#CustomerGratitude – Top 3 Ways to Show Gratitude to Your Clients Off Social Media

In our last blog, we featured some ways that you can express gratitude to your current clients using social media. In this article, we want to focus on some offline ways to love on your clients and appreciate them all year long.

Give Them Face Time

While it can be tough to set aside time for every client, if you pace it out all year long, it can make a big impact on your relationship building. What many small businesses do is focus the majority of their energy on acquiring new leads and clients and forget to nurture their existing one. A little bit of attention goes a long way in this busy world. It inspires loyalty to take time to connect with each of your valued customers.

Mention Them to Others

Name dropping can be a good thing when you are sharing your love for your clients! Keep your ears open for the opportunity to share their information with others. This not only spreads the word about what they do, it also builds bonds between you and others. Soon, you’ll be known as a powerful connector in your community and people will respect your efforts to build up the local community and support their local businesses.

Have a Client Appreciation Plan

How often have you thought that it might be a good idea to do something nice for your clients but haven’t been able to make it happen yet? If there isn’t a plan in place, it’s merely an idea without wings. Get your client appreciation plan off the ground by sitting down and being intentional with how you will nurture those relationships. Whether the plan is taking them to lunch quarterly, sending the occasional card, making regular phone calls or investing in thoughtful gifts to surprise and delight them – you need to write down what you plan to do and put it in your calendar! That way you’ve set a timeline and are making client appreciation a priority and not just a random to-do item.

Whether your plan is to nurture your clients online or off-line (or both), the key is to have a plan. If you think generously and remain in a place of gratitude and you’ll find that client appreciation is one of your favorite activities. The impact of taking the time to love on your colleagues goes way beyond mere client retention. It’s a legacy that every small business owner should aspire towards.

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Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+YouTubePinterestInstagram, and the tools to manage them.

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#clientgratitude, #customergratitude, client gratitude, gratitude