#AwesomeStorytelling – Share Your Passion With Videos

One of the most effective ways to get your audience on board with your passion is by making great storytelling videos. With social media giants like Facebook and Instagram pushing video content, now’s the time to connect visually with your viewers.

How do you do that?

With awesome storytelling, of course!

An infomercial will turn off your readers, but a compelling story will keep them hooked. Stories are great ways to teach, engage with, and create emotional responses in your audience.

You don’t have to sit in front of the camera and talk for ten minutes. As a matter of fact, that can actually be detrimental to your video’s success. Instead, incorporate other visuals that help tell your story. You can use regular things like slides, but also consider recording additional footage that enforces your story. This is called B-Roll, and it’s wonderful. If your passion is horses and horse rescue, showing B-Roll footage of horses running at dawn, or the recovery efforts of a recent rescue can lend power to your voice.

Here is a fantastic video by filmographer Peter McKinnon on how to incorporate B-Roll in your video. Some key takeaways are to use your B-Roll to help tell your story, think about how your world is a part of your passion, and use it to make your story more powerful.

If you’re camera shy, you can develop videos that incorporate B-Roll, slides, and more with a voiceover by you.

You can also take advantage of platforms and the way they push videos. Instagram Stories, for instance is a great way to show your daily passion through video. Jesse Driftwood is an excellent Instagram Stories user, and he gives some incredible tips on how to take your storytelling to the next level. Keep in mind that Instagram Stories are temporary, but you can create the video with whatever software you choose and then upload it, so your Stories stay with you. You can release them on other platforms, as well, but the daily connection with your passion can be told through daily footage, excitement for your day, and, as Jesse says, by making everyday things in your life a “character”.

Whatever way you decide to tell your story, make sure you keep these key point in mind:
  1. A story has a beginning, middle, and end. Whether it’s ten minutes on YouTube or fifteen seconds on Instagram Stories, you need to follow this logic. A cliffhanger now and then is okay, but do it too often, and your audience will become exasperated.
  2. Music is necessary. Make sure you adjust the volume levels appropriately, and that the music fits the story you tell.
  3. Shoot video footage with as much stabilization as possible. There is nothing more jarring than shaky cameras. There are some amazing phone and camera mounts out there. If you create “selfie” types of videos, make sure you have three points of contact with the stick and you’ll see a huge difference in the shakiness factor. You can also try a stabilization system like steadicam or any other type of gimbal device. Basically, it uses counterweights to keep your video steady so you can walk, talk, and without the jarring stepping motions.
  4. Put your best foot forward. In video, appearances are just as important as content. So make sure you’re camera ready before you begin.

That’s it for video storytelling! What kind of video did you want to make? Are there any areas you’d like me to expand on?

Remember that telling your passion in the form of storytelling is just one way to be awesome in storytelling.

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!
Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+,YouTubePinterestInstagram and the tools to manage them.

#AwesomeStorytelling – Share Your Triumphs! What Pain Points Have You Solved?

The trick to telling your brand story lies in understanding that followers are more interested in themselves than they are in your company. You might have an engaging story full of action, compassion or impact but the key is telling it in a way that inspires, motivates or empowers the reader. 

It’s not a new concept in marketing – the idea is to highlight benefits, not features. How does what you provide benefitthe client or consumer? Getting inside the head of your audience means first understanding who your target audience actually is. Once you’ve figured that out, you need to find out how to reach them. One way to do that is to uncover their pain points.
People make purchases for a couple of reasons mainly for either pain or pleasure. Parting with our money means making tough choices. Is it worth the enjoyment I will get out of it? Or will it solve a problem that I need resolved? If you can convince the reader that you are a solution to a problem causing them pain, then the battle is already over. 
When crafting the stories you will share with the world, are you showcasing how your product or service will ease their pain and solve their problems? Don’t assume that putting together these case studies comes off as bragging or tooting your own horn – a well-crafted tale will be about the happy client and not the company. It is also all a business needs to close that next sale. Exercise your storytelling abilities by demonstrating your success and triumphs in your content and social media.
How many ways can you spin this yarn? Post the case studies onto your website for easy access. Be sure to incorporate your willing clients so that followers can get the perspective of your pleased customers. Make a video with your satisfied client, interviewing them or just asking them about their experience with your business. Collect testimonials and post them everywhere, create custom graphics to share these moments in your social. Turn the case studies into blog posts that you can post and share. Create a presentation filled with these stories that you can post on Slideshare or rotate on a screen at your place of business. The opportunities are endless for demonstrating that your company provides solutions!
It’s time to let people know that you exist to fill a need and that you are passionate about the services you provide. You can preach about your products and services, and how wonderful they are, all day long but that doesn’t mean your audience cares. Give them a reason to care by showing them how hiring you will make their lives better. That’s how you elevate your brand and continue to #BeAwesome at what you do!

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!
Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+,YouTubePinterestInstagram and the tools to manage them.

