Author: Hollie Clere

Social Seven – Top 6 Twitter Tips

Top 6 Twitter Tips with Social Bridges
Special Guest: Beth Johnston of Social Bridges
Beth Johnston of Social Bridges is our guest speaker this weekend and she has some social media tips for our audience. This is a 101 class for individuals already on Twitter but are more interested in getting their brand recognized on the platform. Here are six tips for companies who would like to get started on Twitter.
Twitter is known as the cocktail party of social media. You’ve got 140 characters or less to make your point and to make it a solid, clear statement. It’s a quick to respond platform. You need to monitor Twitter and respond when mentioned.
Top 6 Tips for Making Your Brand Known on Twitter
1. Tweet About Your Business
People are following you because they are interested in your business. You are the expert so post industry information. Behind the scenes posts are interesting. Use Twitter to educate.
2. Make Yourself the Local Expert
This is especially true if you have a local storefront. Tweet about events, activities and special occasions going on in your area. Tweet about what is going on. Reach out to people interested in your area and showcase your knowledge.
3. Engagement
Twitter is known for their quick conversations. Encourage more of that by tweeting questions. Make it about your followers.
4. Hashtags
Hashtags are critical. Using the # symbol before a trending word or phrase will draw new followers to your account helping you reach a wider audience.
5. Mentions
Mentions is when Twitter users put the @ symbol before another user’s Twitter handle. This is a way to draw attention to a specific user, highlight them, ask them a public question, or just start a conversation.
6. 8/20 Rule
As with any social media marketing, it’s important to use the 80/20 rule on Twitter. This means only spending 20% of the time (or less) on self promotion and the rest of the time on content that is interesting to the audience.
Learn more about Beth and her company by visiting:
Think this might help you with scheduling content and staying on top of your social media? Follow us on social media to find out when our Social Seven podcast is streaming live!

Are you looking for Social Media Speakers in 2016 for your Groups or Teams?

Are you interested in hosting a Social Media Speaker for 2016? We would love to meet your group and discuss top online marketing trends of 2016!

Can you relate to any of the following questions?

?         We want to know … what are the latest trends for social media marketing for 2016?
?         How do we incorporate a relationship and retention building strategy with our clients in social media?
?         What are tools we can incorporate today to help build the “Like, Know, Trust” with our customers TODAY?
 This presentation is an ideal fit for your business and the people in our group!
Telling an effective story in your brand will make or break your online presence. 
In our research, 9 out of 10 Corporate Profiles in social media are not enriched with anything relevant to their brand, their potential clients or their ideal target market. 
Anyone can build a Social Media Profile Page, but do they know how to build them correctly?

This talk will discuss the importance of a story in your marketing, the key components social platforms utilize to make your brand searchable and tools to establish your true “voice” which will guide your brand on the journey of building a solid foundation for a successful social media relationship with your audience. Launching these principles into your business will immediately improve your credibility with your customers by building a long standing relationship with your clients so your competition isn’t claiming them from you. 

Workshop Take-aways:  
?         Your Story Matters: Defining the social media algorithms and how they can help or hurt your brand  Content is KING! 
?         Discussing the proper ways to integrate the power of native video, branded images and keyword rich storytelling into your online brand  
?         Tools of the Trade: Top tools for creating and scheduling content, monitoring engagement, and processes to keep you on top of your marketing funnel. 
Let us know if this workshop would be of benefit to your business, networking group, mastermind, business development or sales teams.

#BeAwesome In Storytelling For Your Brand

Your Trainer: Hollie Clere at:

Contact Information: 

New Year, New Habits – Building an Editorial Calendar

Are you new and just getting started with social media? Have you been using social platforms but feel like your engagement is suffering because you don’t have a solid strategy in place? Social media, like any other aspect of marketing, is more effective when a plan is established and followed. Success can be found by winging it but it’s not as likely, and not nearly as sustainable.
Building an editorial calendar is the essential first step when it comes to strategizing your social media efforts. A calendar is a tool that allows business owners to create and curate consistent content in a time efficient way. It breaks down content into platforms, number of posts per day/week, and scheduling for peak times.
Pick Your Platforms
Spend some time examining the diversity of the social media platforms to determine which sites will have the best impact for your business. Each of the platforms has different strengths and weaknesses and one-size fits all plans will fail in impact and efficiency. 
Then it’s time to figure out how often to post and that is also unique to the platform. Facebook posts should be no more than 3 – 10 each week, while Twitter needs at least 5 posts every day. On top of that, an examination of peak times of the day is necessary as well to ensure that posts are hitting at the most effective time.
Posting Times
If you have already been posting to social, the next step is to evaluate what you’ve been posting based on its rate of engagement. Certain posts will attract more attention than others. Start by scheduling and incorporating those types of content into your calendar and build from there.  Most of the social platforms offer some sort of analytics tool if it is not immediately obvious what is working and what is falling flat.
If social media is a new tool at your disposal, start thinking about what posts resonate with you the most when you are using various social media platforms. Check out some competition to see what type of engagement success they are having. Make some notes and use that as a starting point in developing your first editorial calendar.
Curating Content
Once you know where to post, when to post, and what types of content to post – it’s time to start curating content. The first priority should be original content. There should be some original content being created every week. The rest of it should be curated, which means finding content online that can be shared with your audience. When curating, it’s important to stay true to your targeted audience and your brand. Stay focused and on topic. Share information that would be interesting or beneficial to your readers.
To make this more streamlined, start compiling a list of resources. This would be websites, hashtags and other social media tools. There are many social tools available that will automatically offer suggestions based on recent content or a set of keywords.
January is the perfect time of year to begin implementing some #NewHabits, including developing an editorial calendar that can be used to make social media more impactful. If creation of the calendar is out of your wheelhouse or too time consuming, contact our Social Media Team for assistance. We’d love to help you #BeAwesome this year and really ROCK your social content!
~ Social Media is changing the way people do business.  Don’t get left behind ~ 

Be sure to Follow us and Let’s Engage!

Hollie Clere, of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedIn,FacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+ , YouTube,Pinterest, Instagram  and the tools to manage them. 

Click here for her 
Social Media Workshops, Classes and Seminars.

Learn how to use social media to grow your business online with our video series!

  • Learn the fundamentals of social media
  • Learn how to build better brand engagement
  • Learn how to enhance your visitors' experience
  • Learn how to grow your business using social media strategies.

If you want someone to break down aspects of social media to get more clients and build your business using social media, this is the program for you.

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