Tag: Email Marketing

AllProWebTools Launched AWESOME New Tools for Businesses!


Over the last 2 years, I have had the honor of implementing systems within AllProWebTools for my business and a variety of clients. There is so much value in incorporating business processes in a single system.  A single system you ask?  As a customer management program, I use for my business, to a myriad of additional functionality, I wanted to personally share the benefits of the system and recent enhancements that will benefit the small business owner, virtual assistant team managers and social media managers in support of their clients.

CRM – Customer Relationship Management

AllProWebTools provides a tool for robust CRM.  Sure, there are a lot of CRM’s out there, by have you utilized a tool that has customization, with a team that can write code to make the ideas for your envisioned processes work?  We have this team.  I met with the team a few months ago to discuss integration of some key functions of my business systems, processes, and to discuss the challenges of a variety of subscriptions in a massive amount of platforms … wouldn’t it be wonderful to house all of my systems and processes in one place instead of many?

AllProWebTools stepped up to the challenge and the new release provided me with a variety of tools to tackle some of the pain points I have in my day to day work flow. These, I will share with you below.

Newsletters and Mass Communications
Sending newsletters, announcements and drip campaigns have been a large pain point in effectively communicating messages with clients, potential clients and power partners.  How can I effectively setup a communication system without key functionality?  I used another system in conjunction with functions of my AllProWebTools product and it just didn’t make sense to continue tolling and developing processes in multiple systems.  AllProWebTools developed functionality to house my drip along with my newsletters in a single database.  I can now track communications to ALL of my contacts in the system to truly know when I communicated, how I communicated and what their actions were!


Email Integration
A Challenge with managing email in a variety of places, such as Outlook, Gmail and other hosts, is the fact that you are literally having to login to different databases to manage email communication and manually take notes on each communication in the system.  The team at AllProWebTools developed processes for my multiple email addresses to track communications as they happen with every single contact.  Which means, if I am looking up communications with Sally Sue of ABC Company, I no longer have to login and search a variety of email accounts for our communications, it is housed nicely in the AllProWebTools system, by email address for each of my contacts.  Additionally, I no longer have to login to multiple email accounts, but the system also works as an email host so that all of my email communication can come from this system alone.  I can also flag specific emails (such as spam) to not save data in the system as a contact, so that my database remains clean, containing only contacts that are truly real and spam gets removed from my tasks on a daily basis, which saves me a ton of time!


Social Media and Analytic Reporting

One of my struggles as a Virtual Social Media Manager, has been the aspect of reporting.  In the new launch, they developed a system to automatically import reporting for Google analytics and social media sites, so when my clients want an active report of activity and engagement, I can quickly pull up their reporting within mere moments.  This eliminates the process of manually logging into each profile, taking screen shots of reports and compiling a manual report for our clients.  Literally, 2 hours worth of billable time condensed into a few short clicks for a downloadable report.


As an AllProWebTools Expert, it has been wonderful to share the needs of our Virtual clients, provide insight into options for them and for the team to literally hear these requests and develop the processes for me … priceless.

The team is top notch.  If you are providing support services for you clients, I highly recommend this tool for CRM, Newsletters, Drip, Social Media Reporting, as well as a myriad of other functions I haven’t mentioned; including but not limited to Ecommerce, Website hosting, task management, team assignments, landing pages, SEO, Blog functionality, data storage (such as Dropbox for example) and so much more.  If you have a business process that needs be housed in a single database and are tired of logging in, remembering many passwords and if you are interested in streamlining processes, this is the system for you.

 AllProWebTools Certified Marketing Expert DISCOUNT

As an expert, we have the ability to offer you significant discounts on the normal $195 setup fee that would be charged if your clients purchased directly from AllProWebTools. If you contact us for setup with AllProWebTools, we will offer you a 50% discount on your setup in the system. Just mention #ALLPRO201750

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+,YouTubePinterestInstagram and the tools to manage them.

