Tag: Mobile Device

Trends with Facebook Users on Mobile Devices

According to research reported from multiple Facebook bloggers in a recent Google search, there are over 189 Million Users who access their Facebook via “mobile only” devices (one reference: huffingtonpost).  As of January 2014, Facebook surpassed 1.23 Billion ACTIVE users (http://thenextweb.com/facebook/2014/01/29/facebook-passes-1-23-billion-monthly-active-users-945-million-mobile-users-757-million-daily-users/).  That is an astonishing number honestly, but it proves a point with the things that we share.

Are you more inclined to post a story with your users on your Fan Pages or more inclined to post something with a link, image or even better yet … a link with an image?  Well, it is a fact that it takes more work to put together a post that has a link with an image included, while it is easier to share a string of text instead.  What you may want to consider is the fact that it is human nature to visually attract your attention to something of color than text.  If this blog was in video, you may or may not watch it verses reading instead.  More users will be attracted to a video than text. More users will be attracted to images than text.  These are psycological facts.  It is simple to text this theory.  Test your self. I challenge you to scroll through the most recent … 200 posts on your newsfeed in 15 minutes.  It wouldn’t be a challenge if it were easy right?  Setup your timer, select 15 minutes, then spend time reading each and every post in your news feed up to 200.

If you actually want to complete the challenge, please do so, otherwise, I will provide you with some thoughts that you may have had during your “scroll”.


You may find that due to your time crunch, you are limited to a certain amount of posts.  This in turn will limit you to what you are reading (in text), which will limit your possibility for engagement (like, share, comment).  You probably scrolled past most updates in your news feed unless it was an update from someone important to you or started off with something really compelling.  The next posts you looked at had an image with a headline that either drew you in or turned you away.  Then you look at the poster to make sure you feel they are credible before clicking the link and now you are on a different page all together and need to go back to Facebook.  You may or may not be inclined to share this post but you may be more inclined to like it based off of the Heading or based off of the actual material.

Case in point … we strongly recommend that you include images and links (not in every post) but try it on.  You may find your engagement increasing.  Mobile users definitely have less time than desktop users. They may be in between events, meetings or checking Facebook to pass the time.  You don’t want to lose the attention of your followers by not offering up an attractive update.

Two cents – for what its worth.

~ Social Media is changing the way people do business.  Don’t get left behind ~ 

Hollie Clere

Hollie Clere, of The Social Media Advisor is a social media manager, trainer and author in LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Google+ , Pinterest and the tools to manage them. Click here for her Social Media Links


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