#AwesomeTools – Social Media Scheduling Tools

One of the best ways marketers have found to reach potential customers is with social media.  When social media first emerged, this was fairly easy because there was really only one platform—Facebook.  But now, there are dozens of different social media platforms including Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and even video formats such as YouTube. 
If you are working in marketing, it can be a nightmare trying to juggle all of these platforms and reach as many customers as possible.  But it doesn’t have to be this way.  There are now apps available that can help with social media scheduling.  Three of the hottest tools on the market are Buffer, Edgar, and Hootsuite. Let’s take a look and see what they have to offer.
Buffer is a scheduling tool that allows you to upload your posts and set them to post at whatever time you need.  It also allows you to cross-post to multiple platforms including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google+ and Pinterest with just the click of a button.
Buffer offers multiple plans for different users including the option to have a single user platform. If you have a big team and need many people to have access, Buffer allows you up to 25 additional team members. You can connect up to 150 different social media accounts which makes managing multiple brands a breeze. Buffer has a free account option which is perfect for people who are managing  just one brand.
Edgar currently only works with Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, but it offers a range of flexibility.  What makes Edgar so special is the ease of recycling your content. You can set a schedule that makes sense for your platform and Edgar will automatically re-share your content in a loop, so you’re getting the most out of your posts. Edgar allows scheduling for one-off posts too, so you can fill your social media to suit your needs. They keep their pricing structure simple, too with just one pricing option available.
Hootsuite is another option for scheduling your posts to automatically publish on your social media platforms. You can even bulk upload messages to save you a ton of time! Hootsuite supports Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and WordPress. What I love most about Hootsuite is their extensive data and analytics. You can analyze your data in real-time so that you can make better decisions about what material to post to your various platforms. 
Hootsuite also offers a thirty-day trial that allows you to take it for a test run before you purchase one of their many plans.  Chances are, there will be a plan that fits your business’s needs.

Social media marketing doesn’t have to be stressful.  By using the apps and tools that are available to you, you can schedule your posts and save yourself some time and headache, allowing you to focus on other parts of your business.

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!
Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+,YouTubePinterestInstagram and the tools to manage them.

#TechIsTheNewAwesome – Search Capabilities on Social Media

You may be familiar with Google search or even Bing and Yahoo search engines, but did you know that you can use your social media platforms as a search engine all on their own? Social media platforms have become one of the most popular ways to connect with people but they are also extremely useful for search engine purposes. With everyone sharing their news on social media, you no longer have to go directly to the news sources to find what you’re looking for. Here are a few different ways that you can use social media as your newest search engine.
Hashtags are vital when it comes to connecting and finding what you need on social media. It used to be that you could only search for users on social media, but now all you have to do is place a hashtag in front of your desired search and thousands of results will pop up. You will even have the option to see the most recent posts or the most popular posts. It is appropriate when using different platforms to have enough hashtags that you can connect with other users but not too many that your followers get overwhelmed. The appropriate number of hashtags for corresponding social media platforms are as follows: Instagram with 10-30 hashtags; Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Plus, and Pinterest with 3-4 Hashtags; and Twitter with 1-3 Hashtags.
You can use your social media platforms to search certain locations as well! This means that you can find people who have been to the same places as you on social media and then connect with them. This is important because if you want to market your business, you should always make sure that your demographic is one that is physically able to do business with you.
Almost all of the social media platforms that are popular in our modern society have a discover page. The discover page uses an algorithm based on people you follow, your location, and your searches to find relevant users for you to follow. This can help your social media accounts by connecting you with relevant users that you would not be able to find with any basic search. It can be scary how much our technology knows about ourselves but it can also be extremely helpful.

Say goodbye to Google Search and say hello to a new world of search engine possibilities that can connect you with people from around the world. The world is headed in the direction of an internet based society, so hop on board and connect with those around you!
Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!
Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+,YouTubePinterestInstagram and the tools to manage them.

