Tag: offers

#AwesomeBios – Promoting Your Offers in Your Bio

When we first talked about building your #AwesomeBio, we mentioned that it was necessary to include a Call To Action. If you have an offer for your potential clients and customers, you have a call to action ready to go.

Bios are the profile sections on main social media pages. You recognize them as the About Us areas. Each social media platform functions as a powerful internal search engine. Therefore, fully fleshed out bios that are loaded with the right keywords are how people will find you. We talked at length about marketing on different social media platforms to gain a return on investment here. This offer that you provide is something called a lead magnet. It’s a way to turn social media browsers into potentially loyal customers.

When you promote your offer, stay away from clickbait titles. A person wants to know exactly what they’ll receive for clicking your action link. Don’t make them doubt your credibility as an honest business. Put only one offer in your bio. It’s a great idea to build a social media campaign for particular offers. Keeping the same one may grow stale, and your current customers want in on the action, too. A long term customer or client is worth its weight in gold. As a matter of fact, 80% of your company’s future revenue will likely come from 20% of your existing customers. Lee Resources Inc., a trusted consulting firm, conducted research about customer retention. They found that attracting new customers will cost your company five times more than keeping existing ones. 

Your offer should involve scarcity. Scarcity is a time limited option that triggers the urge to buy or take on the offer. Without this, it’s too easy for a potential client to wander away from your site. Even with the best intentions, there is no guarantee that they will remember to return and take you up on your offer.

When setting up your promotional offer, keep these three things in mind:
  1. Use short links for character-limiting platforms.
  2. Keep the promotion valid and up-to-date.
  3. Make the offer limited time to induce the urge to buy.
  4. Make sure the link goes directly to the sale, signup, etc. that you’re promoting. Otherwise, it feels like a scam.
  5. Create unique offers, bonuses, etc. unique to the platform you’re using. Consider it insider perks that make people more likely to follow you on their preferred platform. Experiment to find out which perks work best on which platforms. You may be surprised!
  6. Track your results so you can gain a deeper understanding of your customer base.

Your bio (with the offer you provide within it) becomes a first impression technique for anyone who doesn’t know or understand what you do. Take the time to develop one that’s right for you, while keeping it specific to your social media platform, and you’ll gain a loyal following of enthusiastic customers and clients.
Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!
Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+,YouTubePinterestInstagram and the tools to manage them.

Too much “Turkey” in your Facebook Marketing could “Stuff” your Efforts into Poor Results


The end of the year is upon us and most of us prepare to sit with family, stuffing our bellies with yummy food, gift giving and reflecting in a spirit of thanks.  Along with this season, comes business planning for the New Year, goal writing and campaign development for marketing.  In the theme of Thanksgiving, here are some things you should consider with your social media marketing in Facebook  to improve results with branding while maintaining activity with your clients, vendors and partners. 

Let’s Talk Turkey – Using Facebook Promotions can benefit you but …

Facebook has three (3) paid advertising options.  The most important thing to know is none of these work well, without effective and attractive Profile writing.  The bio section of your Page should specifically paint a picture of your ideal niche, target market and specific services.  Facebook uses a program called Graph Search which pulls from things people talk about into suggestions of pages or posts for users  to then  “Like” or “Follow”.  Without the proper wording, even a paid promotion or advertisement isn’t going to draw in the right “Followers” leaving your efforts stuffed with an unhappy pocketbook and minimal results.

(1)    Consider getting your Bio/Mission Statement/About Us information written by a professional writer.  Social Media Marketing Experts are great resources for this as they play in this medium daily and have seen what works well for a variety of entities.

(2)    Be sure your profile is completely written, by filling in each section to its capacity with story telling, service offerings and calls to action.  Even selecting the correct type of “Page” can make or break your campaign as Facebook provides multiple options (Community, Local Business, Company, Organization, Band, Artist, etc)

(3)    Schedule out consistent posts by using tools such as HootSuite to make sure your audience sees updates from you at the time they are online.  By rotating time of day/days of the week and including photos/links/videos will increase your organic “share/like/comment” activity.  If your page hasn’t posted an update in the last month, there is work that needs to be done to get back in front of your visitors and a routine of posts multiple times each week  will help with that.

Let’s talk Stuffing – What are things I should have on my Facebook Page?

(1)    Be sure to have a clean Cover Photo void of too many words and be sure contact information is not included.  Contact information isn’t intended for your Cover Photo as there are other places for it.  The Cover Photo should draw in ideas for your target market – such as a featured product, event or provide a nice visual as to the services you offer.

(2)     Your “Profile Picture” should be recognizable to your brand, preferably your logo and shouldn’t change as frequently as your Cover Photo does.  Honestly, don’t change this picture unless your brand completely changes as it will confuse your visitors.

(3)    Buttons on Facebook such as “Sign Up for your Free eBook” are custom buttons and can integrate a multitude of different applications to enhance your visitors experience.  The buttons can be changed frequently to highlight promotions as well.

(4)    Use your Pin / Highlight options in Facebookallow you to “Pin” a post to the top of your timeline, making it the first thing visitors see when looking at updates or “Highlight” a post takes it from a smaller square shape, to a long wide real estate on your page.  This is good for a past promotions or sharing of an event, gallery of images, etc.

Use your Facebook Page to engage … after all, it is “Social” Media, not “Create a page that will do nothing for you” media. Engage, communicate, keep it fun and constantly changing.  Your viewers will appreciate the variety and over time will open up and begin to share with you in return.

Learn more about how we can help you achieve your marketing goals in social media so you aren’t stuffedwith poor results in this time of planning.


~ Social Media is changing the way people do business.  Don’t get left behind ~ 

Hollie Clere, of The Social Media Advisor is a social media manager, trainer and author in LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Google+ , Pinterest and the tools to manage them. Click here for her Social Media Links

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