Tag: prospecting

Making social media work for you in 2014

We are looking for your input on social media experiences. The last quarter of the year is upon us and many of us struggle with those end of year tasks: closing out projects, documentation for taxes and building goals and budgets for the New Year. One of our year end projects is to enhance options for our clients and connections based off of their needs. We are looking for your feedback about social media experiences so that we can provide articles, tactics and tips that will help you with your social media marketing efforts.

We would love your feedback on the any of following questions so that we can gauge what blog topics would help you most in 2014:

• What are some of the struggles you have had with marketing on Facebook?
• What are some of the questions you have had when you think of marketing on Twitter?
• Do you and/or your staff members have less than 500 connections on LinkedIn?
• Is closing business or prospecting for new clients on LinkedIn still a mystery?
• Have you considered adding video marketing to your social media strategy?
• How long has it been since your social and website SEO/keywords have been updated?
• Would you like to learn about using Pinterest to promote your business?
• What are some of the frustrations/questions you have had with Google+?
• Have you or do you use HootSuite and what are the things you like/don’t like about it?
• Are you posting status updates more than once each week in the social spaces?

***As a gift for you in return,
 We are offering you a free social media consultation. This is a $395 value, but we are giving it away free until 12/26/2013 in celebration of our 10th year in business. Please take a moment to answer our questions above, and take advantage of our free social media review before the end of the year.

Thank you for your assistance! Looking forward to learning more about you in 2014!

~ Social Media is changing the way people do business.  Don’t get left behind ~ 

Hollie Clere, of The Social Media Advisor is a social media manager, trainer and author in LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Google+ , Pinterest and the tools to manage them. Click here for her Social Media Links

Sign up for your Free Social Media Analysis 

Building Connections on LinkedIn

When speaking to clients about building connections on LinkedIn, I encourage them to build their network with professionals they know, like and trust … in addition to building a network of connections that they may not have met yet, but might be good potential clients.

Sure, it makes sence to connect to people you know, but it is possible that those people may already be a good referral network for you. Connecting with people who may have similar interests, similar industries, similar groups, etc will enhance your network and launch the potential for more relationships in your extended network.

Being a user of LinkedIn, you are familiar with the tiers … 1st, 2nd, 3rd-degree connections and so forth. 1st-degree connections are directly connected to you. 2nd-degree connections are directly connected to one of your contacts. 3rd-degree connections are connected to your 2nd-degree connections. Additionally you may run across profiles that say “Group” and are only a part of your LinkedIn network because of a mutual group. “Out of Network” simply means that you are not connected in any way.

So, how can you build your network?

(1) Synch your Email Contacts

In your LinkedIn profile, select Network, Add Connections. The system provides many options for connecting your emails. Additionally, by selecting Any Email, you can also Upload your contacts file or Invite contacts by individual email.

NOTE: The first screen is your list of contacts that have an email address in LinkedIn, the second screen shows the list of your contacts email addresses that are not setup on the LinkedIn network. You can simply select all or select contacts individually.

(2) Connect to members of Groups

In your LinkedIn profile, select Interests then Groups. Select the Group you would like to view. In the group, near the top right hand side of the page, you will see a box that says Member; next to this box you will see the quantity of members in the group. Click those words. You will see the full list of members with the people you have 1st-degree connections, then 2nd-degree and so forth. Simply click Connect for the individuals you would like to connect with. Some versions of LinkedIn still have Members listed in the navigation under the group name.

NOTE: You will need to be connected to a group before you can view Members.

(3) Search for people/jobs/companies of interest to you

Search is one of the best tools in LinkedIn. You can search for what ever you might need from People to Jobs to Companies, Groups, keywords, etc. The Search bar is found at the top of LinkedIn no matter what screen you are in. Simply type in your words and click the clue search button.

Build your contact lists, make an introduction and get to know your network of resources. LinkedIn can be one of the best tools for your business growth, communication and networking.

Remember, if it isn’t fun, you are doing it wrong. Happy Networking!

~ Social Media is changing the way people do business.  Don’t get left behind ~ 

Hollie Clere, of The Social Media Advisor is a social media manager, trainer and author in LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Google+ , Pinterest and the tools to manage them. Click here for her Social Media Links

Sign up for your Free Social Media Analysis 

LinkedIn: Unlock the Potential

LinkedIn just might be one of the most misused “multi-tools” on the net.  A quick look on Wikipedia just illustrates my point.  Most people are using LinkedIn as an address book of professional connections, a site to post a resume in search of a new job, a place for employers to “head hunt” to fill spots in their company.  Let me take a minute to say that those that use LinkedIn for these purposes are having great success.  With over 58 million members in the United States alone, many business owners are missing out on the great potential of LinkedIn.

Throughout history many of the things we use every day, were actually created for an entirely different purpose.  One example is a spring that was designed in 1943 by a naval engineer to help stabilize sensitive equipment on ships.  If the potential of this spring wasn’t unlocked, then there would be only a select group of people that would have any use for this spring or even know what it is.  Because the potential of this spring was unlocked, there have been more than 300 million sold and you would be hard pressed to find anyone that doesn’t know what a Slinky is.
Any business owner or salesman should be chopping at the bit with the thought of tapping into a market of over 147 million worldwide.  Imagine being able to reach out to this many potential customers in a place they are already visiting, and allowing these potential customers to build a relationship with you and your company.  If that wasn’t enough, the Basic LinkedIn account is FREE!  I have never seen such a pool of potential customers that you can access for free, that are already spending on average 8 – 21 minutes a day, but is being used by most to search for a job and NOT customers.  Even the paid versions of LinkedIn provide so many additional options to enhance your connection experience.
 The bottom line is that the tools are all around us.  If you are not unlocking these tools, you are getting left behind.  In a climate where millions of small businesses are closing each year, can you afford to not unlock this potential?  If you don’t know how to unlock these tools, then I would suggest finding someone with a key before it is too late.

~ Social Media is changing the way people do business.  Don’t get left behind ~ 

Jeremy Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a social media manager, trainer and consultant in  LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Google+ , Pinterest and the tools to manage them.  

Sign up for your Free Social Media Analysis