#TechIsTheNewAwesome – Using Tablets and Smartphones with Social Media

In the modern age of social media, it can be hard to keep up with the fast pace internet environment. Sometimes being away from your computer for more than a few hours could mean missing out on valuable social media contributions. It can be hard to remain relevant when you can’t be near your computer at all times during the day. That’s why it’s so important to use other forms of technology to access your social media accounts. Here are the reasons you need to start using tablets and smartphones to manage your social media accounts:
You Will Save Time
You can use your phone or tablet not only post on social media, but also to take pictures for your content. This cuts out the time it would take you to take a photo, send it to your email, and then put it on a social media account. Instead you can snap a picture on your tablet or smartphone and post straight to the social media account of your choice. Websiteversions of some social media platforms don’t even have an option to post unless you are on a mobile device, like Instagram. It’s important to be able to post from anywhere at any time to remain relevant, and that’s much easier with a smartphone or tablet.
You Will Engage Your Audience
When you use a smartphone or tablet to manage your social media accounts, you can check them even when you’re away from your computer. This means that you can respond faster to any direct messages or comments on your posts. You will be able to engage faster and better with your audience and this will improve your overall branding.
You Will See Notifications Sooner
If something goes wrong on one of your social media accounts, you can fix it in an instant when your accounts are set up on your smartphone or tablet. It makes working from home much easier because you can quickly fix any spelling errors, inappropriate comments, etc. all without having to be at your office desk.

Using a tablet or smartphone to manage your social media accounts can give your social media the edge it needs to expand its following. Your followers will appreciate your engagement and quick response time, which means you’ll build a stronger relationship with your customers. By making use of social media apps on your smartphone or tablet, you can keep up with the fast pace of social media and not get left behind.
Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!
Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+,YouTubePinterestInstagram and the tools to manage them.

#LearningIsAwesome – Getting Comfortable With Social Media

Maybe you’re not the “techy” type but whether you like it or not, social media is here to stay. Lots of people avoid social media platforms because they feel intimidating or people are uncomfortable with the amount of information that can be shared. As scary and intimidating as social media can be, nearly 81% of the U.S. population is on a social media platform. If you’re not on any social media platform, you are missing out on millions of connections and potentially important information. Your business can benefit immensely from being on a social media platform because there are so many people you can reach out to and find that you wouldn’t be able to access through any other marketing platform. Social Media is scary, but we have created a guide to getting comfortable with social media, so read on and feel the fears melt away.
Find a social media account that you like
The best way to get comfortable with something is to spend some time with it. Find a social media account that you like and take note of the things you like about it. Perhaps you like the curated content or their unique hashtag campaigns. Find what you like about certain social media accounts and create a goal for how you’d like your future accounts to look like.
Find other people who are equally as uncomfortable as you
Talk to your friends about social media and you might discover that they felt intimidated by it at first. Your friends could give you some insight as to how they were able to become more comfortable with social media and what they enjoy about it now. Know that you are not alone in feeling uncomfortable with social media and others have felt that way too and we able to move past that.
Find a class, webinar, or online program about social media
Online courses will help guide you through every step of starting and managing a social media account to make it seem less scary. We offer an online program called Social Power Program where we teach other people who are uncomfortable with social media, the skills to succeed. Through the Social Power Program you will be able to learn the fundamentals of social media, how to build better brand engagement, how to enhance your visitors experience, and how to grow your business using social media strategies.
Social media can be really intimidating when you are starting from scratch, but know that you are not alone and once you’re comfortable, you might even enjoy it! Just another way to #BeAwesome with your business!

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!
Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+,YouTubePinterestInstagram and the tools to manage them.

Learn how to use social media to grow your business online with our video series!

  • Learn the fundamentals of social media
  • Learn how to build better brand engagement
  • Learn how to enhance your visitors' experience
  • Learn how to grow your business using social media strategies.

If you want someone to break down aspects of social media to get more clients and build your business using social media, this is the program for you.

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