Tag: growth

#LearningIsAwesome – Roundtables & Masterminds

We all know that networking is vital to any business but did you know that it is even more important to network with people outside of your industry? Expanding your networking to professionals in different industries opens up a new world of knowledge and insight that you might not otherwise get. These professionals might have insight on things you are currently experiencing in your work, or may experience in the future. We recommend having monthly roundtables with professionals from different industries and here’s why:

Share Your Successes
It can be hard to share successes with professionals in the same field as you because of jealousy or competition.  If you share your professional journey with an expert in a different field, they can understand and relate to your happiness. When you collaborate with other professionals, you create a professional relationship centered around supporting one another and celebrating when success arises.

Collaborate on New Ideas
Sometimes it takes an outside perspective to shed new light on a project or idea. It’s easy to get so stuck in your own industry that you aren’t able to see the overall impact of a new idea. Someone in a different professional field can offer the fresh perspective you need to fully develop your new idea (better yet, maybe they have an idea you’ve never even thought of!).

Give Referrals to Other Industries
By meeting experts in different fields, you can learn more about what they do and maybe even refer their services to your friends and families. Networking referrals don’t work very well when you only know professionals in your field because you don’t want to refer someone to your competition. By meeting experts in other industries, you can have a more rounded and holistic referral group and get more referrals in return.

Getting insight from a mastermind of professionals in other industries by sharing in monthly roundtables is a great way to expand your knowledge and enhance what you can offer to your clients. Do these work for you? Have any experience in peer groups, masterminds or roundtables? Tell us how they helped you #BeAwesome with your work!
Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!
Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+,YouTubePinterestInstagram and the tools to manage them.

#EducationMatters – Open a Book & Learn Something New

“Unless you do something beyond what you’ve already mastered, you will never grow.”
– Ronald E. Osborne

In life and in business, truer words were never spoken. With so much knowledge at our fingertips through online courses, books, seminars, and more, there is no better time to extend your scope of understanding.

Imagine that your business is water and your knowledge is the river bed it travels down. If you stop learning, the river stops flowing and the water becomes stagnant. Knowledge serves three purposes:

  • 1.     Expand your horizons, both as an individual and as part of a business
  • 2.     Encourages flexibility in change
  • 3.     Provides wisdom and inspiration from those who have been there before you

Don’t limit yourself to business-exclusive topics, either. A person who only studies business will only understand other business-focused individuals and may lose sight of the customer’s needs. A mind needs balance. Time management, spiritual journeys (to include creative expression), biographies, history…the sky is the limit on what you can learn and who you can learn from.

Here are several free (or mostly free) resources available to you:

MIT Open Courseware: The Massachusetts Institute of Technology has offered its course curriculum for free to anyone. From Urban Studies and Planning, to Math, to Global Studies and Languages, there is a courseavailable for anyone.

Your Local Library: You’re probably familiar with this place, but did you realize most libraries have access to online courses, ebooks, and more through a company called Overdrive? If you have a long commute, why not check out their audiobook selection? Learn while you travel. If you want to know whether your local library has this available, check here.

Kindle Unlimited: For a subscription fee per month, you can have access to hundreds of thousands of Kindle Unlimited titles with just a touch of a button. KU allows you to download up to ten titles at a time. If you’ve filled up your allotted space, no worries. Just click on the book you want and Amazon will ask you which book you’d like to return. It’s like an infinite lending library since new titles are added every day. Another bonus you may not be aware of: KU pays authors a small amount per page read, so everyone wins. The Amazon reading app is available on all mobile devices and desktops, so don’t worry about compatibility. Many titles also come with a free audiobook as well.

These are just some resources to get you started. It’s imperative that you set aside personal development time every week. It doesn’t matter if it’s thirty minutes a week or thirty minutes every day, #EducationMatters when it comes to honing your edge. The team here at The Social Media Advisor hopes that these resources help you continue to #BeAwesome.

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!
Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Google+,YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram and the tools to manage them.

LinkedIn: Unlock the Potential

LinkedIn just might be one of the most misused “multi-tools” on the net.  A quick look on Wikipedia just illustrates my point.  Most people are using LinkedIn as an address book of professional connections, a site to post a resume in search of a new job, a place for employers to “head hunt” to fill spots in their company.  Let me take a minute to say that those that use LinkedIn for these purposes are having great success.  With over 58 million members in the United States alone, many business owners are missing out on the great potential of LinkedIn.

Throughout history many of the things we use every day, were actually created for an entirely different purpose.  One example is a spring that was designed in 1943 by a naval engineer to help stabilize sensitive equipment on ships.  If the potential of this spring wasn’t unlocked, then there would be only a select group of people that would have any use for this spring or even know what it is.  Because the potential of this spring was unlocked, there have been more than 300 million sold and you would be hard pressed to find anyone that doesn’t know what a Slinky is.
Any business owner or salesman should be chopping at the bit with the thought of tapping into a market of over 147 million worldwide.  Imagine being able to reach out to this many potential customers in a place they are already visiting, and allowing these potential customers to build a relationship with you and your company.  If that wasn’t enough, the Basic LinkedIn account is FREE!  I have never seen such a pool of potential customers that you can access for free, that are already spending on average 8 – 21 minutes a day, but is being used by most to search for a job and NOT customers.  Even the paid versions of LinkedIn provide so many additional options to enhance your connection experience.
 The bottom line is that the tools are all around us.  If you are not unlocking these tools, you are getting left behind.  In a climate where millions of small businesses are closing each year, can you afford to not unlock this potential?  If you don’t know how to unlock these tools, then I would suggest finding someone with a key before it is too late.

~ Social Media is changing the way people do business.  Don’t get left behind ~ 

Jeremy Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a social media manager, trainer and consultant in  LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Google+ , Pinterest and the tools to manage them.  

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