Tag: Social Network

Time Management for LinkedIn: Social Media Series – Part 4

LinkedIn is a great tool to connect with friends, coworkers, and professional acquaintances; but, most importantly it is most used to build your network to access resources for business. It is very important to maximize your time in this professional social site due to your visibility online. Your new LinkedIn connections find opportunities to connect with you on a business level because of your activity on the site. Somewhat like Facebook, but in a professional environment, you can post a status update (“Share an update”), send internal messages, communicate through Groups, create or answer polls and also embed applications in your profile to share in your travel, presentations, video, books you are reading and other applications to boost your presence in a creative way. . . .

Check out my post on the topic here:


Hollie Clere, The Social Pro is a social media manager, trainer and author in the LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog and social media world.

Time Management for Twitter: Social Media Series Part 3

In the world of posting whatever, when ever, there is a lot to be said about quality time with Twitter. Twitter can be utilized in a multitude of ways. Any user can post updates about news, links, promotions, events, topics of interest, engage in customer support and participate in online discussions. As an individual or business, you need to decide how you will engage in this forum.

If you have over 100 people you are following, it can be difficult to keep track of the latest updates as twitter is an active stream of personal opinion, back and forth discussions and buzz about thoughts or activities. . . .

Check out my post on the topic here:


Hollie Clere, The Social Pro is a social media manager, trainer and author in the LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog and social media world.

“The Social Network” Movie

Have you gotten the chance to see “The Social Network” movie? I must say that I really enjoyed it. It was a well put together film with a great story. There is controversay about the facts portrayed in the movie. Realistically, only the developers of Facebook will know the truth behind it.

I have been very excited to see this film and feel it was well worth the money and the time to dive into it. I personally feel Mark Zuckerberg is brilliant. As a person who learned code in college, I can’t begin to think about the skills that he & his team has. Well done.

Here is the link to the movie website: http://www.thesocialnetwork-movie.com/

What did you think about the movie?

Be aware of who is presenting information about your company online

Buyer beware translates into owners beware in social media. Hiring someone to fill the shoes of your social media manager can make since in regard to time, but unless the individual is personally invested in your company goals, priorities and vision, you will need to invest in a lot of clean up later on.

Management consists of the following items:

• maintain branding
• management of profiles
• response and management of direct messages
• management and increase of followers
• management of product release campaigns
• active viewer response & interaction
• effectively enhancing SEO, SMO (keyword optimization)
• correctly creating profiles to maximize visibility on social media sites
• reporting traffic, communication and hits effectively

If you aren’t getting these things from your social media support team, then you aren’t correctly using your profiles or getting ROI on your time or investment.

These service can be outsourced or handled internally, but you need to have a clearly defined scope of work and milestone meetings to constantly revise or add to your marketing plan. Your social media solution should ebb & flow with times and market changes.

Contact us today to see how we can help you achieve these goals.

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