#TeamBuilding – Invite Your Village

Our business coach, Sabina Claus asks, “How do you eat an elephant? It’s not one bite at a time. You invite the village and have a feast.”
How does this relate to your small business? Often running a company can be overwhelming. There is so much that goes on behind the scenes. It would be nice, as the owner, to be able to focus all your energy on the things you are good at – after all, that is why you started your own business to begin with. However, you need to market, balance your books, maintain your online presence, network, and various other tasks that you may or may not be talented at or have the time to accomplish.
Being an entrepreneur or small business owner does not mean you need to take on the roll of doing everything. In fact, many people discover that they are not only more productive, but also more profitable, when they hire out certain segments of their work. If you are not ready to hire on employees and build your team internally, the wonders of modern day technology allow you to access qualified help right from your desktop.
Before you begin looking into online sites such as Craigslist, Fiverr or Upwork to find assistance – consider reaching out to your network first. Your network is your village of clients, power partnersand brand advocates who are eager to see you succeed. Each one of these people has a village of their own. Invite your village in to feast and see if they are able to support you or can recommend someone that would be a perfect fit for the role you need to fill.
What types of team members could you invite into your business? Here are just a few ideas of tasks you can outsource in order to free up your time. Bring them on board as independent contractors and pay per project instead of hiring on an employee.
  •        Virtual Assistant
  •        Bookkeeper
  •        Web Designer
  •        IT Specialist
  •        Social Media Manager
  •        Graphic Designer
  •        SEO Expert

Your village is an essential resource and not only for finding contracted support. Your village is the people who support you, have your back, and are invested in your own success. Be good to them and they will be good to you.

Find out more about investing in Your Village by following our business coach, Sabina Claus. Sabina helps small businesses focus on their goals, dreams, time and getting back to enjoying the company they created. She gives business owners systems so that they are running their business instead of the other way around. Find out more at www.sabinaclaus.comor my joining her Meetup Group – Your Village.

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Hollie Clere, of The Social Media Advisor is a “#BeAwesome” Developer, Social Media Brand Builder, Content Manager, Trainer and Author in LinkedInFacebookTwitterBlogGoogle+YouTubePinterest, Instagram and the tools to manage them. 

Click here for her 
Social Media Workshops, Classes and Seminars.

#BeAwesome, #TeamBuilding, Brand Advocates, Denver Entrepreneurs, outsourcing, power partners, small business, Social Media, Social Media Marketing