Tag: Word of Mouth

#BuildingYourTribe – What is a Tribe?

Essentially, a tribe is your community. When it comes to your business, a tribe is a unique group of friends, fans, customers, brand advocates, partners and followers who are willing to become a voice to your message. Some call it “1000 true fans”. It’s a place where you belong, can be heard, and known. Most of all, it’s a place where you can make a difference.
Before we delve into the key aspects of a tribe, we need to spend some time talking about what a tribe IS NOT.
A tribe is not a pedestal you use to dictate your awesomeness.
It is not fame.
It is not a number.
It is not a group of people who agree with everything you say at all times.
It is, however, a core group of people who help you think, force you to move beyond your limits, and keep your world positive around you. Constructive criticism is not negativity. It’s a chance for growth. They challenge you to be better, inspire your creativity, and spread the message because they genuinely believe in what you have to offer.
Your tribe supports you when you feel like giving up while providing energy and strength when you least expect it. You can create life-long bonds that can never be broken. Best of all, this tribe can help you turn your passion into your livelihood.
You may already have tribe members supporting you, and you don’t even know it. Who picks you up when you’re down? Who pushes you to try harder, learn more, become a better version of yourself? Who stood with you when you wanted to step out on your own? Those people are your tribe.
They are your most loyal and devoted fans. Right now.
It’s not a numbers game. I have to stress this. There’s a lot of bad advice out there. Numbers do not equal loyalty.
In future posts we’ll be discussing who makes up your tribeand how to build it from the ground up. In the meantime, why not try this exercise? Write down, either on paper or in the comments, at least one person who supported you when you were willing to give up. It doesn’t have to be about your current pursuits. It could be a teacher who encouraged you to write or read. A coach who told you he believed in your efforts. A boss or fellow worker who reminded you that it was okay to make mistakes and rise from them.
Then, when you’ve finished writing down those names, close your eyes and remember those moments. Try to bring those emotions back to life.

Your tribe is an emotional connection. Don’t forget that. Understanding your tribe, your community, is a way to tap into the best type of marketing – word of mouth. Those who know how to #BeAwesome in business also understand the value of having a dedicated tribe.
Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!
Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Google+,YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram and the tools to manage them.

#SocialProof – Why Social Proof Matters

Did you know that *92% of consumers read online reviews before trying a new business, product or service? 40% of them will form an opinion after reading three or less of those reviews. Online reviews are one of the many ways #SocialProof matters to your clients and consumers. Your business information is available for everyone to see. In a world of information overload, having no information or proof of worth at all is unsettling.
Think about the way you shop. We all have particular stores and brands we prefer, but have you ever wondered why? You buy from brands and companies you trust because you know they’ll deliver what you pay for. Testimonials, word of mouth, reviews, and more can be used to spark emotional triggers to influence you toward purchases and new-to-you businesses. 
This makes sense. You don’t want to spend your time and hard-earned money on something that may not be worth it. 
The same is true for your future clients and customers. They want to feel reassured that you can provide the service/product that you promise. 
Well how did companies and businesses gain customers before the internet? Ads. Word of mouth. Scarcity. Social Proof has always been used to bridge the gap between consumer and product. Experiments on this phenomenon occurred as early as 1935 and continue today.
Social proof is a comfort to your future clients and customers. You want to invite them into your world and let them know that you’ll take care of their concerns by delivering what you, and your social proof, promise.

Besides, the Internet is inundated with information, sales pages, and businesses that are promising the same results you are. How do you even begin, as a consumer, to differentiate between similar options without social proof? Social proof is what we look for when we begin researching an individual, a location, a company, information or just about anything else online. 

Gaining social proof takes time and effort, but the effects will be worth it. Remember, the more positive and solid your customer/client base, the easier it will be to leverage your social proof.
*(Reference Bright Local’s annual Consumer Review Survey, 2015:  https://www.brightlocal.com/learn/local-consumer-review-survey/)

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!
Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Google+,YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram and the tools to manage them.