3 Tips on the Best Ways to Build Your LinkedIn Network


Have you ever found yourself asking this question?  “I receive connection requests on LinkedIn and I don’t know what to do with them …”

There are many strategies available to you for building a successful business using LinkedIn.  Let’s start with the Top 3 basics:

The purpose of a Social Network is to first (1) BE SOCIAL and second (3) NETWORK

Be bold with your self in LinkedIn.  Define for yourself the types of individuals, industries and connections you would like to (and prefer not to connect to) on LinkedIn.  This could be as simple as defining a region, interest, company or profession that you are open to connect with.  This could also be as vast as determining states, countries and languages you are open to connect with.  Establish your boundaries and ACCEPT and CONNECT.

Some examples we use in connecting include:

  1. Individuals from countries that speak the same language – Unless your connection is obviously speaking the same language as you, you have a barrier from the beginning.  Set yourself up for success if this is something you would like to consider
  2. Individuals from industries of professions that could benefit your network – are they possible referral resources for you?
  3. Individuals who have similar interest – maybe you both enjoy golf or technology or the outdoors?  These would be great reasons to try to get to know someone in your network. Interests are also a great tools for sales calls and “breaking the ice”.

Taking networking to a HIGHER LEVEL

If you are like me, you probably attend a weekly or monthly networking event.  What do you do with those business cards you collected?

  1. Send them a connection request on LinkedIn
  2. Include a personal message reminding them how you met
  3. Follow-up with a message (upon acceptance) asking them three (3) key things to listen for so you can best refer them

Participate in Group DISCUSSIONS

You can not only join Professional Groups related to your industry, but groups of similar interest.  You can elect to receive notification of group discussions in your email or login to view activity.  Either way, Groups are a valuable asset of the LInkedIn Platform. (you can connect to up to 50 LinkedIn Groups and a myriad of subgroups)

  1. Connect to Groups of Professional Interest to your Industry
  2. Connect to Groups of Personal Interest to you
  3. Connect to Groups where your potential clients may be present

If you utilize these three (3) techniques, you will see that not only will your knowledge of exploring the tool increase, but your visibility, activity and credibility increase as well.

Your circle of influence is only as deep as the network you are swimming in!
Happy Connecting! 

~ Social Media is changing the way people do business.  Don’t get left behind ~ 

Hollie Clere, of The Social Media Advisor is a “Be Awesome” Developer, Social Media Brand Builder, Conent Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Google+ , YouTube, Pinterest and the tools to manage them. Click here for her Social Media Workshops, Classes and Seminars


Curious on whether your social brand is built properly?  Get your Social Media Analysis today. 


Add Connections, Building Customer Relationships, LinkedIn Connections, LinkedIn CRM, LinkedIn Groups, LinkedIn Prospecting