Tag: Internet Marketing

Investing In Social Media

Investing in social media IS investing in yourself.  I’ll pause for a minute and let you re-read that sentence.  It is that important.  Investing in social media ISinvesting in yourself.  No matter if you are a business owner or a sales rep, you are making several investment decisions every day.  You invest in the clothes you wear to a business meeting.  You invest in the tools of your business, your computer, your transportation, even the pictures on your office walls.  There is a story you are wanting to tell to your potential customers.  You invest in your story.
What better way to invest in your story, than by telling it on social media?  This is an investment in time, thought, and even training or support.  The choice is yours, but I am reminded of one of my favorite lyrics.  “If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.” (“Freewill” by Rush)  When a potential customer goes looking for you on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, or other social media outlets and finds nothing (or even worse no activity for over a year) what does that tell them about you and your business?  Are you still wearing bell-bottoms, or a suit from the 1980’s?  You have invested in yourself and with the changing times.  It is time to take a hard look at your social media investment, and what story it is telling everyone you want as customers.
Although social media sites are essentially “free” to create an account, social media marketing as a program is worth the investment in your business.  The results you receive are equivalent  to the investment you put behind them. 

~ Social Media is changing the way people do business.  Don’t get left behind ~ 

Jeremy Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a social media manager, trainer and consultant in  LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Google+ , Pinterest and the tools to manage them.
Sign up for your Free Social Media Analysis 

Using Newsletters in Email Marketing

September 15, 2011

Posted in Articles, Business Development/Planning, Sales & Marketing, E-mail Marketing Print By Hollie Clere

If you have a website, maybe a social media presence and the need to reach a large base of vendors, partners and customers, email marketing — and specifically email newsletters — are a great way to nurture those relationships. Sharing company blogs, links to company social media sites, company announcements and surveys are ideal for email distribution plus the cost for newsletter subscription services are low and the reach can be substantial.

So, where do you start?

Content. It all starts with content, including blogs, promotional pricing, links to specific sites and topics that could be of interest to the reader and are relevant to your company’s products/services. Remember to include only original information; do not plagiarize other sources. However, you may be able to secure permission from an author or publisher to use their work.

When developing your own content, think about every word as a driver for a specific goal. For example, if you are promoting a 10-day discount on widgets, you will want to specifically mention the widget, describe the details behind the discount, provide information on why the widget is a “hot” commodity, why the viewer should choose your widget and provide a link for the viewer to get more information about the widget.

It is also a good idea to embed images relative to your topic. Like articles, you need to have permission to use these images, so you should consider using your own photos/charts or subscribe to a stock photo service where you can purchase the rights to use the photos.

Length. The goal of the newsletter is to encourage the viewer to click through to a desired Web page with further information. Here is an example:

10% discount on our Super Fast Pink Widgets through October 21, 2011. Click here to receive your discount code.


It is a good idea to maintain your widget by cleaning the parts monthly. (Insert the URL LINK to the page that talks in more detail about this topic.)

Time Management for Twitter: Social Media Series Part 3

In the world of posting whatever, when ever, there is a lot to be said about quality time with Twitter. Twitter can be utilized in a multitude of ways. Any user can post updates about news, links, promotions, events, topics of interest, engage in customer support and participate in online discussions. As an individual or business, you need to decide how you will engage in this forum.

If you have over 100 people you are following, it can be difficult to keep track of the latest updates as twitter is an active stream of personal opinion, back and forth discussions and buzz about thoughts or activities. . . .

Check out my post on the topic here:


Hollie Clere, The Social Pro is a social media manager, trainer and author in the LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog and social media world.