Tag: sales team

Skills Your Sales Team Needs for Social Media Marketing

Does your sales team need training when it comes to supporting your social media marketing efforts? Social media training is an excellent way to get started with social media or learn how to use it more effectively within your business or organization.

When it comes to social media training, one thing that always stands out is that many salespeople don’t understand their role in helping their company succeed online.

Connection to Customers

Social media training is a great idea for anyone that wants to learn more about using social media as a business tool. This includes people who are already working in marketing roles and want to expand their knowledge of social media, but it also applies to anyone who works in sales and wants to learn how to help their customers interact with their brand on Facebook, Twitter and other platforms.

Social media is powerful. It’s also the fastest growing channel for customer engagement and marketing, which means it’s only going to get more valuable in the future.

Sales teams are often responsible for managing client relationships and generating new business — both of which can be achieved through social media channels.

Relationship Marketing

Social media isn’t just about promoting products; it’s about creating relationships with customers and prospects, too. A well-trained sales team will be able to utilize social media in ways that go beyond simply pushing products onto site visitors. Your salespeople are the first point of contact for many of your prospects, and they can have a huge impact on whether or not those prospects become customers.

More Impact

It’s easy for salespeople to fall into the trap of thinking that because they aren’t using social media, it doesn’t apply to them — but that’s not true at all! Social media doesn’t just affect marketing teams; it impacts every department within an organization. In fact, according to a recent study by IBM and Oxford Economics, companies that invest in improving their digital capabilities see higher returns on their investments than those who don’t (upwards of $22 million vs $9 million).

Reputation Management

If a company has a strong presence on Facebook or Twitter, for example, this can improve its reputation among potential clients who may not have heard of them otherwise; therefore making them more likely to choose them over another company offering similar services at a lower price point.

Unfortunately, many companies don’t have the resources to hire a full-time social media manager. That’s where training comes in. With a little training, your sales team can become experts at using social media to support your marketing efforts.

Hollie Clere, of the The Social Media Advisor team, speaks on social media marketing topics and creates custom presentations, including our popular Social Media Sales Training. We are available to come to you with a keynote presentation, training seminar or workshop.

Are you ready to take your marketing campaign to the next level? Businesses that embrace social media often see greater customer engagement and increased sales. We can help your sales team set goals and achieve them. Whether you need a pitch-perfect keynote or compelling one-on-one training session, we can help you with social media strategy and execution. Let’s talk about it!

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, and the tools to manage them.

Click here for Social Media Training, Speaking and Strategy Consultations.

Why Hire a Social Media Training to Enhance Your Company’s Sales Team?

Why Hire a Social Media Trainer to Enhance Your Company’s Sales Team?

Numbers are important but an untrained sales team could have a negative impact on your brand messaging. With numerous people out there sharing their version of your mission, vision and brand – it can create confusion in the market. This type of brand confusion can have a long-term impact on your bottom line. Social media training is essential to get your sales team on the same page and moving towards the same target – profit for your small business.

Consistent Messaging

How do you want people to feel when they interact with your brand on social media? Does your team understand the significance of this feeling and how to best engage with others online to encourage and influence followers? The only way to be certain that your team is all on the same page and communicating the same messaging, is to train them on what you want them to discuss and how you want them to engage with your audience online.

Consistent Activity and Supportive Engagement

Your marketing team is moving in many directions. An educated sales team can help keep the online conversation and engagement going to saturate the market with your message and keep you in front of your social media audience.

Buy-in for the Company Brand

If you want your sales team to believe in your mission and vision the way that you do, you have to engage them. Not only do you need to engage them, you have to develop a solid brand and marketing strategy and communicate that with your team. Then you must equip them with the tools and training to go out into the world and spread your message! Once you achieve a level of buy-in with your team, through communication and training, they will feel empowered and will want to contribute to the online and offline conversation in regards to their work and your company.

Empowers Your Team to Own Their Role

With the right guidance and training, your employees will feel empowered, engaged, and truly a part of your company’s mission. With no direction, team members often work with their heads down in hopes of not garnering any negative attention at work. However, with the right messaging, communication strategy, and training – your team now feels like a part of the company culture –  not afraid of participating because they understand what is expected and what the brand is looking to achieve.

Are you looking for a social media company to train your staff on online marketing strategies and equip them with the tools to maintain engagement, spark interest through LinkedIn, and build a solid foundation company-wide? Training can be done virtually or in-person. Get more information on our website here.

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+YouTubePinterestInstagram, and the tools to manage them.

Click here for Social Media TrainingSpeaking and Strategy Consultations.

#TrainYourTeam – Why Hire a Social Media Specialist to Train Your Sales Team?

What’s the value of having a social media specialist come in and train your sales team on social media marketing? Your sales team is the front line and your future success depends on this team knowing the brand message, the company culture, and the details of how the company is marketed both online and offline – this includes social media. This group of people is key when it comes to building know, like and trust – the secret to online marketing success.

Your Sales Team & Social Engagement

When your sales team is comfortable and confident engaging on your behalf online, you are organically building likes and follows on your channel. Each individual that is engaging with you is not only an addition to your audience but they also potentially promote that same content to their network as well. If your sales team doesn’t understand how to engage with your audience online – or simply avoids it because they aren’t sure what to do – you are missing out on some fantastic organic engagement and opportunities to connect with your leads.

Your Sales Team & Compliance

Do the members of your sales team understand the policies and procedures put into place for online interactions? Have you created compliance policies to protect your company online? It’s vital that these procedures are in place and that your team is trained on the right and wrong way to engage with leads and customers in an online space, such as social media. It’s essential that you teach your team to properly represent you on the Internet.

Your Sales Team & Their Public Presence

Since your sales team is the face of your business, their online presence does have an impact on your company. While you can’t tell your staff what to post on their personal feeds, it’s important to have a discussion about what it looks like to be appropriate in an online space since their public persona is a reflection on your brand. A social media specialist can come in and breach this topic with your team and give them guidelines on what they should or shouldn’t be doing online.

Your brand needs someone who specializes in social media, keeps up with the latest trends and changes, and operates in this space daily to really equip your sales team on how to confidently and successfully organically grow your audience on social media.

Our team here at the Social Media Advisor offers social media training and workshops to companies here in Denver and has been doing this work for over 15 years! Hire the expert in social media to get your team ramped up this month and make 2019 an AWESOME year for your business. Find out more at my website or book an appointment with me to talk next steps.

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+YouTubePinterestInstagram, and the tools to manage them.

Click here for Social Media TrainingSpeaking and Strategy Consultations.

Learn how to use social media to grow your business online with our video series!

  • Learn the fundamentals of social media
  • Learn how to build better brand engagement
  • Learn how to enhance your visitors' experience
  • Learn how to grow your business using social media strategies.

If you want someone to break down aspects of social media to get more clients and build your business using social media, this is the program for you.

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