking theirs first. Set aside time each day to go through your feed(s) and engage with your clients, power partners, influencers and leads. This will teach your followers, by example, and convert them from lurkers to online brand advocates.
Ultimately, when you are being a brand advocate on social media, stick to the idea of being authentic and original.  If you do that, and show a legitimate interest in your connections and their areas of concentrations, then you are going to create a real conversation and emphasize kindness in your work. Just another great way to #BeAwesome with your online presence. 

Have you been thinking about incorporating social media strategy into your marketing for 2018 but don’t know where to start? Set up a FREE 15-min discovery phone call with me to talk about where your social could go next year.
Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!
Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+,YouTubePinterestInstagram and the tools to manage them.

#KindnessIsAwesome – Being #SociallyKind Online

When you sit down to the keyboard, it’s easy to forget that there are human beings on the other end of what you type. These unseen people are reading, sharing, and taking stock of what you say and how you say it. You post to a friend, your friend shares, his or her friend shares and off your thoughts and words go to both friends and strangers without you even trying. You don’t really know who your audience is or how widely your words will be seen.
When you think about what you say on social media in terms of who might be seeing it, it should drive home the point that people will react to what you say. If you have trouble imagining this, think about your reaction when you see a friend’s post on Facebook. How does it make you feel? Does it make you wonder why you are following this person? Does it make you angry or feel uncomfortable? Do the posts turn your otherwise positive mood negative? You get the point. What to see on social media does affect the way you feel. If it affects you, then the same will be true of others.
As discouraging as all the negative things you see online may be, there is a simple step you can take to combat it. Simply put, be kind. That’s right. Trying a little kindness will go a long way to setting a good example for those online and make you feel better about your online activity.
Whether it is a friends post that makes your blood boil or something you see posted by someone you don’t know, try to be compassionate. Think twice before you click on a reaction button or type out a reply. Skip the urge to share or repost a message that doesn’t relay a positive sentiment and give the poster the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps he or she is unaware of how it sounds.

If you really want to be proactive about online kindness, join an online initiative that is working to spread the word about how to make social media a kinder gentler place. A good example of this type of initiativeis the #sociallykindproject. The goal of the project is to start a conversation about social media and how it can be a positive experience. Simple steps, such as thinking about what you type before you hit enter can go a long way toward helping make social media a better place.
I can’t think of a better way to consistently #BeAwesome than to practice kindness everywhere you go. 
Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!
Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+,YouTubePinterestInstagram and the tools to manage them.

#KindnessIsAwesome – Showing Kindness to your Collaborators

There’s a common line in the movies and TV that goes something like “we can do this easy way,or we can do it the hard way.” The line is usually associated with a hardnosed cop and a criminal of some sort. It’s unfortunate that the quote has come to be associated that way because when you work in a field that requires collaboration,it really is true. Collaboration has so many benefits to your business and the work that you do. 
Every day we cross paths with people we collaborate with. These are people with which we share a common goal. Perhaps it’s something important like getting a big proposal done or something simple like setting up a meeting. Either way, it’s something that helps us get a job done, and it requires cooperation. When these collaborative situations arise are you a good collaboration or do the people you cross paths with dread working with you.
There is one sure fire way to ensure that you are the person that others look forward to working with—being kind. It sounds simple enough, but sometimes it’s not always easy to put into practice. We’re tired, we’re stressed, and we have a lot of other things to do. The email or phone call that needs our attention may have come in at a bad time. Regardless, you should stop, take a deep breath and remember that there is always time for kindness.
What does it mean to show kindnessto your collaborators? The short answer is that it means applying the Golden Rule; treat them the way you would like to be treated. To be a bit more specific, here are five ways you can put kindness into practice.
  • Keep the team in mind: Remember, it’s not all about you. It’s about getting the job done and helping everyone be successful.
  • Give your full attention: When you are collaborating it is critical that you focus on your partners and listen effectively. This is the only way you can be sure that you are working toward your common objectives.
  • Be considerate: It sounds like a no-brainer but we often plow ahead without regard to what others may have on their plates. Be respectful of your collaborators time and put yourself in his or her place.
  • Be tactful and diplomatic: Sometimes it’s best to step back and try someone else’s approach before you push your point of view. If you need to make a correction, be sure to keep the other person’s feelings in mind.
  • Be appreciative: A simple thank you can go a long way toward helping strengthen a relationship. A thank you note, or congratulationson a job well done may just make someone’s day.

Showing a bit of kindness can help you create an environment where you get things done the easy way. And isn’t that much better than having to do it the hard way?
Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!
Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+,YouTubePinterestInstagram and the tools to manage them.

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