#SociallyKind – Socially Kind in Your Social Media Content
We hear a lot about civility these days. While the term is most often used in connection with formal interaction, in reality, it all boils down to being polite and considerate. It’s pretty hard to argue with the fact that we could all use more of that — not just formally but in everything we do.
Of course, while we can’t control what others do, we can certainly make sure that we are polite and kind. This applies not just to our in-person interactions, but to our social media content as well. Has there ever been a better time to pledge that our content will be socially kind?
So how can you ensure that what you post is kind? Before you post, ask yourself these questions:
Is It True?
Before you hit the post button, make sure that what you are posting is true. This is especially the case if your content refers to a person. If you can’t verify it, don’t post it. This applies to both content you create and that you share.
Is It Positive?
Perhaps something that is negative is still worth posting but is there another way to frame it? Socially kind content should be positive at best, neutral at worst. Negative content runs the risk of causing damage to the people who read it.
Is It Considerate?
Being considerate doesn’t necessarily refer to what you post. It can also refer to the frequency with which you are posting. Do you really need to post five times a day? Put yourself in your reader’s place and evaluate if you may be posting to the point of being annoying.
Would Someone Reading It Be Hurt?
The last thing you want to do is be hurtful. Evaluate every post to make sure that you don’t unintentionally hurt someone. While it can be difficult to know how everyone in your community may feel, you can certainly make an effort.
Is It Helpful?
If what you are posting or forwarding isn’t helpful then what is the point of posting it? Do you really want your content to be perceived as noise? Your content and what you share should have a goal. Whether it is to make someone smile, make a task easier, or provide useful information, know why you are posting.
It isn’t difficult to be kind or considerate. Train yourself to get into the habit of testing every post to make sure that it follows the rules above. Before you know it, it’ll be second nature.
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Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, and the tools to manage them.
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