#2017Trends – Video on a Budget (How Live Video Will Make You an Influencer in Your Industry)

The hottest trend for influencers in 2017 will be video marketing. Live video options hit Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter last summer, and the trend is still going strong. With 1.442 billion monthly mobile users on Facebook and the 600k skyrocket of Instagram active Instagram users since the introduction of ‘Instagram Stories’, live video can’t be ignored.

But how do you create live video that doesn’t suck the life out of your viewers? You want to be an influencer in your industry, and that means your live video can’t be amateur hour. It also can be done without breaking the bank budget-wise.

Here are some key ways to create video on a budget and become an influencer in your industry:

1.      Know the limits of your camera. Your smartphone or streaming device needs to be clear and focused on you or the event you’re tracking. Shaky phones, hands, and scenery can jerk the viewer out of their comfort zone. Stabilize your phone using a tripod, if possible.

2.     Prepare, prepare, prepare. You are giving a speech or presentation to the world. Should you do it off-the-cuff? Unless you are a king or queen of improv, the answer is no. Practice before the live event, know what you want to say and how you’ll say it. Practice in front of your recording device multiple times so you can see how you do. Are you staring at the camera? Looking off screen? Constantly twitching? Awkwardly looking around? Do you tap your pencil as you talk? These things are important. If you look nervous and uncomfortable, it’s hard for viewers to be confident and you lose that influence you’re trying to gain.

3.      Record your live event! You can record your live event using independent apps such as Replay Video Capture. Keep in mind that the only way to record it is through another phone, desktop, laptop, or tablet. Recording while streaming on your phone is almost impossible since you have to stream from the Facebook mobile app (sorry, no browser options yet). You can offer up a reply to subscribers of your page or newsletter, save it for future use, and release it on your video social networking site (such as YouTube).

4.      Have a goal before you start your live event. You need to know what you want to gain from your audience before you begin. There should either be a call-to-action, informational, or an instructional component that will benefit your viewer. A great example of an instructional video is one where you assemble or use a product from your company (or another company, if you’re reviewing a product). Informational could be reporting live from a convention or other event. A call-to-action could be to sign up for your newsletter, webinar, buy a product, try a product, or more.

5.      You can have pre-recorded content in your video. Ensure that over 90% of it is live or else you will lose the confidence of your viewers. Use a free app like Adobe Spark Video to create your video intro and outro, or, if you are reporting on an incident or event, use Adobe Spark Video to compile those clips to be aesthetically pleasing for the viewer.

The sky is the limit when it comes to influencer marketing and live video. Be prepared for the best and worst. The more you practice, the more comfortable you’ll be.

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!
Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+,YouTubePinterestInstagram and the tools to manage them.

#SocialIsntScary – Fear of the Camera

Are You Afraid of Using Photo or Video in Your Social Media?

There are a variety of different ways to generate marketing content but do you really need to be on video? Is it truly necessary to get some professional headshots done? The truth of the matter is audiences are becoming more and more visual. Social media effectiveness is greatly enhanced when visuals are involved. What is more visual than having a video conversation with your target audience? Don’t you feel more comfortable when you can get a feel for the person you are interacting with? Video also opens up what you offer to a segment of the population that doesn’t enjoying reading. It makes you appear more personable and really adds to that Know, Like, Trust relationship building that great companies can establish.
Knowing that you need to get in front of the camera is one thing. How do you get past all the fears associated with getting started? Worried about how you will appear in video or look in pictures? Don’t know where to start? Here are some basic tips to getting started with visual marketing.
Visual marketing involves utilizing images, graphics and other visuals to make your content more powerful. Images grab and keep attention much longer than basic text. When putting together a marketing or social media plan, it’s essential to incorporate visuals into your content management strategy.
Do they have to be pictures of you? No, they don’t. However, the added benefit to using professionally done photographs of you and various aspects of your business are worth the investment. Photos of you establish a connection with the audience. It makes them more comfortable. The more conversations you have and visuals you put out there, the more your clients feel like they are getting to know you.
If you are concerned about how you will look, shop around for a trusted photographer or portrait artist. Express your objections or fears and have them suggest ways to create stunning images that even you will be pleased with. Then come up with creative ways to use those images with your social media and website content.
Don’t let fear hold you back from making an impact with your marketing!
Video & Vlogs
Tip #1: Practice
Do some rehearsals. Record yourself. Work on developing a connection with the camera lens. Talk to the camera and don’t get distracted or look away. As with any new skill, the more you practice the better you’ll become.
Tip #2: Review Visuals
Watch your rehearsals. Turn the volume down. This will give you a chance, without sound, to really examine all the elements of your video. That’s what video is all about. It’s a visual platform.
Examine these elements:
       Facial Expressions
Tip #3: Review Sounds
This time look away from the camera and just listen. By listening, you will hear how you sound on video. Listen for dramatic pauses or overused phrases. Does the sound flow? What can you do to make transitions sound better?
Tip #4: Be Realistic
No one expects you to be a filmmaker. Your videos don’t have to be perfect. Focus on the art of conversation. Have a conversation with your camera, which is really your audience. Vlogging isn’t about fancy special effects or understanding every element of YouTube.

#SocialIsntScary and neither is putting together visual marketing elements that can be a true asset to your brand. If you’d like some examples on how you can #BeAwesome using this techniques, give us a call!
Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!
Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Google+,YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram and the tools to manage them.

The Scoop on Periscope!

Social Seven – Social Media Podcast
With Erin Cell of Socially Powered and Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor

The Scoop on Periscope!

Incorporating images and video into your online marketing is essential! But, have you thought about building relationships using stream? Periscope is a fun tool to do so! Periscope is a live streaming tool that can be used for online marketing and relationship building.

Periscope was announced at Social Media Marketing World 2015 and is a hot new tool. Everybody at the Friday sessions were #scoping. All the morning sessions were scoped as well. People were stopping and scoping others in the hallways. There were lots of conversations on Periscope versus Meerkat. Periscope is Twitter’s version of this type of tool. It is a live-streaming video app. It can be accessed through an app on your phone or through an Internet browser.

Periscope has great interaction. People can ask you questions during the scope and anyone can join without needing a specific link.  They can send comment instantly. Also, viewers can tap the screen to send hearts to the people on the video as a way to approve or appreciation what is being filmed.

The most important thing about video is being able to meet people. You get to interact with someone, hear how they speak, see how they talk with their hands. It’s all that relatable Like, Know, Trust stuff. That is the way of marketing right now with the images and video components that people are using. If you aren’t incorporating these into your marketing, you have a flat brand. Video is one of the absolute most important tasks you should be doing. 

Periscope is not only a flat video that you are watching. You can also interact with it. You get to have an engaging experience with a brand or an individual.

How are you using Periscope to build your brand and spread your message? Follow us on social media to find out when our Social Seven podcast is streaming live!

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  • Learn the fundamentals of social media
  • Learn how to build better brand engagement
  • Learn how to enhance your visitors' experience
  • Learn how to grow your business using social media strategies.

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