Tag: Profile Development

#AwesomeBios – Why It’s Essential to be a Bio Completionist

Consistency is a foundational element to for like, know, and trust concept. It’s a core fundamental for your brand, and if it’s not, it should be. One way to ensure consistency is to complete your bios on every platform you use. They should tell your viewer who are you are, why they should care about you, and what you want them to do next.

In addition, you’ll want to include a professional photo since an image will stick in the mind longer than written text. You’ll want your bio to be personal, compelling, and shareable. Ensure it contains ALL of your links (if possible). Most of all, include a powerful call to action.

You need to develop four levels of your bio so that you can keep things consistent across all platforms. They are a full bio, a short bio, a mini bio, and a tagline or byline-type bio. Check out this article we wrote if you want to know more about developing your perfect bio.  

Full Bio (500 words or less): Website and Blog
A full bio should contain most of your information. It should be compelling and list all of your relevant accomplishments.

Short Bio (Two paragraphs, max): Professional Publications, Shop Stores, Bio Sections on Professional Sites (Who We Are, About Us, etc.), and Extended Bio Sections for Social Media Platforms like Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Instagram

A short bio should contain who you are, why your readers should care, and how you’ll help them in their lives. Tailor your accomplishments to whichever platform you use.

Mini-Bio (Two sentences, max): Business Cards, Bottom of Articles, and Short Bio Sections on Social Media

A mini-bio is one that covers most bio needs. You can extend a tagline bio into the two sentence one with ease.

Tagline Bio (One sentence): Extremely Short Bio Sections like Twitter, Bottom of Articles, and Print Publications like Brochures.

Here is a formula we like to use in developing a tagline (or byline) bio: “I do ____ for ____, so that they can _____.” A tagline/byline is the perfect intro to most of your other bios. It’s the special interest attention-grabber that makes the world curious about who YOU are.

Here are some quick tips:

  • Don’t use filler words to make you sound more impressive. You don’t have the space to waste.
  • Make sure you add some color and spice to your bio (your personality)
  • Include hyperlinks whenever possible to your store, site, newsletter (with your lead/bonus) and social media hubs. Make it easy for people to find you on their preferred medium and you’ll have grateful customers and clients.
  • Adapt your bio as your business adapts. It’s not set in stone!

Your bio is what makes potential customers and clients interested in your work. Emotions are the primary reason people make purchases.

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!
Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+,YouTubePinterestInstagram and the tools to manage them.

LinkedIn Profile Development Can Enhance Your Search Results

LinkedIn is one of the most powerful business tools on the internet. It isn’t intended to be an online resume of your history, but rather a beefed up – keyword heavy story telling tool to allow your profile to be found when it is searched for and help you build your credibility and visibility.

There are specific ways to configure your profile to where you will list at the top of the LinkedIn search list for a keyword in your area.

Are you using the tools to drive traffic to you?

Are you building social relationships to enhance your online presence?

We can rebuild your LinkedIn profiles for you, teach you how to best use them and help you develop connection strategies to grow your client base.

Helping you stand out from your competition.

~ Social Media is changing the way people do business.  Don’t get left behind ~ 

Hollie Clere, of The Social Media Advisor is a social media manager, trainer and author in LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Google+ , Pinterest and the tools to manage them. Click here for her Social Media Links

Sign up for your Free Social Media Analysis 

Ready . . . Set . . . Google+

In the last few days, Google announced to users that on March 1, 2012, they are “getting rid of over 60 different privacy policies across Google and replacing them with one that’s a lot shorter and easier to read.” It is good for each google account user to take a look at the privacy changes. If you didn’t get the email from them to your google account – here is the link they provided:

So you have taken the plunge, ready to play on Google+. Much like other social sites, Google+ is designed for you to be able to share more information in a easy format. You set up your “Circles” of friends, and you are on your way. Not so fast . . .

You will want to take a look at your privacy settings on your Google+ account. The default settings might not provide much security for you.
This summer when I “tried on” Google+ for the first time, there weren’t many settings to keep privacy secure. I liked that I could select which sections to share information, but I found that I was still getting added to other peoples “Circles” that I didn’t know, and got tagged to photos and posts that I was not aware of. Honestly, having the Google+ account has been fun to play with and explore, but I don’t plan to use it for much – if any – communications with people I know at this time. Things may change down the road, but I feel there are still many things that need to be adjusted and would rather keep up with my friends on Facebook, LinkedIn connections and Twitter contacts than try to take on yet another social “connections” site. This is partially the reason for the inactivity on MySpace. I imagine a lot of you are dealing with the same issues.

So, in case you decide to play in Google+, be sure to modify the settings I have highlighted for you below. Understand your privacy & don’t just let anyone connect to you or your kids – monitor them appropriately.

FIRST – Decide how you want to be connected. Under options, you can modify all of your settings or find links to privacy sections. Look for the wheel at the top right hand side next to your picture:

SECOND – You can select how your notifications, posts , pictures, video and communications are listed on your Google+ profile.

THIRD – Customize “Your circles” by choosing who you want to “share” information with.

FOURTH – Customize your Photo and Video options. I highly recommend you unselect “Show photo geo location information in newly uploaded albums and photos. Your geo location will provide the longitude and latitude for the location the picture was taken. This not only is a violation of privacy, but bascially provides information about frequently places you may go to potential online abusers.

Google also announced you could “Circle” a series of celebs and and teen-friendly brands. This is in effort to promote the social site to teens & young adults.

Again, be aware of what your kids are looking at and monitor the content to ensure they are safe. Here is the link for that if you are interested:

Hollie Clere, The Social Media Advisor is a social media manager, trainer and author in the LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog and social media world. Click here for her Social Media Links

Be aware of who is presenting information about your company online

Buyer beware translates into owners beware in social media. Hiring someone to fill the shoes of your social media manager can make since in regard to time, but unless the individual is personally invested in your company goals, priorities and vision, you will need to invest in a lot of clean up later on.

Management consists of the following items:

• maintain branding
• management of profiles
• response and management of direct messages
• management and increase of followers
• management of product release campaigns
• active viewer response & interaction
• effectively enhancing SEO, SMO (keyword optimization)
• correctly creating profiles to maximize visibility on social media sites
• reporting traffic, communication and hits effectively

If you aren’t getting these things from your social media support team, then you aren’t correctly using your profiles or getting ROI on your time or investment.

These service can be outsourced or handled internally, but you need to have a clearly defined scope of work and milestone meetings to constantly revise or add to your marketing plan. Your social media solution should ebb & flow with times and market changes.

Contact us today to see how we can help you achieve these goals.

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