#AwesomeStorytelling – Stories That Highlight Experience in Your Industry

If you want your viewers to connect with your brand, you’ll need to give them some common ground. One of the most effective ways to do so is by telling some awesome stories that highlight your experience in your industry. Here are some tips that will help you create compelling stories:

Speak truthfully.
Integrity is the cornerstone of brand trust. Don’t try to tell stories in which you are the savior. Instead, show your stories through their eyes. Show their struggles (and yours) to create a successful outcome. Audiences find hope and connection when your stories overcome adversity. It’s the way you tell the story that connects them.

Be Authentic to Yourself.
You need to explain why you do what you do and the purpose behind your actions. The key to success, is that emotional connection, remember? You need to explain how your involvement in this story is special and unique to your industry. Your “why” is just as important as the outcome.

Infuse Personalities into Stories.
Dry, factual statements and arguments will actually create barriers to trust. It is natural to be critical and skeptical of a person’s claims. It will cause a person to click away from an ad, post, or page, almost as quickly as a pushy, “Buy me because I said so” social media push. When those facts are wrapped in the power of a story, however, there is a chance to get them emotionally invested in the outcome. This emotionally connection allows them to follow through to the end, willing to suspend disbelief, and root for an outcome that aligns with your needs.

Know Your Audience.
Knowing your audience means you have to give them stories and characters that they will root for. Simplify your message and make sure you cut out unnecessary details. Anything that doesn’t further the story or the emotional impact has to go.

Include a Beginning, Middle, and End (Story Structure is King!)
There is nothing worse than a rambling story that has no purpose. Make sure that your stories follow a proven story structure for maximum engagement. You’ll want exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and a resolution. Each of these pieces connect your readers with your story in an emotional way.

Here are some ways you can get readers engaged with your #AwesomeStorytelling:

  • Use your ads in a sequential story form. Refinery29, actually did a Facebook ad test regarding this, and found a 56% conversion life, and an 87% rise in view-throughs.
  • Use visual storytelling. It’s imperative that you use the five senses in your storytelling so that your story can come to life. Visual aids like images, graphs, videos, and infographics can make your story far more compelling. Keep your social media platform in mind, as well, when you consider these options. Instagram Stories are highlighted at the top of everyone’s Insta feed. Facebook Day in the Life is highlighted at the top of the messenger app. We all know that Facebook videos are currently pushed more than regular content. You can tell the same stories in a thousand different ways. Don’t let yourself be limited.

There are so many more ways to use stories in your business. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Take time to create compelling stories, and you’ll see a huge difference in your social media responses.

Start your first story today!

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!
Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+,YouTubePinterestInstagram and the tools to manage them.

#AwesomeConsistency – How Consistency Makes Your Brand Stand Out

In our last post, we talked about why consistency is essential to your social media strategy. The focus was mostly on what your audience expects in terms of presence. However, there are many reasons why posting consistently is a game changer for your social and one of them is brand impact. Not only are you vying every day for your target audience’s attention, you are competing against other brands to earn influence and credibility as well.
With our shortened attention spans and the flood of content being directed at us daily, standing out as a brand on social media is no walk in the park. Without consistency, it is difficult to adequately get your vision across to your viewers.  If you haven’t managed to deliver this in social, you can bet someone offering something similar has cracked the code. 
The businesses that are doing this will be instantly recognized – at a glance. You don’t have to read an ad to know if it’s coming from Nike or Apple or Disney. Your peripheral vision, and this instant recognition of their brand, is enough for an audience to immediately pinpoint whose marketing it is. 
How can you switch up your social postings to make them more consistent – and instantly recognizable? 
The first step is putting together a solid editorial calendar. Having a set schedule for your posts will help you when creating content but also helps your audience know what to expect from you. Brands can also post above and beyond what their calendar entails as long as they stick to the consistent schedule. 
Style Guide
Having an overall idea of what your brand will look like online is a good idea but having it all put together into a branding style guide is even better. If you are investing any amount of time into developing your brand, then a style guide is necessary for maintaining consistency. Here are some examples of what a style guide looks like to give you an idea of what you will need to pull together.
Writers (and copywriters) fully understand how essential developing the right tone for copy can be. Having a brand “voice” will remind you how to remain consistent. Are you sassy? Professional? Informative? If you could describe your brand in three words – what would they be? 
First you have to define your voice and then you have to ensure that you are using the same tone in all your branding. Here is an article to help you get started.
Last, but certainly not least, is developing visual content for your online presence, marketing, and social media. 
“Visual content has become so prevalent that it’s no longer just a piece of the marketing industry, but its core.”
Kimberlee Morrison
To get attention today, you have to invest in visual content. Videos, graphics, memes, infographics, slide shows – all of these are visuals. Our attention spans are ridiculously short and a brand needs high-quality, stunning, eye-catching graphics in order to grab attention and get noticed. Consistency comes into play when developing these because you want your audience to instantly recognize you, and your brand, when they glance at content you’ve created. 

If you follow these guidelines, you will find that you are already ahead of the curve when compared to much of your competition. Creating your social media strategy, so you can #BeAwesome at what you do, should involve a plan ensuring your branding is consistent across all channels. 

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!
Hollie Clere of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media, Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+YouTubePinterestInstagram and the tools to manage them.