#ReviveYourMarketing – Don’t Put All of Your Eggs in One Marketing Basket

As an entrepreneuror small business owner, the work you are passionate about is your main driving force. However, marketing is an essential element of any successful company and cannot be overlooked. I know, you are busy and don’t have time to focus on marketing. However, the blunt truth is, if you want to grow you can’t afford to not participate in marketing.
So, you dip your toe into the water and you try something. It may or may not be achieving results. That means going back to the drawing board and adapting the technique or trying something new entirely. What I’d like to encourage each of you to do is to try different marketing methods at the same time. Don’t put all your money into the one marketing avenue you think will work. Right now, you aren’t really sure what will work. You have probably done some research and gotten a ton of advice – but the real test is actually trying it and analyzingthe results.
Why You Should Diversify
There are many different reasons why diversifying your marketingis a great idea.
  • 1.     Your audience doesn’t all hang out in the same place. Everyone gravitates to a different area of the web. By selecting only one method or channel, you eliminate any potential client who doesn’t use it.
  • 2.     Websites change, adapt and disappear. If you have invested all of your marketing into the next, great, trendy website – what will you do if that company collapses? What will you do if it is taken over or changes direction? You’ll have to start all over. No one should be dependent on just one approach.
  • 3.     The more channels you participate in, the more you build your online web presence and establish credibility. The search engines are more likely to rank you higher if they see your name come up multiple times – from multiple sources. This will also establish your digital marketing equity and increase your brand online.
  • 4.     Focusing on more than one source will help keep your content and promotional materials interesting and fresh – for both you and your audience.

Types of Digital Marketing
Here are just some of the more popular options in digital marketing in 2016. There are more marketing methods available than this blog post could possibly cover. The idea is not to try to master them all. No one has time for that. Plus, many of the techniques may not work or connect you with your ideal target audience.
       Social Media Marketing – SMM covers a lot of territory. This could mean focusing on a single Facebook Business Page, a LinkedIn Profile, a Pinterest account, or keeping up with Twitter. Often the best strategy is picking multiple platforms and cross posting information. Do some trial and error to find out which ones work best for you. Or, better yet, hire an expert to help you narrow down the platforms and teach you the best way to schedule content.
       SEO – SEO stands for search engine optimization. The Internet is a big place. If you want people to find what you are putting out there, SEO is the method to use. If you optimize your website, social media, and other online content in a way that makes is accessible and appealing to the search engines – you will rise in search ranks in record time! There is both an art and science to SEO but, if you can make it work for you, it’s some of the best free marketing available.
       Content Marketing – Another way to establish your brand online is by producing content. Content marketing focuses on creating and distributing regular and consistent online content to attract new followers or customers. If you combine content marketing with solid SEO techniques, you will achieve even better results.
       Influencer Marketing – Becoming an online influencer, or expert, is way to organically grow your following. By regularly producing content, participating in interviews and live streaming, and making your presence known online – you will generate an audience that will become brand ambassadors for you. They will share your content and refer their circles to your online sites.
       Email Marketing – For many marketers, list building is the first step of marketing. If you aren’t tracking and building a list of people who interact with you, do business with you or are interested in your content – then you are throwing away valuable permission-based marketing opportunities.
Narrow It Down
I’m going to suggest that you pick at least three different methods that will help you reach your ideal client base.  Some of these will appeal to you. Others will appeal to your online followers. Do what is best for your brand and easiest for you to maintain. Consistency is important when it comes to digital marketing. If you get overwhelmed, you will walk away and accomplish nothing. Don’t do that. You need an online presence these days. The focus should be on working smarter, not harder.
As always, if you need help getting starting or advice on which direction to head into – the team at The Social Media Advisor specializes in assisting small businesses with their online branding and presence. Give us a shout so we can help you #BeAwesome.

~ Social Media is changing the way people do business.  Don’t get left behind

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere, of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedIn, FacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram and the tools to manage them. 

Click here for her 
Social Media Workshops, Classes and Seminars.