Tag: online marketing

How Can Your Business Serve Your Online Audience Better?

Many of us have had to shift our businesses recently to offer online and no contact options.  Have you come up with your plan to serve a shifting audience yet?  As the world becomes more automated, your customers will expect you to understand the apps and tools commonly used to make things like scheduling, payment, and support easy and efficient.


Many new and smaller businesses have grown accustomed to signing up new clients on a one-to-one basis – in-person or over the phone. The future is transitioning all of these administrative tasks online using modern apps and solutions. The key to modernizing your business and making it online-friendly is finding ways to automate tasks that are normally time-consuming and frustrating. No one enjoys playing phone tag with someone to set up an appointment. More and more individuals find that engaging in a phone conversation without an appointment is inconvenient. We don’t answer a call if we don’t know the number and we put our phones away in an attempt to be more productive. In this brave new world, investing in and setting up an online scheduler is essential for businesses wanting to efficiently and easily make appointments with leads and customers. There are lots of options available but we use YouCanBookMe.com.


We live in a world of online payment solutions. The days of waiting for a check to come in the mail are over. In fact, many people in the younger demographics don’t even use checks or carry cash which means an online invoicing tool is key. After all the hard work of persuading a lead to do business with you, don’t then make the process difficult by making payment inconvenient and hard to process. Whether you use Quickbooks Online for your business, have a Square or Stripe account, or use a CRM software with invoicing built-in – get familiar with a trusted tool and make payment easy and convenient for your customers.


Do you have a system set-up on your website or social media to answer common questions and provide real-time support or your audience? If you find that people call 15 times a day asking about your location, setting up something on Facebook that answers that question or setting up your phone system to answer that question before transferring to you could save you time AND help you support your audience at the same time. Take some time to research options for online and phone options that could help your customer support efforts.

Another way to have more time to really focus on nurturing your leads and clients is to bring on help! Social media marketing doesn’t have to be tackled alone. Having a strategy in place for your social media postings will be key in developing relationships, staying relevant, and knowing how / what to post so you don’t run out of content.  By signing up for Quarterly Roadmap sessions, we will also cover the best ways to use ads and you’ll learn how to read reports so you aren’t wasting a ton of money. Instead, you’ll be strategic about your spending so you see results for your efforts. Contact The Social Media Advisor today to get started!


Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+YouTubePinterestInstagram, and the tools to manage them.

Click here for Social Media TrainingSpeaking and Strategy Consultations.

No Need to Start Over – Use Content Management Tools

For the month of March, my team is focusing on getting your online marketing back on track. Have you created, even used, some social media accounts but have let your content slip through the cracks? It’s okay. It can be daunting, as a small business owner, to keep juggling all the things you need to get done each day.
So, there’s a gap in your content. It’ll be all right. While consistency is important in social media and online marketing, a presence is better than no presence. Only this time, you are going to work smarter. There is no point in sending you back into the trenches without a game plan to make it work this time around!
What’s the magic to getting you ramped back up? It’s in knowing and understanding online marketing tools and resources. There are so many tools available now that take the stress, and sometimes the guesswork, out of staying on top of your online content.
Social Media Scheduling
There are many different choices but Hootsuite and Buffer are the most popular. They offer free accounts that will allow you to use many of their features. Scheduling software allows marketers to plan content ahead of time and then post it at the most opportune time of day.  Hootsuite also offers suggestions for content in case you are ever in a rut and need a little help. Buffer offers some insightful analytics as well.
This platform moves fast and can be difficult to keep up with. Good thing there are so many apps, websites and tools to help make tweeting more manageable.
  •        Bit.ly – used to shorten links in order to conserve space within that 140 character limit.
  •        CoTweet – an analytical tool to track engage and analyze conversations.
  •        Paper.li – a site that gathers online content and displays it in a newsfeed fashion. Can be used for content curation.
  •        Triberr – A community based site to join tribes of like-minded content creators.
  •        TweetDeck – a slick desktop management tool for Twitter uses.
  •        TwitterFeed – got some RSS feeds? This tool allows you to share your tweets through your feeds.
  •        Twitter Character Counter – This website is a simple to use box to copy and paste your tweets and edit them down so they fit the character limitations of Twitter.

Want to quickly, and easily, create high quality graphics for your blog posts and social media accounts? Check out Canva. This free to use tool is set up to churn out graphics and images in a speedy and hassle-free way. Take your online content from blah to wow in only a manner of minutes!
By planning ahead of time, you could be creating a month’s worth of online content in just a couple of hours. This would keep you consistent and relevant on the web but still free you up to work on your business and keep bringing in new clients.

If you implement some new tools and still find yourself struggling to keep up with your online marketing, contact us at The Social Media Advisor and ask for help! We thrive on helping small businesses #BeAwesome online!
~ Social Media is changing the way people do business.  Don’t get left behind ~ 

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere, of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedIn, FacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram and the tools to manage them. 

Click here for her 
Social Media Workshops, Classes and Seminars.