Tag: potential customers

LinkedIn: Unlock the Potential

LinkedIn just might be one of the most misused “multi-tools” on the net.  A quick look on Wikipedia just illustrates my point.  Most people are using LinkedIn as an address book of professional connections, a site to post a resume in search of a new job, a place for employers to “head hunt” to fill spots in their company.  Let me take a minute to say that those that use LinkedIn for these purposes are having great success.  With over 58 million members in the United States alone, many business owners are missing out on the great potential of LinkedIn.

Throughout history many of the things we use every day, were actually created for an entirely different purpose.  One example is a spring that was designed in 1943 by a naval engineer to help stabilize sensitive equipment on ships.  If the potential of this spring wasn’t unlocked, then there would be only a select group of people that would have any use for this spring or even know what it is.  Because the potential of this spring was unlocked, there have been more than 300 million sold and you would be hard pressed to find anyone that doesn’t know what a Slinky is.
Any business owner or salesman should be chopping at the bit with the thought of tapping into a market of over 147 million worldwide.  Imagine being able to reach out to this many potential customers in a place they are already visiting, and allowing these potential customers to build a relationship with you and your company.  If that wasn’t enough, the Basic LinkedIn account is FREE!  I have never seen such a pool of potential customers that you can access for free, that are already spending on average 8 – 21 minutes a day, but is being used by most to search for a job and NOT customers.  Even the paid versions of LinkedIn provide so many additional options to enhance your connection experience.
 The bottom line is that the tools are all around us.  If you are not unlocking these tools, you are getting left behind.  In a climate where millions of small businesses are closing each year, can you afford to not unlock this potential?  If you don’t know how to unlock these tools, then I would suggest finding someone with a key before it is too late.

~ Social Media is changing the way people do business.  Don’t get left behind ~ 

Jeremy Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a social media manager, trainer and consultant in  LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Google+ , Pinterest and the tools to manage them.  

Sign up for your Free Social Media Analysis 

Why choose Social Media?

To understand the question, “Why social media”?  You first have to understand America and how Americans decide where to spend their money.  The foundation of this country has always been about “the guy next door” or “the mom and pop” businesses.  Even if you don’t consider your business one of these, it’s not about your business but about your customer. 

Your customer wants to do business with someone they “know”.  It has always been that way.  Due to the big box stores and advertising prices through the roof, the “little guy” has gotten lost.  It’s not that customers prefer these shops, because of advertising; they just know them like they used to know Tim’s Hardware down the street.  Most people will tell you that there is something missing.  Shopping from Mrs. Large Hardware Chain or Mr. Just As Large Hardware Chain just isn’t the same as when they could walk into Tim’s, get greeted by name, and put their money into the pockets of someone they actually knew.

Even if your potential customers have never known anything other than the big box stores, there is still something buried deep within their DNA that makes them want to spend their money with someone they know.  Bottom line is that your customers are looking for you!  If they can’t get to know you, they will still spend their money, but it will be with whom ever the media has told them to do business with.

Most business owners will tell you that if they could just sit down with a potential customer and talk to them about their product or service, they would be closing deals hand over fist.  With social media you not only allow your potential customers to get to know you, but you get to know them as well.  No matter what “widget” you sell, you will sell much more if people have a chance to buy them from “Tom” or “Jill” instead of a website or cold store front.

~ Social Media is changing the way people do business.  Don’t get left behind ~ 

Jeremy Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a social media manager, trainer and consultant in  LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Google+ , Pinterest and the tools to manage them.  

Sign up for your Free Social Media Analysis