Tag: holidays

#PlanAhead – How to Select the Holidays for Your Editorial Calendar that Reflects Your Brand Culture

You’ve probably seen people, and companies, post holiday graphics on their social media pages. Often, it’s their way of wishing you a Happy New Year or getting excited about fireworks on the 4th of July with you. Sometimes, it’s a silly holiday involving food, or animals, or something completely nonsensical.

Why do businesses post holiday graphics on their social media pages?

Easy. People love them.

Your audience is inclined to engage with a holiday post because

  1. It’s fun.
  2. You aren’t selling them anything.

You are simply sharing a moment with someone else and you aren’t requiring your audience to take action. Not only will they be happy to like or comment on your post, if it’s done well, they’ll also share it with their audience.

This is good news for businesses trying to get around algorithm challenges. Why? Well, each time a follower engages with one of your posts, it’s telling the algorithm that they like that sort of content (and your page) and it should send them more of your content. That’s a win/win/win. You’re happy, the follower is happy, and the algorithm is being trained to deliver more content tailored to your audience’s interests.

Where can you go to find some options so you can make a plan for the new year to create posts around holidays that mean something to you?

There are lots of places to go, but we recommend DaysOfTheYear.com. This site is not only beautiful, it is also easy to navigate. You can see holidays based on today or a specific month. We like to go month to month and hand pick holidays that we think our audience will enjoy. It’s loaded with tons of good options and, if you set aside a couple of hours this month, you could have a list of holidays for next year ready to go!

Keep in mind that some holidays change so just because it’s on a specific day this year, it could be different next year. For example, if the holiday you chose is always on the 2nd Saturday of the month, you’ll have to come back and check each day next year in order to be accurate.

Don’t go crazy with the holidays either. One to five a month is more than enough. Your content needs to be about more than silly occasions. Also, keep your brand in mind when choosing holidays. Does it resonate with the business you are trying to build?

Happy hunting! We can’t wait to engage with your holiday content this year.

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+YouTubePinterestInstagram, and the tools to manage them.

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